
Doomed Villain

Sean Rivers, an author, would never have anticipated being transmigrated into the world of his novel as the villain destined to meet a tragic end. Not wanting to face the same fate he had penned down, he decided he would do whatever it takes to survive. However, he soon realizes that the original plot is not the only challenge he has to deal with; characters he never wrote about are now after his head. Why could that be? Follow him on his bizarre journey as he witnesses the world he once crafted with love thrown into utter chaos, while he tries to save it the way a villain can, hoping not to lose his head in the process.

Zurbluris · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Basically Blackmail

Blair and Migzer approached the massive glass table that was at the center of the room, its gleaming surface reflecting the ambient light from the futuristic LEDs above. As they settled into their seats, Blair's eyes wandered momentarily, taking in the marvels of the lab that surrounded them.

Migzer's voice suddenly cut through the air. "So, what's on the agenda today, Old Ron?" he asked, his gaze fixed on the elderly figure standing beside the massive screen.

The old man's voice carried weight. "Well, you'll be taking on an investigation case," he announced, his tone calm yet commanding.

Migzer's eyebrows furrowed slightly, a small indication of his interest piqued. "Seems this case must be a big deal if I was called in for it," he mumbled, leaning forward expectantly. "So, what are we looking at?"