
Doomsday Countdown

The countdown begins before the end.

momentst · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

I should’ve saved the money

As it started to rain harder the rainbow disappears. People standing outside or on the sidewalk were soaked. It is as if they wanted too. Why didn't they bring a umbrella? How else do rainbows appear...

I went back in my apartment to finish putting things away. I oven a pizza as I was thinking of how my first day in college would be like.

Tomorrow is when it first starts. I have a scholarship but that only covers half of my semester.

I shouldn't have taken things for granted during my childhood. I should've saved the money. I should've saved the money. I should've saved the money. I should've saved the money. I should've saved the money-

Beep Beep Beep.

The pizza is done. I take it out the oven and ate it. I then went to bed.

Everything restarts. It's like a countdown. A countdown to when you die. A countdown to a precious moment. A countdown to the end.

Morning comes by. I get ready by putting on a pair of jeans and a shirt. I get my back pack, keys, glasses, and phone.

I put on my glasses but it was dirty. I really think glasses are inconvenient. But contacts are too. I want to get lasik eye surgery but I, to be honest, am scared too.

I clean my glasses walking out of my apartment locking it.

I am now at college. I stopped in front of the gates to take a picture. It was ginormous. I wonder if I would make friends or not. I walk inside the building taking out my schedule.

My first class is Science. I walk around the building to look for it. Room 1328, where is it?

As I walked by I see other numbers but not 1328. At last I found it.

I walk in to see a theatre like stage and in front of it rows of wooden benches and tables there.

I take a seat on my right side third row. I hope I don't make any mistakes this year. I don't want to be laughed at, it makes me feel anxious or embarrassed for myself.