
Chapter 006 Encounter With Human Organization, Firefly

After leaving the orphanage.

Chu Nan began to continue the doomsday simulation.

But it's a pity that until early in the morning, the traits he acquired were all rubbish, either [Exhibitionist] or [Wretched], so basically no useful information was collected.

I looked at the time.

It was found that it was 0 o'clock immediately.

Although he was a little sleepy, he thought about it, got up and made a cup of coffee, and decided to simulate it again.

On the first day, Chu Nan got the top quality [Super Speed ​​Regeneration].

Let him out of the range of ordinary people.

Although there is no increase in combat power, the ability to save life has been greatly improved. Next, it is time to pursue survival or combat characteristics.

"I have drawn so many wonderful traits in a row, it must be a change of luck, right?"

Chu Nan muttered to himself, drinking coffee while waiting for the hands of the clock to turn to 0 o'clock.

After a while.


It's midnight!

He decisively turned on the simulator.

[Please choose three of the following ten traits! ]

[①: [Ninja] (purple), you have undergone special training, your footsteps will be silent, and you will avoid being discovered by zombies to a great extent! ]

[②: [Swift as the wind] (blue), your speed is far beyond ordinary people, and you running at full speed are just a black shadow in their eyes. ]

[③: [Blade Weapon Collector] (green), get a random excellent blade at the beginning of the game. ]

[④: [Broad shoulders] (green), you are good at carrying heavy loads, even if you are a childhood sweetheart who weighs 200 pounds, you can still walk like flying with her on your back. ]


Good luck!

Chu Nan casually glanced at the rest.

After finding no better ones, the first three traits were selected.

In this way, his traits are [Super Speed ​​​​Regeneration], [Endure Foot], [Swift Like the Wind], [Blade Weapon Collector], a proper high-sensitivity and high-recovery character, it is not easy to die, right?

[Trait selection is complete, start the simulation! ]

[Day 1: You entered the doomsday world with preparations. You searched the room and found food, water and a long sword you carried with you. You quietly eliminated the zombies at the door. ]

[Day 2: You avoid zombies, come to the sixth floor, and find Ringo hiding in the room. She tells you that she has acquired the weaponized trait, and you go together. ]


Well, the beginning changed a lot.

Actions have also become more efficient.

And Lingo, after being rescued by him, is no longer in a 'disabled' state, and everything seems to be getting better slowly.


[Day 3: You came to the kitchen on the fourth floor and found some food and water. At this time, you heard a cry for help from upstairs. You decided to go and have a look. Being chased by zombies, you rescued the man and got his gratitude. The man decided to follow you, but you did not relax your vigilance, because in the end, the most dangerous people are the same kind. ]

[Day 4: You find that the man is very honest, but you don't fully trust him. ]

[Day 5: You searched a few rooms, gathered some sheets to make a rope, you left the hotel through the kitchen window, found the convenience store, and harvested a lot of food and water. ]

[Day 6: You pretended to be injured, and the man really revealed his true nature. His traits can actually deprive others of their traits for your own use. You kill him directly, and you are more vigilant towards strangers. ]

[Day 7: You found the mutated zombie at the entrance of the hotel. Relying on your agility, you killed it silently. It burst out a blood-red spar. There was no prompt, and you don't know the use of the spar., can only be collected first. ]

[Day 8: You decided to find a safe shelter. The fire station not far away is very attractive to you. You approached quietly and found a humanoid mutant zombie lying on the ground inside. The zombie smelled your scent, like you When you launch an attack, you dodge in embarrassment, and you find that it is faster than you. Relying on Ringo's ability, you successfully kill it, but Ringo is also seriously injured and dies soon after. You blame yourself very much. ]

[Ninth day: You wiped out all the remaining zombies in the fire station, and you decided to use this place as your shelter. ]

[Day 10: Nothing happened. ]

[Day 11: You encountered a group of humans, and the leader wanted you to leave the fire station. You disagreed, and he ordered to attack. You used up a chance of resurrection, wiped them all out, and got a lot of food. ]

[Day 12: Hundreds of humans appeared at the entrance of the fire station. These humans claimed to be the [Firefly Organization], and they were with the group you killed yesterday. You fought with the leader, and you found that the other party possessed the [Element Transformation], [Flash], and [Mind Power], you are at a disadvantage. This is the first time you have discovered that someone other than you has the three qualities. After crushing the spar, you can choose [enhance a certain trait] or [acquire a new trait]. ]

[You can't cause harm to him, you are restrained, you want to escape, but find that the other party has already lowered the wall of thought power, you are dead. ]

[He discovered the secret of your super-speed regeneration, he killed you decisively, and killed you again. ]

[you are dead. ]


? ?


Actually only lived for twelve days?

I was so strong this time, but I died so early?

This [Firefly Organization] Chu Nan met for the first time, and he did not expect the leader of the other party to be so strong.

Thinking of the blood spar, he understood that the opponent obviously relied on the team to obtain a large amount of blood spar in the early stage, and abruptly improved their strength.


This also has a relationship with him being restrained, he cannot be harmed at all, and he cannot escape.

The opponent's luck is also really good.

All three traits acquired are strong.

And upgraded.

If not gold, it should be red or purple.

It is obviously not enough to rely on only one [Super Speed ​​Regeneration].

Sure enough, what he lacks most now is the traits that improve his combat effectiveness.

[The simulation is over! ]

[Remaining cooldown: 59 minutes and 59 seconds! ]

[You can choose one of the three traits [Ninja Foot], [Swift Like the Wind], and [Blade Weapon Collector] to bind. ]

After thinking about it, Chu Nan chose [Endure].

This trait is quite good, and can effectively avoid most zombies.

Of course, except for the mutant zombie with a nose in the fire station.

Select traits.

Chu Nan took out a pen and paper from the drawer.

Start analyzing intelligence.

[①: There is no need to waste too much time in the hotel, collect some food, and evacuate quickly after saving Ringo. ]

[②: Saving human beings as much as possible is not caused by the heart attack, but relying on the simulator to identify who is trustworthy, so as to attract companions. For example, the humans saved on the third day of the simulation this time, don't need to worry about it afterwards. ]

[③: If it's not dangerous, try to kill the mutated zombies and get the blood-red spar. He didn't have time to use it this time, so he must try it next time. ]

[④: Find an opportunity to solve the [Firefly Organization] in advance, he doesn't want to have such a powerful human group around him. ]

[⑤: Do not go to the fire station before acquiring powerful traits. ]

Record these first.

Chu Nan closed his notebook, feeling a wave of exhaustion welling up in his heart.

Go to bed first.

After all, being too tired can also affect judgment.