
Doomsday Empire-Zombie Tide

The Last Empire is a science fiction novel that tells the story of a huge empire established in a post-apocalyptic world. In the doomsday world with scarce resources, I not only have to face the terrifying attacks of various types of zombies to save my life, but also have to work hard to get food and supplies in the real world. I should have been enjoying the super wealth brought by the time travel, but in the end I lived a hard-working life like a stowaway. In the doomsday world, academicians, doctors, and experts in various industries do not want money. You only need to give them bread and milk. Technical workers can be hired by providing a pile of potatoes. And they are absolutely loyal. So, all those who are still running around in the doomsday world, as long as you want, except for money, I can meet any of your needs, hehehe... Come on, come to my empire to help me fight zombies. I don’t lack anything now, but I lack healthy humans. Men, women, young and old don’t mind. Bullets and explosives can be used as much as you want, and planes and tanks can be driven as much as you want, as long as you can drive. Target: zombie tide, attack! ! ! !

whiskyxing · Sci-fi
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Renting a safe house

Originally, we just wanted to do some training, but we didn't expect to encounter a level 3 zombie. It was beyond everyone's expectations. Fortunately, there were not many zombies in the place where everyone was, so many people could still take turns to deal with a level 3 zombie. If we were in a place where zombies were densely populated, I'm afraid that in the chaos, the power of the level 3 zombies would increase a lot, and it would not be as easy to deal with them as it is now.

 The few people who attracted the level 3 zombies left with thousands of thanks. Considering that there were few bullets left, Zhou Yuanqiang didn't dare to stay here any longer. He greeted Xu Yuhai and the others, carried the food, and returned to the refugee camp. In general, this trip was safe.

 With a level 3 green crystal, Zhou Yuanqiang's choices became more diverse. After returning to the tent, Zhou Yuanqiang gathered everyone and said, "Our location is not convenient for us to enter and exit, and it will cause unnecessary trouble. So what I mean is that everyone should move to the outskirts of the refugee camp and find a place where there are not so many people to settle down, which will also facilitate our usual training."

 No one opposed Zhou Yuanqiang's suggestion. Today's crisis also made them realize that their shooting skills were still too bad. If their shooting skills were more accurate, they would not have been in today's predicament. They could have solved this level 3 zombie with a few shots.

 It was not difficult to move a few tents, some food, computers, etc.

Although the people here were curious about why Xu Yuhai and his team wanted to move away, the Chinese character was that they didn't care about it and didn't ask much. They just watched Zhou Yuanqiang and his team move away indifferently. Some people who knew where they were going even cursed them as idiots. Being in the middle of the camp was much safer than the periphery. If zombies came, the periphery would be the first layer of cannon fodder.

 The camp was very large, and they moved out among the crowd. Everything in the refugee camp made Zhou Yuanqiang's heart heavy. Countless people were struggling on the survival line. People without ability resigned themselves to lying in the tent, waiting for the death to harvest their lives. Numb eyes, dead bodies, if you have not experienced it yourself, you will never understand how miserable people who have been tortured by fate are.

 On a short journey, Zhou Yuanqiang saw two people who were starved to death. No one would pity them, because the people living here are not much better than these two people.

 The terrain here is flat. According to Xu Yuhai and others, more than ten years ago, it was still a huge dairy cow breeding base, but it was eventually abandoned as the environment became desertified. When the settlement was formed, there were still some fertile fields that could be reclaimed, but in just five years, it evolved into the endless sand we see today.

 We found a place more than 100 meters away from the refugee camp, where there were several bare but not dead trees, and it was just right to set up the camp here.

 Zhou Yuanqiang did not participate in the matter of setting up the camp. Instead, he took the USB disk handed over by Chen Wenbo and asked, "Have you completed the five tasks?" Chen Wenbo sneered disdainfully and said, "Boss, you look down on my level too much. Even elementary school students can complete this kind of task. It only took me half an hour to complete it."

 Of course, Zhou Yuanqiang could not tell the source of the task. Instead, he smiled and said, "It's good that it can be easily completed. There will be many such tasks at that time."

 Thinking that it was so easy to earn 1,500 yuan, Zhou Yuanqiang was also a little excited. He ignored Chen Wenbo's bitter face and ordered Xu Yuhai to command the construction of the camp. He took Xu Dali to the central town. The bullets consumed in the previous encounter still need to be replenished.

 Like yesterday, Xu Dali was still waiting at the door, and Zhou Yuanqiang went in alone to buy bullets.

 There were not many crystals in his pocket. After counting, except for a green crystal of the first level, the rest were all white crystals. Zhou Yuanqiang gritted his teeth and exchanged all the more than 30 white crystals for bullets, leaving only this level 3 green crystal. He returned to the city gate, handed the bullet to Xu Dali, and said, "Go back and distribute the bullets. Meet me in the camp tomorrow morning."

 Xu Dali took the bullet and said, "Boss, don't you live with us?"

 Zhou Yuanqiang shook his head and said, "I have a place to stay in the town. When my residence time reaches the guarantee requirements, I will guarantee you to come in. Now I can only wrong you for a while." Xu Dali gave Zhou Yuanqiang a grateful look and left happily with the bullet.

 In fact, where does Zhou Yuanqiang live in the town? There are too many secrets in himself. It is impossible to hide the potato alone for too long. But Zhou Yuanqiang had a plan long ago. The central town needs a pass to proceed, which just gave him an opportunity. As long as he uses this, every time he brings food to the town and then pulls it out of the town, it will not arouse their suspicion. In this way, what Zhou Yuanqiang needed was a place to stay in the town for his transit.

 More than half of the land in the central town was assigned to the troops under the administration for residence, and the other people shared the other half, resulting in the town's housing being not abundant, with almost no extra vacant houses.

 Everything in the town was taken over by the administration. If you want to live here, you need to go to the housing management department under the administration to go through the rental procedures. It is allowed to buy houses here, and it is also allowed to consign and rent houses. Some rich people will buy the whole empty house and rent it out to people who can't afford to buy a house but can afford to rent a house.

 The housing management department is right next to the central square, and almost all the departments of authority are concentrated in this area.

 When Zhou Yuanqiang went in, there were a few people inside checking the information on the information board to find a satisfactory residence. This place is somewhat similar to a modern real estate company. Various rental information is posted on both sides of the hall. Zhou Yuanqiang took a look and found that there were single rooms, suites, and even villas for rent. Of course, the price varies according to the location and the house. For example, the monthly rent of a villa is as high as 10 level 3 green crystals, which is far beyond Zhou Yuanqiang's affordability now.

 "Damn it, it's the end of the world, and there are still so many people who know how to do business, and even use the cheap trick of speculating in real estate." After cursing a few times and venting his dissatisfaction, Zhou Yuanqiang could only focus on the housing information that he could afford.

 Houses usually come with pictures. Zhou Yuanqiang browsed for a long time before choosing a small single room with an area of ​​less than 15 square meters in a not very ideal location. The monthly rent only requires 3 level 2 blue crystals, which is a relatively cheap place to live.

 Write down the number, go to the service desk to handle the rental procedures, pay the first month's rent, and the waiter hands Zhou Yuanqiang a bunch of keys.

 Renting a house here does not need to go through the landlord. The landlord only needs to register the rental information with the housing management department and pay a very small handling fee to post the information. Those who need to rent a house only need to go to the service desk to complete the rental procedures for the house they like, pay the rent, and they can get the key.

 The whole process is very simple and practical. The only drawback is that bargaining is not allowed.

 The level 3 green crystal in his hand was changed back to 7 level 2 blue crystals. Zhou Yuanqiang hesitated for a moment, thinking of his experience bar, and absorbed 5 of them. In this way, Zhou Yuanqiang, plus the previous 1%, has 6% upgrade experience. Converted back, it is enough to support the activation of the first-level DNA strengthening function for 6 hours.

 The sanitation conditions in the town are a bit bad. Zhou Yuanqiang lives in an old residential area, far away from the hawker market outside, and a long distance from the central square, but Zhou Yuanqiang is interested in it because it is not far from the south gate, which is convenient for his transportation.

Walking in this old residential area, garbage and rotten things can be seen everywhere, and a strong stench always makes Zhou Yuanqiang a little difficult to adapt.

 Found the rental house he rented, there was only a wooden bed in it, and other than that, it was empty. It looks very desolate, which is in line with the decadent environment and mentality of people in the end times. At present, there is no way to find some old furniture, because any furniture that is still useful has been divided up by others. As a person who has just arrived in the end times, Zhou Yuanqiang has no chance to get his turn...