
Doomsday Ascension

The world is darker than our shadows. That is what everyone assumes until they experience it themselves. This experience makes you doubt your sanity. Some years ago, the discovery of energy crystals was made. They were said to be stones carrying immense energies the world had never seen before. The crystals were later on improved and utilized to improve work both industrially and domestically. They were used to power hospitals where children were born. Children born under this light began to evolve with extraordinary powers. Throughout the years most generations without the powers perished and the planet was now run by the hierarchy of strength in power. The appearance of these crystals got the attention of other creatures around the world and the safety of the world was no longer assured. Those who weren't born in hospitals powered by these stones were left powerless to be feasted upon by society. The corrupt system must be put in check but who knew it was far worse than that? Abel was one of them. He was an orphan left to fend for himself in this world ruled by those with iron hands. Abel could have stayed at the bottom of the food chain forever but he couldn't take it any more the embarrassment had to stop for good. ------- "The world is a tragedy for one and a blessing to the other, that's why I have to get stronger and protect those who can't stand on their own", Abel said to himself as he stared at the rectangular screen in front of his eyes. [Host has been found] [The bonding process is to begin right away]

Wevolire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

The election

Abel was off to school for today since it was the beginning of the working days of the week. He had a look of of anxiety on his face when the thought of what could happen to him if Riley was to speak what happened at the rooftop. The feeling lessened when the battered face of Riley found its way into his mental eye.

Because of this thought he had decided stay in class for the rest of the day in solemn silence. That was the only way he could go scot free without being punished or arrested for his assault. Teachers of his school hated his existence and would love to see his kind extinct.

He wasn't the only organism who belonged to the non-evolved class of humanity though. Wondering about the obscenities those like him were facing made his head emit steam. Some matters had to be left untouched if one wanted to live a healthy life. One could sign their death warrant by engaging in thoughts like that.

This world was darker than their shadows even during daytime when the sun shined brightest. That was the truth and nothing could changed his perspective of that.

Abel was already late for school since he didn't sleep early. Most of yesterday's time was spent with Jazzlyn at both the restaurant and a recreational park. He had protested against the idea the first time she had mouthed out words about it but girls had their way of getting what they wanted though.

Abel wasn't open to all people like this because of the pain and suffering he had endured for the past ten years. The only reason he had moved to the location was because Jazzlyn was a non-evolved. That is just his simple excuse for the fun he had. What more could he think off?

Remembering everything that happen at the park made a smile appear on his face. That smile vanished instantly when the battered face of Riley Horseman appeared in his head. Reality was caving in on him at the moment and he had no way of stopping it.

Riley had gotten what he deserved but what he did to him was too much to go away unnoticed. The results of his actions was definitely going to bite back at his ass.

"No matter what happens today, I will have to survive. Those Horseman brats can do whatever they want to me cause I have faced so much, that what they would do will be nothing to break my spirit ", he said as he proceeded and sighed. He constantly assured himself that even if he was to be punished it wouldn't be at the cost of his life.

He could take everything they will throw at him without wavering.

Miles became kilometres and kilometres, metres. What was left was a few feet for him to reach the school gates. The school had four huge gates at four calculated entrances. These entrances were positioned both linearly and at right angles with each other. They were named after the cardinal point they were positioned at. The southern gate was the one positioned in front of the school's main building's entrance. This was where most students passed due to how close it was to the main building.

The school was a huge one since it contained a football pitch as huge as that of a stadium, a basketball court which could used by the factional sports federation for their matches and a swimming pool which no other academy in the faction's territory could hold a candle to. There were also tracks for the runners.

Ever since the discovery of magicka, the power the crystals grant on their absorbers, most non-evolved decided to avoid these extracurricular activities. It was as if they were shutting themselves up from the rest of the world. It wasn't their fault though what would you do if you were supposed to be in the same team with someone who could just fly over the football pitch or run faster than your eyes could see.

That would have been a cheat in your perspective but in this modern world, you would have to blame yourself for being a liability. All they were expected to do was suck it up and stay out of extracurricular activities. The only remedy to avoid being targeted by those evolved brats. They were a pain any non-evolved would like to avoid at all cost.

Able was a few feet from reaching the eastern gates of the school when he had heard an announcement from the school's A.I voice assistant, Brooke. It was that sweet feminine voice every boy in the academy wanted to hear while most girls thought of it as a way the school manipulated the boys who were feeble minded.

"Thank you all for participating in the election. Your indulgence in this patriotic act will go an extra mile to improve the current state of governance of the academy. Lysander academy will be forever grateful for your efficiency and understanding.

The results of the elections will be posted on the notice board of your various classrooms by 11:00. All of you are to converge at the school's auditorium when the subject in session when the results are posted is done.

In the auditorium, all non-evolved students are to take their seats at the back. That is where their seats will be reserved. Members from the main family branches of the Blaze faction are to take their seat at the front of the podium. Seats which are well deserving of their status will be prepared there. The rest of you can sit wherever you want between these group of people. Pay heed to these instructions and the school authorities will be your friends till you graduate. Thank you"

The announcement had ended just as it had started and those who have been affected badly by it were already displaying their anguish. Abel had a look of disdain on his face since he has also been affected by the announcement. Instances like this were all that it took for the olden court rooms to be stormed by angry mobs who felt they had been discriminated and violated.

In this reality, the jury would have saluted the school's authorities if cases like this was to be sent there. They would ask a silly rhetorical question like:"Would you allow your child to eat with animals?". If no, then you would have been fined for causing fear and panic. Animals weren't suppose to object to their owners, they were suppose to obey their very words.


Abel sighed gently and entered the school with his set destination being his classroom. A turn here and there in the hallways of the school and he was several feet away from his classroom's door. He could hear the chatters of students who had grouped themselves closer to a corner of the hallway he had to turn to before reaching his destination.

The topic of their discussion was the election Brooke had spoken off. It was the election which was to decide the members of the student council of the academy. From what he could hear from the chatter, most of the participants were females whose beauty was out of this world. Most of the males were talking about how they wanted these females to be their leaders. Boys will be boys after all.

Abel had a look of astonishment on his face when he heard that one of the participants was a non-evolved. He almost choked on his very own saliva after hearing the information from the chatter. Because of this information, he couldn't wait to enter the auditorium.

(Please if any error is identified don't hesitate to report. Suggestions on how the story should progress are allowed.)

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