
Chapter 14

[You started a battle with the SH6340 regional mutant, during which you used the [Eye of Truth] to investigate and learned that its tongue is a weak point. After paying the price of your life, you took advantage of it to relax its vigilance and punched it into its body Mouth, and then pulled out its tongue, it was fatally injured, you defeated the SH6340 regional variant, and obtained [High Concentration Blood Crystal]. ]

[Different from ordinary blood-colored crystals, [high-concentration blood-colored crystals] contain enormous energy, which can better improve [characteristics], and can also obtain a new [characteristic] on a fixed basis. ]

[You learned through the [Eye of Truth] that after using this piece of [High Concentration Energy Crystal], you can increase the evolution rate of the golden trait by 1/10, or obtain the red trait [Double Casting]. After binding, all energy-based attacks will You will get double damage. After you think about it, you give [High Concentration Energy Crystal] to Gu Ying, which strengthens her turret ability. ]


That solves it?

Chu Nan was suddenly in a trance.


He had already regarded the strange zombie as the final boss, but now the final boss was killed like this...

No no no.

As mentioned in the previous introduction, the doomsday world is divided into countless small areas, and each area does not interfere with each other.

The SH6340 regional variant is not the final BOSS.

At most, it can only be regarded as a small boss.

Besides, the SH6340 regional variant is only a threat level of C+ level, and there must be B level, A level, and even S level above it.

He still has a long way to go.

The doomsday world is full of crises.

We must not be complacent just because we have solved a single SH6340 regional variant.


Chu Nan took a deep breath, and his eyes became clear again.





[Day 7: Without the threat of SH6340 regional mutants, you led Gu Ying and others to hunt and kill a large number of mutant zombies nearby. After strengthening, Gu Ying's strength has been greatly improved, and you are unstoppable! ]

[Day 8: You met a group of survivors. They said they established a survivor camp and invited you to join. You found out that they were not malicious through the [Eye of Truth], so you decided to go and see first. ]

[Day 9: You, Gu Ying and others came to the survivor camp and found that thousands of people gathered here, and the militarized management was implemented. Although the freedom of living here is limited, at least it is safe... You met the survivors The leader of the camp, his name is [Zhang Zaishan], he is an old soldier about 50 years old, he is very strong, he values ​​you very much, and invited you to join, you said that you need to think about it. ]

[Day 10: At night, you had sex with Gu Ying. ]

[Day 11: You decide to cooperate with [Zhang Zaishan]. You are responsible for cleaning up the nearby infected area, and he will give you blood crystals. ]

[Day 12: Rest, you and Su Ruoruo had a relationship. ]

[Day 13: Go hunting. ]

[Day 14: Rest and have sex. ]

[Day 15: Go hunting. ]


[Day 20: The blood moon came, and the zombies started to riot after being strengthened. Countless zombies flocked to the camp. After persisting for several hours, the camp was breached. The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled were evacuated. You came to the fire station to recuperate temporarily. You found that there were less than a hundred survivors out of thousands of people. Zhang Zaishan blamed himself for this, although no one blamed him. ]

[Day 21: You go out to hunt. ]

[Day 22: You find that no matter how you kill, the zombies are still coming in a steady stream, so you decide to investigate. ]

[Day 23: You get nothing. ]


[Day 29: You found a weird factory. The air here is extremely smelly and sticky. You approached carefully and found a giant bloody heart several meters high. This heart is covered with disgusting fibers. Organization, and it keeps beating like a real heart. You have obtained the following information through the [Eye of Truth] investigation——]

[Name: SH6340 Regional Virus Core! ]


[Threat Level: B]

[Wisdom: None]

[Special ability: Mother Nest (Every time the heart beats, it can generate a large number of zombies out of thin air. There is a certain chance of summoning mutant zombies, and there is a very small chance of generating mutants.)]

[Introduction: This is the core of the virus in the SH6340 area, eliminating it can completely prevent the generation of zombies in the SH6340 area. Note: Please note that although it has no intelligence, if it is attacked, it will summon all the zombies in the area, and the probability of generating mutants will be greatly increased during the period. ]

[You launched an attack on the core of the virus, and the core of the virus began to summon zombies, and you were surrounded by waves of zombies! ...The core of the virus has generated a C+ level mutant! ]

[crisis! ]

[After killing countless zombies and resurrecting twice, you and your team were completely wiped out! ]

[you are dead! ]


virus core?

Chu Nan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Before, the SH6340 region mutant he encountered could only slow down the progress of this region being infected by the zombie virus to a certain extent after eliminating it.

But destroying this core can completely prevent zombies from being generated in the SH6340 area.


This thing doesn't seem to be very easy to play.

Although it doesn't have any damage ability, it can summon all the zombies in the area, and it can also generate mutants...

Chu Nan rubbed his temples with some headaches.


He is still in a good mood.

After all, the mutants that were difficult to solve before were solved by him.


But bigger troubles followed.

The core of the virus must be eliminated, otherwise zombies will be continuously generated, and it is impossible to kill them all by killing them alone.

"So next... there must be a way to kill the core of the virus in an instant, and then evacuate quickly before being surrounded by zombies."

"No, let's put aside the core of the virus first, and improve our strength as much as possible first."

Chu Nan thought to himself.

Immediately, he bound the [Eye of Truth].

In the next second, his eyes were slightly cold, and a strange feeling came to his heart, as if there were no secrets in this world for him.


Suddenly, the sound of high heels stepping on the ground sounded.

Su Ruoruo came over and said, "What are you thinking about? Have you finished reading the materials? Gu Ying will be here soon."


Chu Nan came back to his senses, smiled and looked down at the documents.

Although, he has basically learned all these materials through Baidu.


Su Ruoruo muttered softly.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that Chu Nan just now seemed to have encountered some kind of problem, and he seemed very depressed.
