
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Outsmart the Slayer

"Eye of Data, activate!" Anthony whispered to himself.

In the next moment, data about the monster immediately appeared on his information panel.


Species: Zombie

Level: Level 1 (higher)

Intelligence: 0.3

Strength: 40

Agility: 43.7

Overall Combat Power: 84"

"No wonder it was able to severely injure the old man and me!" Anthony looked at the Slayer's data in front of him, shocked. Just based on its level, it had reached the peak of the Level 1 Tier of zombies. If allowed to continue developing, it would likely promote to the Second Tier in no time.

The Second Tier... at the thought of this, Anthony swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty. He had only encountered a Second Tier zombie once in his life, during the siege by the horde of corpses. Back when he was still a scavenger, he heard the news from the Explorers' side. The most significant characteristic of a Second Tier zombie was that its attributes were ten times that of a First Tier zombie.

For example, a First Tier Smasher had a strength of 1.8 tons, while a Second Tier Smasher would have an astonishing strength of 18 tons. What does eighteen tons mean? It's equivalent to a super heavy-duty truck. Just try to imagine the experience of a super heavy-duty truck charging at you. Even with the strength of a First Tier awakened human, you would be half-dead if hit.

Currently, this Slayer's strength hadn't reached the standards of a Second Tier zombie, but its agility attribute was undoubtedly very close to the Second Tier. With this in mind, Anthony deactivated the Eye of Data, stared solemnly at the Slayer in front of him, and gently manipulated his wristband, saying in a low voice, "Zero, assume combat form, eliminate the target, the Slayer in front of us."

As he finished speaking, the metallic wristband on his wrist began to writhe, transforming into a puddle of liquid metal flowing on the ground, slowly solidifying into a humanoid shape. "Yes, master," Zero, with an expressionless face, responded. A gust of wind blew, and Zero disappeared in an instant.

"What is this thing?" The Slayer curiously looked at the metallic figure rushing towards it. As an Upper First Tier zombie, it couldn't perceive any signs of life from this entity. Before it could react, Zero threw a punch, and a half-meter-long metallic short blade formed on its arm, stabbing toward the Slayer's head.

An ear-piercing impact sound resounded. Zero's short blade was blocked by the bone spikes on the Slayer's elbow. "You want to kill me? Interesting," the Slayer grinned, then swung its other arm, slamming Zero to the ground. But in just a breath's time, Zero flipped back up and stabbed with the short blade again, like a tireless and painless machine.

Seeing Zero engaging the Slayer, Anthony no longer observed but kicked off the ground, launching himself like a bullet, his Tang sword slashing through the air. "Despicable human, dare to sneak attack?"

Feeling Anthony's blade coming, the Slayer's pale eyes glowed red, and it grabbed Zero by the neck, swinging him toward the nearby wall. A loud crash. A large hole was smashed into the cement wall of a nearby building. With Zero no longer blocking, the Slayer bent its right elbow, instantly blocking the Tang sword that was about to strike its face.

"Damn, these zombies are fast!" Anthony cursed under his breath, but he didn't give up. Using the momentum of his sword, he quickly performed a side kick. The Slayer reacted swiftly, lifting his left knee to block Anthony's attack. The two moves were neutralized, and Anthony quickly stabilized his body. He tapped the ground with his foot and swiftly leaped backward, creating distance between him and the Slayer.

"No, it's no use! This guy's reaction speed is too fast. Ordinary attacks can't break through its defense at all." After a few probing moves, Anthony gained some understanding of the Slayer's strength. Since direct confrontation didn't work, he had to rely on strategy.

Adjusting his body position, Anthony flicked his wrist, and a transparent cloak instantly appeared in his hand. He quickly put it on. In the blink of an eye, his figure vanished from the spot. The Slayer looked at the suddenly disappeared human and seemed puzzled, muttering to itself, "Human, gone."

As the words fell, the Slayer suddenly became extremely agitated. "Human, gone! Human!" It let out a loud roar, losing its sanity and wildly clawing at the air, indiscriminately attacking the houses on both sides.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Unable to withstand the Slayer's terrifying impact, a nearby two-story house collapsed with a loud crash. The other houses under attack also began to crumble. Anthony hid in the dark, silently observing the scene, shaking his head.

"The speed at which it destroys houses, this zombie must have been a demolition expert in its past life." Anthony quipped and cautiously approached.

The Slayer wreaked havoc for a full five minutes before finally reluctantly stopping to rest. "Human, seeing my hideousness, ran away."

"This damn human, where is he?" The Slayer stood in place, continuing to mutter to itself, resembling a lunatic who had escaped from a mental hospital. However, just as it was about to leave, suddenly, a faint sound came from beneath its feet. The Slayer curiously looked down at the ground and discovered a smoky black oval-shaped ball lying quietly by its feet.

"What is this?" The Slayer felt a strong sense of familiarity with this small object but couldn't recall when it had seen it. As a zombie, it had difficulty retaining many memories. Bending down, it reached out to pick it up. And in the next moment... Boom! A mushroom cloud several meters high slowly rose, blue slime and shredded flesh splattering in all directions.

When the mushroom cloud dissipated, Anthony, wearing his optical camouflage cloak, approached slowly to examine the scene. He found only a wriggling half-broken body remaining on the ground. As for the Slayer's lower half, the splattered flesh possibly comprised its lower body tissues. Having lost its lower half, the Slayer seemed dazed. "I..." it opened its mouth to say something, but blue blood kept gushing out.

"So, this is the power of a Level 2 doomsday bomb!" Anthony looked at the gruesome sight in front of him and put away his optical camouflage cloak, exposing himself to the zombie.

"Human... human..." The Slayer's throat emitted a vague and indistinct sound as it tried to reach out with its hand, only to realize that its right arm had disappeared along with its lower half.

Anthony remained silent, and with a flash of his blade, the Slayer's head fell instantly. As the head moved, the upper body ceased all movement.

"Finally dealt with." Anthony let out a relieved sigh. With a lift of his Tang Sword, the Slayer's skull was immediately sliced open, revealing two marble-sized zombie crystals embedded in the blue tissue.

"There are actually two zombie crystals!" Anthony was slightly surprised, but he quickly stored the crystals in his space ring. As for the corpse, Anthony looked at it and an idea popped into his mind. Can zombie corpses also be converted into energy points?

With doubts in his mind, Anthony stored the zombie's head and upper body in the space ring. Finally, he glanced at the damaged houses from the impact and quickly went over to investigate.

When he saw Zero's miserable state, it pained Anthony. As a liquid metal robot, the liquid metal covering Zero's neck had been torn apart, revealing broken electronic components inside. The metal skeleton throughout its body was also damaged to varying degrees, occasionally sparking. Fortunately, the metal at these damaged areas seemed to be slowly regrouping, as if undergoing repairs. "Forget it, let's move it back and ask the system for advice."

At the same time, near the high school building of Yanghe School, it was densely packed with zombies. Just a glance revealed three Smashers and five Reapers among them. Any awakened individual would feel fear and dare not approach. At the forefront of these zombie groups, a giant zombie over six meters tall leaned against the front of the teaching building, closing its eyes to rest.

Suddenly, it abruptly opened its eyes, its face filled with anger, and it let out a furious roar toward the sky. "Humans! Humans!" In an instant, the horde of zombies below immediately prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling in fear, not daring to move. It had vented for quite a while.

The giant zombie gradually calmed down, but the anger on its face remained evident. Pointing at the horde, it shouted loudly, "Find them, find the humans for me!" In an instant, thousands of zombies collectively ran toward the gate of Yanghe School.