
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Eastern
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40 Chs

Section 13 Diary

The crux of the problem is still in the curator's room. The white human skeleton still lying on the chair behind the huge desk is the key to the problem.

Human beings are living things, and as long as they are living things, they will die. But no matter what kind of creature, after its body dies, its nerve center will still survive for a short time. Although, this kind of survival time is not very long. Therefore, these nerves, which appear to be alive from a physiological point of view, still issue a series of commands to the body parts they control. Just like people who sit for a long time will have backache and standing for a long time will have numb legs, the last command issued by the brain before death becomes the basis for survival nerve action. Therefore, some people curl up their bodies when they suddenly experience great pain and die. Others suffer a violent blow to the head and lose all mobility, resulting in stiffness in parts of the body. Some people will have a confused facial expression after experiencing a strong shock...

However, there is absolutely no way of death that would cause a living person to maintain such inexplicable and weird movements after turning into a lifeless corpse.

Tianxiang carefully inspected the dead skeleton with its legs crossed on a chair and found that there was a hole of the same size on both sides of its head. He was no stranger to holes like this, and it would only cause such damage after shooting with a pistol. It was obvious that this was a man who had committed suicide. A previously undiscovered pistol that fell to the right side of the chair and was covered in dust clearly illustrates this point.

But what Tianxiang couldn't figure out was that the waist of the suicidal man's body and the part of his left hand close to the armrest of the chair were entangled with a rope that had long lost its flexibility. It can be seen that this is a suicide that is completely fixed on the chair.

If you want to commit suicide, why do you need to fasten yourself to a chair? Was he being coerced? Or being imprisoned? But it doesn't make sense! Since he can get the gun and his right hand is not bound at all, why not untie the rope tied to his body and escape from here? Why do you have to sit firmly on a large chair with your legs crossed?

Even if Tianxiang didn't have a sixth sense, any experienced coroner would only have one explanation - this person committed suicide. And it's a willing one.

The last time he came here, Tianxiang didn't have much time to search carefully here. But it's different now. This is the place where I and my sister live. At the very least, I should know the secrets here. Maybe there are some unexpected discoveries in it?

Hand, this dead man's left hand is quite weird. Tianxiang noticed that compared to the fact that the body was only tied up, there was obviously an extra rope on the left hand of the skeleton for fixation. So much so that his wrists and palms were completely tied to the armrests of the chair. The result of this is that after the deceased dies, even if the nerve center continues to issue unconscious twisting commands to other body parts, it will never have the slightest impact on the fixed left hand part.

It seems that this is the point where the suicidal person wants to tell the next person to hide the secret!

However, this skeleton that has been scattered on the surface of the chair only has a sternum tied to the back of the chair and a hand bone that is still fixed by a rope and has not fallen to the ground. What can it mean?

Tianxiang carefully searched for anything that could be used as clues among the scattered corpses and the damaged clothes covering them. But the result was very disappointing. Except for an old and unusable pen and a heavy metal ring, there was no item that could indicate the identity of the deceased.

The disappointed Tianxiang angrily put the dead bones away as they were, and looked at the pen and ring for a long time. After confirming that these things were of no use, his helpless eyes finally fell on the white bone tied to the armrest of the chair. superior.

Wait, something is wrong here! As if something flashed through Tianxiang's mind, he quickly looked at the rope wrapped around the bones. Only two ropes were seen, one tied up the wrist, and the other tied up the palm, so that the five sharp fingertips could only point awkwardly at the ground covered by the carpet under their control.

"That's right! It's right here!" Tianxiang quickly made his own judgment. He knelt down next to the chair, took out the dagger from his feet, and stabbed it hard at the thick red carpet.

The area of the cut red carpet was not large, just a small piece as big as a palm. However, it is enough. Just below it, a floor of almost the same size stood out, slightly higher than the rest of the surface. Although the raised part is only a few millimeters, for Tianxiang, who has extremely keen observation, it is enough for him to realize that this part of the board is different from the others.

Without thinking much, Tianxiang pressed his hand heavily. Based on his understanding and the knowledge gained from the book, the trigger points of such hidden mechanisms are nothing more than simple actions such as pressing, pulling, and rotating. Therefore, once you find them, it is not difficult at all to open them smoothly.

"Gaga--" It was like a harsh metal impact of rust gears when rubbing each other, from the side of the wall behind the deceased chair. Tianxiang was surprised to see: as the wall decorated with beautiful wallpaper that was integrated with the entire room cracked from the middle, a low door that could only accommodate one person suddenly appeared under the weak phosphorus light. In front of your own eyes.

After taking a deep breath, Tianxiang calmed down and ducked into the dark doorway.

This is a columnar staircase with a spiral shape going down. Without any source of light, it seemed quite dark. Even Tianxiang's eyes, which were accustomed to staying in a dark world and could see everything clearly with only weak light, could only faintly make out the general outline of the stairwell. However, it is enough for him with his keen perception. In this way, touching the edge of the wall that was obviously made of reinforced concrete, Tianxiang carefully followed the guidance of the steps and slowly took cautious and determined steps down step by step.

The stairs were very long. After Tianxiang secretly counted the five hundred and sixty-four steps, the soft soles finally touched a piece of solid hard ground. About five or six meters ahead, the outline of a tightly closed steel door suddenly appeared in front of Tianxiang's eyes.

This is an iron door that has been corroded by water stains that seeped into the cave. Tianxiang carefully stroked all the positions along the door. There was no keyhole or anything like that, but in the center of the two halves of the door frame, there was a circular groove no more than the size of a finger, with a bulge in it that felt like a "cross" shape.

The grooves are small and deep. Tianxiang put his fingers in and tried it. The raised cross seemed to be able to rotate. If he could put two fingers in at the same time, he believed that part of it could be rotated. Thinking about it, this should be the key to opening the iron gate!

The iron door was very tight. Even if Tianxiang pushed with all his strength, it wouldn't budge at all. It seems that if you want to enter it smoothly, you must find the key to open it.

Tianxiang rummaged through everything on his body and couldn't find a tool suitable for opening the door. Even a dagger with a very thin blade cannot penetrate the tip. For a moment, a huge sense of loss enveloped Tianxiang, causing him to sit down on the wet ground as if he was dejected.

"What is this?" Just when the buttocks were in contact with the ground, an obvious but not very resisting feeling came from the connection between the muscles, clothes and the ground. It is a tactile sensation that can only be obtained by squeezing the skin with a hard object sandwiched between it.

"Ring! It's the ring that was found on the dead body!" Tianxiang stood up from the ground with a start, and hurriedly took out the large, round metal ring from a hidden pocket on his hip. It wasn't that the ring's presence made him uncomfortable. But he suddenly remembered: In the center of this circular ring, there seemed to be a cross-shaped groove of the same size. Its size also seems to be exactly the same as the raised cross on the iron door in front of it.

Squeezing the ring part of the ring, Tianxiang carefully inserted the ring surface into the groove on the iron door, and turned the ring with force, but found that he could not turn the ring with just the strength of his fingers. As a last resort, he could only put the ring into his fingers, then clenched it into a fist and rotated it vigorously. After a slight "click" sound was heard from the keyhole of the door, a tiny but very obvious narrow crack seemed to appear in the crack of the door that was originally sealed by the iron embroidery. Vaguely, there was still a little bit of weak light coming from inside.

"Oh my God! What is this? Where is this?"

Tianxiang was completely stunned by what he saw. If the feeling he felt when he accidentally opened the arms warehouse upstairs was one of surprise, then the feeling he felt after pushing open the iron door now could only be described as horror.

This is a huge underground space. Although it is not so big that you can't see the edge at a glance, it is still a tall and spacious space. It seemed as if the iron door was a trigger. The moment Tianxiang pushed it open, a row of low-energy emergency lights surrounding the wall all emitted a milky white scattered light. Although it is not very bright, it is enough to illuminate the entire space.

Of course, what frightened Tianxiang was not the area of this underground space, but the items placed and contained in it. They are the things that really shock people.

Two strange vehicles with thick chains, and another one that seems to be exactly the same as them, but the square part with a long and thick pipe at the top is hung high in the room by several black chains. top. Only a groove with the same shape but slightly smaller than it was left quietly lying across the surface of the car body, revealing piles of inexplicable pipelines and many unknown components.

"Tank! This is a tank! One of the most powerful weapons created by the ancients." Tianxiang thought to himself. He was very familiar with this thing. He had seen many related pictures in the pile of military books. So it's easy to call it by name.

Carefully sparing these piles of lifeless steel, Tianxiang cautiously came to the center of the room. Parked there was something with four rubber wheels underneath and a huge cross-shaped iron piece on top. Tianxiang is no stranger to it either. This seems to be a tool that can fly into the sky. It seems to be called a "helicopter".

Not only these, there are many parts and guns scattered around the corner of the house. If you look along the wall, you can see boxes of half-open bullets and scattered shell casings. Of course, there is also the most common thing that can be seen everywhere in the dark world - the bones of ancient people.

Tianxiang carefully inspected all the found items with excitement and curiosity. Even the cockpits of tanks and airplanes were carefully explored. Of course, nothing comes of this. In addition to making him slightly familiar with the internal structure, it is simply impossible to operate these things smoothly. Over time, these huge ancient weapons have been corroded by dust and oil. Now they are, at best, nothing more than a bunch of displays without any life and vitality.

In addition to these, there is a strange device suspended high by various machines on the wall near the back of the room. From a distance, it looks like a person. There are hands, feet, and a head. However, all of these are pulled up by a crane extending from the roof, and can only be connected by a few thick wires. In ancient books, the name of this kind of thing should be called "mobile armor".

"There is nothing that can be used!" Tianxiang silently defined this newly discovered secret place in his heart. He carefully groped for a bullet in his hand that he had rummaged through in the ammunition box. This thing was of no use anymore. Although it is full of oil and dirt, it also has good ventilation ducts. However, a large amount of groundwater seeping from the roof has caused serious corrosion to all metal objects. Not to mention those large pieces of machinery, even the surfaces of these small bullets were horribly corroded. In some cases, the warhead and cartridge case have even separated. As long as you pull it out gently with your hand, the black powder contained in it will overflow from it like a pile of sand and gravel without any obstruction, and scatter on the ground, forming a small dust pile.

"There seems to have been a pretty fierce battle here!" This was the second thought that appeared in Tianxiang's mind. Judging from the human skeletons scattered in the room and the bullet casings scattered on the floor, it seemed that these people had died in battle. As for the huge pits on the hard cement floor that were obviously created after the explosion, as if to confirm Tianxiang's idea, he lay there quietly, widening his semicircular gap, and uttered bursts of silent words of approval.

There are no signs of insect activity here. It may be that the thick smell of oil in the air has made them give up the idea of building a nest here. Tianxiang tightened the bolt of a new M5G43 submachine gun in his hand and continued to walk through these seemingly useful things, but in fact they were just like garbage. He wants to search for items left by the ancients that are useful to him.

The emergency lights on the wall are still glowing faintly, maybe because no one has been here for hundreds of years! Their energy supply situation is relatively good. This also allows Tianxiang to accurately find the most valuable things among piles of scrap metal under sufficient light.

a book! A book with a plastic cover appeared in front of Tianxiang. Next to it, there was also the skeleton of an ancient man who had lost his life.

Tianxiang flipped through the book he picked up gently, and the contents clearly made him understand some issues that he had never thought of before. This can be clearly read from his face full of fear and horror.

This is not a book, exactly. Rather, it is a diary, a diary in which ancient people recorded events.

Overcast on June 21, 2114

It's been many days and we still haven't seen any sign of reinforcements. Although there is sufficient ammunition here, and there is no shortage of food and drinking water, it is unable to deal a powerful blow to the invaders. There is no way, our weapons are too old, too old. The number of the latest laser rifles developed by the Federation is too small. According to the captain, those weapons are only partially distributed among elite troops. As for us, I'm afraid we can only use old-fashioned machine guns to fight the enemy!

Overcast on June 23, 2114

The sky was still so gloomy, and the sun seemed to have completely lost its trace. I really don't understand why those bastards from the Science and Technology Research Department came up with such a bad idea to cover the earth. Even the captain said that this was the stupidest idea of the century. The continuous cold and damp conditions made my socks feel sticky. There is no way, that thing can't be dried at all. Even if it is roasted over fire, it can only be half dry and half wet. Of course, the smell is also extremely stinky...

Overcast on June 24, 2114

Zhang Zhenbing died, and so did Bowman. They were my best partners in the team. It's all the fault of that stupid artillery sniper. If it weren't for them, Zhang Zhenbing and Bowman wouldn't have died. They can safely return through the second channel after the attack mission is over. I really wanted to rush up and beat that idiot up. If he hadn't been frightened by the intruder and forgot to fire the cannon, I'm afraid they could still be grabbing bread with me now. To be honest, if the captain hadn't stopped me, I would have shot that bastard through the head.

what else can we do! All the blame must be placed on those terrifying intruders.

(Question time, imagine, what new things will the protagonist get in the scenes of this chapter? A: Light weapons B: Heavy weapons C: Tanks D; Aircraft E: Mobile armor F: Nothing hehe! Guess it, vote It's indispensable, please hand over your SMS tickets and recommendation tickets!)