
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

The crowd is in turmoil

Anthony raised an eyebrow, thinking that Ross might find his demands too excessive. He immediately added, "As a gesture of gratitude, I can help once a month."

Ross shook his head and a wry smile appeared on his face. He said, "This condition is beyond my authority. I need to request it from headquarters."

"Okay," Anthony wasn't afraid of trouble. He stood to gain in all aspects, and of course, the exchange of supplies for his assistance was also beneficial for the other party.

Soon, the phone was connected. "This is the headquarters of the Survivors Base in Chu Province. How can I assist you?" came the voice on the other end.

Ross spoke into the phone, "I am Ross, the captain of the search and rescue team in Linxian City. I request to communicate with the commander at headquarters."

"Hmm... please wait," there was a hesitation for two seconds.

After about ten minutes, a strong and powerful voice sounded, "I am the Commander of the Chu Province Military District. Comrade Ross, please proceed."

"Commander, I need to report important intelligence to you."

"..." The two of them exchanged information for about ten minutes.

The commander on the other end expressed surprise, "A young man in his twenties killed a Shredder and a Reaper? Is the situation true? You should know the consequences of fabricating military information."

"I guarantee it with my integrity, it is absolutely true, and Comrade Glen is a witness. If we can win this person over, the security of the temporary Linxian Survivors Base we've established will be ensured, and our work in searching for survivors will be smoother," Ross said.

The Commander thought for a moment and said, "One hundred people's worth of survival supplies is too much. We can currently provide supplies for 20 people, and we can only provide 2000 ordinary zombie crystals. As for vegetable seeds, we can only provide one type per month, and one package at a time. You know that land can't be cultivated now, and a large amount of crops have been wasted. The remaining vegetable seeds are very precious to us. You tell him that these are the only conditions we can offer."

"This... I'll go and communicate with him," Ross listened and his face fell. The Commander was too harsh, cutting down nearly 90 percent of Anthony's demands. He felt a bit worried that Anthony might refuse.

Hanging up the phone, Ross turned to Anthony awkwardly and relayed the conditions from headquarters. As expected, Anthony frowned and said, "2000 ordinary zombie crystals are too few, I can accept a smaller amount, but not less than 5000. Provide two types of vegetable seeds each month, one package for each type, and we need supplies for 50 people."

"Okay, I'll convey that," Ross immediately acted as the messenger. After a back-and-forth, they finally reached a conclusion. 4000 ordinary zombie crystals, two types of vegetable seeds each month, one package for each type, and supplies for 30 people. Anthony was satisfied with this outcome.

Seeing that they had reached an agreement, Ross excitedly reached out his hand and said, " Anthony, welcome to join. From today onwards, you are the security advisor of our Linxian Survivors Base."

"Thank you," Anthony nodded.

Ross added, "Headquarters said that the supplies will arrive by the end of this month, no later than the 31st."

"Okay." After discussing the distribution of supplies, Anthony thought about his concerns and asked, "Captain Ross, do you know Daisy, Evan, Carl, and Darcy?"

Ross frowned and said, "I haven't heard of the first three, but according to reports from other comrades, a person named Darcy seems to have been newly registered at the survivors' base today."

Curious, Ross looked at Anthony and asked, "Do these people have any connection with you, Anthony?"

"Mortal enemy" Anthony suddenly said.

"Mortal enemies?" Ross's face slightly darkened.

Anthony then pulled Ross aside and explained in detail. Ross's expression became more and more shocked as he listened, and he was almost speechless in the end. He asked seriously, "Is what you're saying about Darcy true?"

"With Darcy and the others' personalities, there's a high chance they are planning to attack the LinXian Survivors Base, and their methods are extremely ruthless. Unless something unexpected happens, they should strike tonight."

"If that's true, it's truly a terrifying thing," Ross murmured, a chill rising up his spine. ...

At the same time, in the Shiqiao Community, inside an apartment building, three men and one woman were sitting together, while a middle-aged couple anxiously waited on the side. Among the three men and one woman, a towering figure-like man shouted at a masked young man, "Boss, is this plan reliable? He's a soldier!"

"So what if he's a soldier? As long as we take over that temporary base and develop and expand from the vocational school as our stronghold, we will be the rulers of Linxian City," Evan complained.

"Just a group of ordinary people," Daisy said, a trace of ruthlessness appearing on her face.

The masked young man said lightly, "Darcy has already infiltrated. We only need to wait for nightfall and for Darcy to send a signal. With our inside and outside coordination, tomorrow the Linxian Survivors Base will have a new name and new leadership."

As the words fell, all four of them showed a fierce smile. They were determined to take over this base. ...

Time flew by. It was 7:53 p.m. The sun had long set, and the sky gradually took on a deep gray hue. On the main road in front of the vocational school, there was only one white figure wandering aimlessly among the zombies.

Inside the operations room of the vocational school, Anthony and the others exchanged glances and then went out to carry out their respective tasks. Anthony silently walked towards the shantytown. To be honest, he wasn't sure about dealing with four Awakened individuals at once, but when it came to taking on Darcy alone, he was more than capable.

Based on his memories from Anthony past life, Darcy was a man from Linxian City. His age and occupation were unknown, but he possessed the ability to turn invisible, although the duration of his invisibility was uncertain. Carrying a Tang sword, he entered a building next to the shantytown and with a single step, leaped several meters high and slipped into a classroom on the second floor. He casually pulled up a chair near the window and sat down, looking through the window to get a panoramic view of the shantytown. Now, all he needed to do was wait patiently for Darcy to make a move.

Ten minutes passed. Inside the shantytown, survivors gathered to receive their daily rations. Some formed small groups, while others conversed in pairs, discussing the events of the day. Among them, a man wearing a white short-sleeved shirt joined the crowd and listened to their conversations.

"If it weren't for this damn apocalypse, I would still be getting a massage at the club!" complained a bald, tattooed man with a gold chain, clearly having had a good life before the apocalypse.

Another man chimed in, "Oh my god, buddy, stop complaining. Having enough to eat is already a luxury these days."

"Yeah, we should gossip instead," said a middle-aged man, then mysteriously added, "Let me tell you some important news."

"What news?" a few more people gathered around.

"I heard that Captain Don went with a team to collect supplies, but they encountered some damn thing and lost twelve team members," the middle-aged man said.

"Oh my goodness, I was wondering why the rations were less today."

"Yeah, if the search and rescue team members are sacrificing themselves, how are we going to survive?" The discussions grew more heated, and more people gathered around.

Seeing that the topic had captured everyone's attention, the man in the white short-sleeved shirt discreetly stepped aside, took out a lighter from his pocket, and quietly set one of the shanties on fire. Then, he seamlessly merged back into the crowd as if nothing had happened.

Soon, the smell of burning filled the air, catching people's attention. "Do you smell something?" someone asked.

"It smells like something is burning," others replied. They followed the scent and discovered that their own shanties were on fire, and the flames were spreading rapidly. With the shanties close together and aided by the night breeze, a row of huts caught fire.

As the huts burned, the crowd panicked and rushed to find something to extinguish the flames. The commotion quickly attracted the attention of the stationed soldiers. Observing from above, Anthony had a bird's-eye view of everything and calmly gripped his Tang sword. "The time has come for me to make my move."