
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Mutated creature

"Hey, aren't you going to ask me why I killed them?" Anthony couldn't help but ask. Throughout the journey, Cheryl remained surprisingly calm. As a law enforcement officer, she had a strong sense of justice yesterday and had made an agreement with him not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"That girl wasn't a good person, at least she must have done something unforgivable to you. Besides, I'm not the kind of inflexible old fossil." Cheryl relied on her sixth sense as a law enforcement officer and guessed, her sparkling eyes filled with curiosity. "Hey, tell me, what exactly happened between you two? It's not just a simple case of infidelity, right?"

Anthony nodded and shook his head. If Daisy had just cheated on him, he could have mistaken her character, but this woman had conspired with scum to harm his brother and his beloved confidante. Even if he tore her apart, his hatred would not diminish.

"Okay, if you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you. Unrequited love has always been accompanied by lingering resentment. This resentment has no end, oh!" Cheryl teased and then continued, "By the way, where are we going next?"

"Yanghe East Road," Anthony stated their destination and then asked Cheryl, "What about you? It can't be just about staying alive in the base. Do you have something important to do?"

"Well, I promised Ford to help him find his wife and child," Cheryl's gaze became resolute.

"What if you can't find them?" Anthony asked.

Cheryl thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll go to Chudu city to meet up with my brother and continue the search."

"I... well," Anthony had originally wanted to dissuade her, but seeing Cheryl's determined eyes, he swallowed his words. Chudu is the capital city of Chu Province, and its area is equivalent to four times that of Linxian City.. Before the apocalypse, it served as the economic and transportation hub of the Central Plains region for the Great Zhou Dynasty, with a floating population of 20 million.

Anthony couldn't believe that such a densely populated international metropolis would be free of mutants. Based on his experience from the past three years, areas with more zombies were more likely to produce powerful mutants. Going to Chudu City now would definitely be a death trap.

"I'll try to persuade her when the time comes," Anthony thought to himself.

Chudu City. "Brothers, for our homeland, kill them all!" a military officer shouted as he held his submachine gun, and the other soldiers roared and charged forward. Intense gunfire erupted, quickly clearing the area of zombies. But when the three soldiers were cleaning up the battlefield, a mutation suddenly occurred.

A sharp, red sickle-like object flew from somewhere and pierced through one soldier's chest. "Bryon!" his comrade next to him shouted, his eyes immediately turning red. He lifted his gun and started shooting. The bullets crazily hit the monster, but strangely, the bullets only penetrated halfway through the creature's skin and got stuck in its flesh.

Upon being hit by the bullets, the monster let out a painful roar and flung the human hanging from the sickle several meters away, leaping off the ground.

"What is this monster!" The soldier was clearly shocked by the power of the creature. He had never seen such a massive creature since the beginning of the battle. "Die, you bastard!" After a brief moment of astonishment, the soldier raised his gun and started shooting. Unfortunately, the monster was incredibly fast and agile. Except for the first few shots, the rest of the bullets missed.

Seeing that his magazine was almost empty, the soldier quickly shouted behind him, "Jake, go quickly and report to Captain Nelson. There's a monster here!"

"Understood, Sergeant! Hold on!" Another soldier received the order and immediately retreated to the rear.

Watching the young soldier in his squad leave, the sergeant unleashed his full strength, took out a spare magazine from his waist, and continued firing. "I don't believe in this crap! I won't let you, you beast!"

Rapid gunfire intensified once again. After about a minute, the sergeant spat out a mouthful of phlegm and grabbed a hand grenade from his waist, shouting, "Come on, I'll treat you to a frag grenade!" He bit off the safety pin with his teeth and then pulled the striker, throwing it directly at the monster.

The mutated creature roared and bit at the object thrown by the human. Boom! A loud explosion shattered the monster's large mouth, causing its body to sway unsteadily. It was obviously seriously injured. However, the grenade did not hit its core and couldn't completely kill it.

Shaking its dazed head, the creature glared fiercely at the humans in front of it, its eyes emitting a flickering red light. Opening its shattered mouth, it let out a roar and steadied its body, leaping up while swinging the giant scythe-like blades on its arms, each measuring a meter in length.

"Damn it, why won't you die!" The sergeant was even more shocked. But he wasn't one of those fresh recruits who had just arrived on the battlefield. He immediately regained his composure, recalling the times he had fought against the neighboring white elephants in the borderlands. He could take on three of them alone, making them scream in agony.

Feeling the fierce gust of wind approaching, the sergeant quickly rolled on the ground, narrowly evading the creature's attack. Seizing the opportunity, he drew the dagger strapped to his boot and pressed it against his gun. His body slightly bent, he stared intently ahead.

"Damn it, it's been two minutes already. Why hasn't that brat returned! Maybe I didn't train him rigorously enough! After this battle, I'll make him run twenty kilometers every day." He muttered to himself as he raised the bayonet, searching for an opportunity.

The mutated creature missed its strike and let out an enraged roar before leaping once again. The scythe blade on its arm swiftly swung horizontally towards the humans in front of it.

"Good, just what I wanted!" The sergeant narrowed his eyes, watching the creature leap. He knew that during the mid-air phase, its body couldn't move, and its belly was its weakness. Just as the monster was about to land, he took a big step forward, lowering his body, and ruthlessly thrust his bayonet into its belly. "It's over now."

Without a doubt, the bayonet pierced the belly of the mutated creature. But in the next moment, a metallic impact sound suddenly rang out, accompanied by a spark. Looking at the creature's belly, the bayonet had failed to penetrate. "What ..." The sergeant's mind went blank. Before he could even curse, he felt a sharp pain in his waist. Lowering his head, he saw that the monster's scythe blade had pierced through

The scene was witnessed by over thirty soldiers who had rushed over, especially Jake, who was leading the way. He shouted in disbelief, "Sergeant!" The sergeant struggled to open his mouth, his lips and teeth stained red with blood, and blood continued to trickle from the corners of his mouth. His body was slowly lifted by the mutated creature, as if intentionally demonstrating the fate of those who offended it.

"Sergeant!" Jake angrily called out, wanting to rush forward, but he was fiercely stopped by the sergeant hanging on the scythe blade. "Don't fucking come over!"

"But..." Jake's face showed unwillingness.

The sergeant knew he wouldn't survive, so he shouted loudly, "No buts! Listen to my command, immediately open fire on me!"

"No! You can't do this, you'll die!" Jake's face was filled with anguish.

"Don't fucking hesitate like a coward. Listen to me, you can't defeat this monster. Now, open fire on me!" the sergeant shouted.

Without waiting for Jake to respond, he scanned the thirty-plus comrades in front of him. His vision suddenly blurred, and the young faces of several fallen comrades appeared in his mind.

"My squad, a whole ten men, all gone!" He murmured, as if regaining his spirit. His eyes shone as he looked at Jake. No, wait, there was one person still alive!

His squad wasn't completely wiped out yet! Thinking of this, the sergeant mustered his last strength and let out a final roar, "Brothers, as the former sergeant Mason, I command you. Now, open fire on me!"

Hearing the furious shout of the old soldier, the thirty-plus soldiers looked at each other, their faces resolute, and they raised their guns and pulled the triggers.


"Jake, live on for me!"