
Doomsday Ascension

The world is darker than our shadows. That is what everyone assumes until they experience it themselves. This experience makes you doubt your sanity. Some years ago, the discovery of energy crystals was made. They were said to be stones carrying immense energies the world had never seen before. The crystals were later on improved and utilized to improve work both industrially and domestically. They were used to power hospitals where children were born. Children born under this light began to evolve with extraordinary powers. Throughout the years most generations without the powers perished and the planet was now run by the hierarchy of strength in power. The appearance of these crystals got the attention of other creatures around the world and the safety of the world was no longer assured. Those who weren't born in hospitals powered by these stones were left powerless to be feasted upon by society. The corrupt system must be put in check but who knew it was far worse than that? Abel was one of them. He was an orphan left to fend for himself in this world ruled by those with iron hands. Abel could have stayed at the bottom of the food chain forever but he couldn't take it any more the embarrassment had to stop for good. ------- "The world is a tragedy for one and a blessing to the other, that's why I have to get stronger and protect those who can't stand on their own", Abel said to himself as he stared at the rectangular screen in front of his eyes. [Host has been found] [The bonding process is to begin right away]

Wevolire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Your will to live not mine(Awakening)

(Few hours before the successful kidnap)

"QuantumQuake industries"

Inside the main boss's room, he could be seen staring at the city which laid beyond his windows. The city was glowing with lights everywhere. It was indeed alive during the night. Since his office was on the last floor of the huge building, he could see the whole city from where he was standing.

Alphacrest was the name of the current city. A city which looked dead during the day but came alive during the night. It was heaven on earth for those who were in search of technological advancements.

These advancements came from no other than QuantumQuake industries. Their service to the city and the whole world was astonishing.

Even though the world was ruled by five group of individuals, QuantumQuake did not look like they were under their rule. They gained respect by giving each group their technological advancements, they were treated with equal respect because of this act of selflessness.

There were other companies within various territories and cities of the world but they held no candle to them.

The boss was clothed in a blue suit with most of its stitches golden in colour. He had brown hair which was rare nowadays. It wavered effortlessly around his neck each time he changed his posture.

The blue coloured suit hid his muscular physique which was still revealing. One could see his muscles almost bulging out of the clothes he was wearing. This showed that he wasn't just a rich man; he knew how to protect himself if need be.


His portable earphones rang in his head. He scorned in annoyance as the call had disturbed his view of the city. The view he had wished to always remain during the day. He waited for sometime before he tapped the inside of his ear.

The ringing sound stopped and the voice on the other side of the phone could be heard. His eyes shined brightly with joy as he realized the voice of the person on the other side. It was a blessing that one of his trusted customers was ready for a deal. The conversation started with:

Caller: "Hey, I have something interesting to tell you".

Boss: "What could this interesting subject matter be?".

Caller: "We are going continue the experiment today".

Boss: "Yay, Is that all?"

Caller: "I need your help"

Boss: "I knew it, that's why you were sounding all friendly towards me, you snake".

Caller: "Yeah, yeah, just a little help okay."

Boss: "What do you need?"

Caller "Now we are talking buddy! I want the package I told you to prepare, sent to my location today. I will also need a test subject, one which has not being corrupted by the energy of the crystals. I am talking about a non-evolved person, can you do that for me?".

Boss: "Do you call this a simple favour, you bastard. How can you use someone as a test subject?"

Caller: " It is for the greater good. They are of no use to the society. This will just limit the liability, and if the operation is successful, you will get to see the improvements in the activities of the person"

Boss: "Okay that's true but you will be paying thrice the original amount. I will be sending one to your location around 9:30pm so be prepared. The package will arrive with the test subject".

Caller: "Thank.s..."

With just that the brown haired man disconnected the call and picked up a tablet which was lying effortlessly on his office desk. His joy knew no bounds at the moment because securing a deal was one heck of a problem.

He opened a list containing the name of his employees who were currently delivering packages for the company. The list was a long one but the man knew who he was looking for already. This fish was one of a kind in a ocean full of killer sharks.

After a short series of flips, his thumb landed on an employee with the name, ABEL, written boldly on his application tab. The tablet's interface turned off momentarily. Tiny pixels came together in midair, and in no time the holographical body of a teenage boy stood in front of the man.

The name of the boy was levitating above his head. His jet black hair and blue eyes were evident even though it was just a hologram.

The hair which was below his neck line was wavering around beautifully.

It was as if the actual person was the one present in front of the man. He was clad in the official black suit, with an accessory bowtie tied around his neck. The computer system didn't care to even hide his frail physique but it all sums up the quality of the technology.

"Hmm---, Display his information ", he told the computer system.

[Name: ABEL

Height: 5.2 inches

Attributes: None

Race: human

Class: non-evolved. ]

These were the information the system had given to the man. He touched his jaw and smiled. He had found what was looking at last. "Send him the delivery massage".


Inside the deep woods, a facility could be seen standing secluded from humanity. It looked like an old abandoned science centre since most of its gates had been destroyed. Bushes had grown all over most of the place within the facility.

The remains of the rusty place was yellow in colour. It was a an advanced technological building, which had been left to rot.

It did not look to have been completely destroyed though, and could be renovated to function properly. Its glamour still remained since the moonlight was hitting its surfaces.

Echoes of its glorious past graced the place with elegance in spite of its rotten state.

Inside the remains of the centre, the ominous structure of a man wearing a thick black full-set armour with a mask on his face could be seen. He seemed to be carrying a black haired boy on his shoulder and had a box in his unoccupied hand.

Even though this looked a bit tedious, he displayed no emotion or made a sound, depicting weakness.

"I've brought the package and the person you spoke of, Oswald.", he said blankly and continued to proceed through the place. The darkness and silence of the place had not been able to force a scream of fear out of him though. He proceeded like a soldier even though his expression were vague and empty.

A tall muscular body appeared at the end of the hallway. Though ominous and disturbing, the moonlight made the body a bit more appealing.

The person was also clad in the same outfit as the other man. He had a sword by his waist as he approached the masked man.

"Hand the test subject over to me, Duncan. Your work ends here. If you are needed you will be called back to this face", the unknown figure said with outstretched arms.

The tone of his voice depicted his attitude, which was nothing but cold and disheartening. The cold voice ran shivers down Duncan's spine. He had never expested his first meeting with the figure to be like this.

"Okay mate, you can have the boy and the package. No need to be aggressive", he muttered out in defeat. There was nothing he could do to force a smile on the figure's face.

Giving up was an unavoidable option at the moment. He handed out the above items to the figure and disappeared out of the place in an instant, leaving no hint of his preexisting presence.

The lifeless body of the boy was roughly kept on his shoulders, and the box in his other hand hand as he continued to manoeuvre his way further into the dark remains of the centre.

After some minutes of walking, candles could be seen ahead of the figure. Distance between them was not that of a stone thrown. The candles were arranged in a straight line at both sides of the large hallway.

At the end of the hallway, was a door leading to a different section of the place. This place had numerous robots working tirelessly on all sorts of experiments. Everything in the large room, which could contain 5 huge buses was normal,except what was in the middle of the room.

It was a table where the boy was be placed later. Around the table was a huge sacred circle with lines in it. All the lines even though twisted and turned, produced an artistic sense since they collided at a point and later diverted towards the table.

Some of the candles were placed at the intersection of the lines within the circle. They glew brightly around the table, displaying a religious scene.

After placing the lifeless body on the table the figure clapped his hands and disappeared out of the room. His presence could no longer be identified in the place anymore, It was just like what happened when Duncan had left the place.

Immediately after the clap sounded through the room, the robots moved towards the body on the table to complete the task assigned to them.

They had torn the box open and were using most of the equipments in it to work on the body. The mechanical sound of machines at work was heard throughout the entire hallway.

The boy was lucky to be unconscious because the pain he would have passed through could end his useless life for good.

Five men wearing black clothes which reached their ankle were seen walking towards the room. Their cloth had a hood attached to it which they had used to cover their heads.

They had appeard out of nowhere. At the front of the group was a figure with a much menacing aura. He/she had in hand a book which had a similar sacred circle at its back.

They slowly progressed towards the room which had the sound of machine erupting from it. An eerie feeling enveloped the entire room when they had entered it. Upon reaching there, four of them stood at the corners of the table which had now been left by the robots. With their arms outstretched, they began to mouth out some unknown words.

The boy on the table looked fine and unharmed by what the robots did to it. Some noticeable areas of the clothes he wore had been torn to shreds. This was a result of the work the robots had performed on his body.

The hooded figure who was now in the middle of the group picked up the package. Inside the box were straps used to tie the boy firmly to the table. Afterwards, water was sprinkled on the lifeless body.

The boy slowly opened his eyes only to realise the horror which was unfolding in front of him. Muffled cries escaped out of his lips, immediately he had woken up. He had become the victim of a horror movie. A movie he would have hated to watch if he had been invited to do so.

The hooded figure smiled and removed something from his pocket. It was a golden necklace with the same sacred symbol which was on the book on it. The boy stared in horror as the necklace was placed around his neck. It tightened around his throat automatically when it had slid down his neck.

He had nothing to say since his body was tired after all the hustle and bustle it had passed through within these few minutes. He tried to mutter out some words but his body gave in.

The figure from before raised the book closer to his face and opened it to a page. He muttered out some words in an unknown language. The recitation of these unknown words took a while but with each word that was muttered out the air around them grew thicker and thicker.

It was making it hard for him to breathe at the moment. The flames of the candles begun to waver and the robots around stopped working as if they were being compelled by an unknown force.

The figure was getting to the last part of the recitation and the book was set ablaze by that same unknown force. "--hear us, o, dark lord we your servants have provided you this body as a vessel. You can have it, come and rule the world with it. This world and everything in it belongs to you. Come and take it, grace us with your presence."

The flame stopped and everything returned back to normal as nothing had happened. The figure stood and stared at the boy with a disappointed face. The boy sighed in relief as everything died down. It seemed that mother luck was on his side.

"The dark lord has rejected your body..." Before the figure could finish the words, a loud noise erupted through the whole place as a scary door appeared at place where the entryway of the room was. It's mere presence had brought upon them a feeling of melancholy and despair.

"What is that?", one of the men asked with fear in his voice.

The door slowly opened on its own and a long chain of spiral flames was seen appearing at the empty space left when the door opened. They had started from emptiness and had proceeded till they reached the edges of the menacing door.

The air around became heavy again as the flames reached the edge of the door. It stayed there afterwards.

Out of the flames, a foot appeared out of the door. The foot was set ablaze by the spiral flames. On its arrival the foot had made contact with the floor, the whole floor was set on fire. Even though the whole place was burning , the table and the five hooded figures were not affected by the flames. After some time, the burning figure was out of the door. The fire slowly cooled down after the door vanished. Now the true form of the figure could be seen.

The figure was roughly seven feet tall. He had two horns which originated from his temple and coiled backward towards the back of his head.

Apart from his head his whole body was covered in hard scales like that of a dragon. On his shoulders they projected out slightly to form small spikes. His neck was also surrounded by the scales. At his back, huge dragon like wings were visible. They were flapping around slowly in the corners of the room. Each gush of wind produced as a result of the activities of the wings had a disturbing temperature, which made individuals present in the room begin to sweat.

His hair was white in colour and went down all the way to his waist. His red eyes were also visible. They were blank and expressionless, if one was to stare into them, they would feel like they were staring into emptiness. He had a grin on his face which was a bit confusing and sinister.

He opened his mouth to speak but the same language the hooded figure spoke was heard. The man pressed his throat gently and that was it, his language had changed to that of a human.

"Oswald, why did you have to bring this trash of a body to me? I'm I that kind of a trash?", he asked with a cold tone , as calm and steady as it could be.

All the people in the room at the time were lost for words as they looked at the unknown man. No one was able to answer him because of the menacing aura around him. The young boy on the table was finding it hard to even breathe. His frail body couldn't take the intensity of the figure's aura.

After a minute of awkwardness without any answer to his question, he moved from his position. His movements couldn't be traced by any eye in the room. They were too fast to be caught by the retina.


The scream was heard several times almost instantly. They were coming from the four hooded men standing at the corners of the table.

"If you won't respond then your friends will have to pay for your stubbornness with their lives. ", he said whiles laughing. It was a simple laughter but the message behind it had sent a shiver down their spines. He returned back to his position immediately and continued to laugh hysterically.

The boy trembled with fear after noticing the the display of speed by the ungodly being. "I never knew anyone could possess this kind of power apart the faction heads whose power I have witnessed on my cellphone ", he said to himself.

The man stared at the boy with his red eyes. The boy felt himself falling in an abyss by just staring into it. "What leaders are you speaking of?", the man asked while folding his arms.

"Huh!, how did he know...". "...what I was thinking?", they both ended in unison.

" Quit playing games with me and I will think about letting you go ".

"Ok, they are the current rulers of the world. They are the most powerful people on the face of the planet at the moment", the boy responded simply in fear of not getting disposed off. His whole body was trembling with fear at the moment

"That was resourceful of you, trash. I will give you a chance to get out of this alive, you will have to play a game with Oswald over there.", he said while Pointing at the hooded figure. "You have ten seconds to run out of this place. If by then and you are not out of here I will send him out to find you. If he does he is to stab you with his kitchen knife. Your time starts now", the man said and vanished into thin air.

"10!", a familiar cold voice sounded throughout the whole place.

The boy upon hearing this got hit by reality and begun rushing out of the place.







Sweat was trickling down his face as he sought his way out of the huge facility. Since he was unconscious when he was brought there, he couldn't find his way out of the place.



His anxiety was growing at this point. The thoughts of failure was running uncontrollably through his mind.


"Ready or not, here he comes"

After these words were spoken, the boy had swallowed hard and continued to find his way out of the place. He already started to piss his pants.

Few minutes passed and he still couldn't find his way out. At this point the anxiety had dug deep into his skin. He was walking by the same hallway with the candles when he felt something hit him hard in the head. He turned only to see the hooded figure standing at the end of the hallway where he had moved from holding his kitchen knife in his right hand.

Every instincts in the boy screamed that he should fled the scene but his frail physique had been hit by an unknown force which had caused his body to be numb for a while.

The man inched closer to the poor boy who was unable to move his body.

" He has got you now, Abel. There is no where to run", the cold voice said once again.

"Help me, please!", Abel shouted out to who ever was around.

"That wasn't part of the rules of the game".

Before Abel could mutter out any other word the kitchen knife was stabbed into his throat.

"Die already, you piece of thrash. It's because of you that all of my acquaintances are dead!".

Abel tried to scream but nothing came out, his vocal chords had been destroyed completely.

"Game over!, Oswald wins and Abel loses", the voice said and the figure appeared behind Oswald. "Now you have to dispose of his body, why don't you try the cemetery close to the facility." With that Abel was carried away out of the place.


Abel laid on the ground of the cemetery with a knife stuck in his throat. Blood was gushing out of the fresh wound. His once elegant delivery wear was now stained with crimson blood, his own crimson blood.

His eyes were feeling heavy with each passing moment. His body wanted to enter a deep slumber but he knew if he fell for that, there was no way he would wake up again.

This wasn't like sleeping in class anymore where Miss Portia would have used a water ball on him. This was a bottomless pit made for him to fall in and never return.

Several minutes passed and the problem was getting out of hands. He couldn't hold on anymore. "I swear if I make it of this, those two and everyone involved in this, is going to pay. They will pay with their own flesh and blood, I will make sure that they endure ten fold of the pain that I'm going through right now. They will pay!, no THEY MUST PAY!!", he shouted in his head.


A diabolical laugh erupted throughout the whole cemetary. They breeze obeyed the voice when the laugh resonated throughout the cemetery.The voice was an unfamiliar one.


Footsteps were heard inching closer and closer towards the still body. The air around the area became heavy and the temperature became unbearable. It was as if the cemetery was on fire. Abel would have screamed if only he had the chance to do so.

The diabolical laugh continued for a while before cooling down.

"Do you really want to make them pay in that worthless body of yours?, Abel. Do you mean your words or are you just saying this because it is the only way you can assure yourself that you are worth something?", the voice said as the footsteps kept coming closer and closer. Each sound made from the footsteps imposed an ominous feeling.

Finally, the figure was right in front of him. It wasn't like anything he had seen before. It's mere presence was sinister and impressive at the same time.The figure was also the same height as the other guy but this one was on a whole new level of awfulness. The figure had spiky silver hair with a grin which stretched from ear to ear. His eyes were red with fury and not emptiness. A long tongue came out of his mouth and licked his lips before disappearing into his mouth. Sharp long teeth could be seen when his tongue came out. His whole appearance was menacing and disturbing.

In the middle of his chest a red crystal could be seen embedded in it. He had two horns that were pointed upwards but coiled backwards. He wore an elegant armour which had the colours red and blue flashing around to show how glamorous it was. It had several projections at its shoulder and elbow. At the back of the figure were two pair of wings, a huge upper pair and two moderate lower pair. One of the notable features of the figure was his tail which wavered effortlessly at his back.

He inched closer to Abel and asked, "Do you want to become stronger enough to defeat those morons and exact your revenge?".

Abel couldn't answer him with his lips but he nodded his head with all the strength his frail body could gather.


The man laughed hysterically again. He made a cut on his right hand and dropped the blood inside Abel's mouth. Immediately it had made contact with his lips a soothing sensation was felt all over his body. His heavy eyes were no longer heavy and he could breathe well.

[All requirements has been met, bonding process is in session 0/100%]

[Evolution and transmutation are taking place]

[Bonding process is in session 40/100%]

Rectangular screen appeared in his line of sight. He couldn't believe what he was seeing at the moment. He closed and opened his eyes but the screen remained unscathed.

some few minutes passed and the soothing was replaced by a painful one. Abel's bones were breaking up one by one and were getting reassembled back. His whole body was undergoing drastic changes.

[Bonding in session 100/100%]

[Bonding is complete]

[All wounds will now be healed by the system]

[Sleep mode activated]

These were the last messages he saw before falling into a deep slumber as the last message stated.

(If errors are identified donot hesitate to report)