
Doomed to be Yours

Bethany was one of those famous writers who deemed to never let anyone that was close to her know about any of her works, as she had never wished to hear any criticism from any of them. When her older sister asked her to attend an important meeting in her stead, it never occurred to Bethany that it was about a convenient marriage. Unbeknownst to her, the person with whom her older sister was arranged was her editor, Will Richard Brown. It was this man whom Bethany had wanted to meet last, as she had always ignored all of his calls and purposely lied about her condition just to escape from her duties at work as a writer. But now that Richard had met her, there was not a single chance that he would let her run away from her job anymore. He was willing to use any means just to make her meet her deadlines, even if that meant becoming her reference model for her latest novel. Is it possible for romance to flourish between a writer and her editor? Or would things just always mean "business"?

yojan_francheska · Urban
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11 Chs

I Have a Crush!

His arms were well defined, and it seemed that despite his busy schedule at work, he never forgets to keep himself in perfect shape. That is, I have to say, admirable. It looked like Mr. Brown was serious about taking care of his body but not about his health. He only eats convenience store food, which is totally not healthy. Taking into consideration how he pulls up all-nighters at times, Mr. Brown really needs a lot of vitamins; he was no different from us writers after all.

His eyes had caught mine, checking him out, and I quickly turned back to the computer in front of me. It was true that I was here for him, but I still think that it was weird to have someone who was practically a stranger to you stare at you for hours. My index finger brushed against my lower lip as my eyes were still stuck on the man sitting in front of me. He was not lying when he said he's got a lot of papers to sign and manuscripts to review. I almost thought he was pitiful, but I figured that if I were to tell him that, he'd be furious. Mr. Brown's image kind of seems like that of a person of pride, and he does not want anyone to show him any sympathy. He was kind of like Duke Steven in my first novel—he was tough and a man of his words. What name would suit a male character that is sexy and, at the same time, intimidating?

Alondré—that name sounds sexy and crazy rich!

My hands clapped in enthusiasm, and then I apologized immediately for making such a loud noise when the man across from me was serious about his work. I began typing on my laptop. I was feeling excited. It's been a while since I've felt so inspired, and I would not want to lose this feeling. My life, my reputation as a writer, and my money all depend on this book! I need to make it more interesting than the last one. I need this novel to go big!

A light chuckle coming from the beautiful man across from me made me lose focus on writing. What is he laughing about? Was there something in those papers that was funny? I wonder about how strict he is as an editor. I truly wish that he was not one of those who make his authors lose so much sleep, and they would start having hallucinations. I mean, lacking sleep, I was already used to that, as pulling up all-nighters was something that I did even when I was still in high school, but for entirely different reasons. Writing had never crossed my mind at that time, and I spent most of the time reading novels in my room. I remembered how hard it was for me to be in the same class as my twin. My entire being shivered when memories of that time flashed back into my mind.

"Should we go outside for dinner?"

"Go outside?" Mr. Brown nodded his head as he tossed every single folder on his lap onto the table without care. I checked the time on my laptop; it went by so fast, did it not? It was already a quarter to seven, and I had barely written over five thousand words for the first chapter of my second novel; at least that's an improvement! I am positive that I'll be able to finish this book in two months!

Mr. Brown got back to the living room; he had thrown a hoodie over himself. I think that these kinds of clothes are his go-to. Although I would really like to see him in a suit like last time, I bet that all he'd have to do was stand in front of me, and I'd get loads of inspiration!


Bethany? My head turned to the side, and I was not wrong; it was really Mr. Brown who called my first name. He looked away, and I could tell that he felt embarrassed because of what he just did.

"I thought that it'd be okay for me to call you by your first name since we're not really strangers anymore; plus, we're going to get engaged." My face turned beet red when he mentioned that. I totally forgot that our parents were planning to get us married! Well, technically, the bride was not supposed to be me, but Mr. Brown did not want to marry somebody that he had never met, so he picked me over my sister. Still, though, am I really going to marry my editor?

I was pulled by the hood of my jacket as Mr. Brown dragged me out of his unit. He glared at me. "I'm starving, Bethany. How long do you plan on making me wait for you?"

Yeah, his looks are way out of this world, but his personality is the devil!

Mr. Brown wanted to buy the both of us some microwavable food, but there was absolutely no way that I was ever going to eat one of those! I need nutrition, especially at a time like this when I am working on my novel! I need a lot of vitamins, so my brain would work for me!

I dragged him to the nearest grocery store at his place. It was against his will, but I don't care whether he liked it or not; we are going to eat real good food.

"What kind of food do you like, Mr. Brown?" I asked, grabbing a shopping basket and stepping inside with the starving man following behind me. "Seafood? Meat? Anything specific you'd like to eat for tonight?"

My head turned to my back. My editor has a fruit in his right hand, and he was studying it carefully as if there was something that he could find in it. Sure, there could be something in there—a worm. He opened his mouth to say, "Call me Richard."


"It's kind of awkward to have you call me like that, don't you think so, too? Besides, you're going to be Mrs. Brown soon." My eyes turned away quickly, flustered upon hearing the words "Mrs. Brown" from his lips. I could not believe that he could say that so casually, but then again, there were no personal feelings involved here, which is why he could easily spat out things like that with no worry. I must also let him feel that this arrangement we have means nothing to me.

"It appears that you're confident about this marriage. Have you already got the ring with you, though? I don't think you could call me your fiancée when there was no—" I was cut off mid-sentence when he grabbed my left hand and slid down a golden ring around my ring finger. My head slowly turned up to look at him. There was a smile across his pretty face and a spark in his eyes.

"We would not have any more problems if you showed them this, right?"

I frowned. "Is this really how you're going to ask for my hand in marriage?" I clicked my tongue and turned to my back. "Gee, you sure are handsome, but you don't know a thing about romance." I muttered those words under my breath. Here, I thought he'd at least make it a little memorable for me, but he'd made it far too obvious this time that he does not care about anything.

I grabbed some bread and gasped when I touched someone else's hand. It felt soft and warm. I immediately looked up to apologize. Apparently, it was a man. Oh my, this is so cliché! This is what usually happens in books and movies! Is this man going to be the love of my life?

"Sorry, I was a bit in a hurry; I grabbed without checking."

My heart was jumping in my chest, and my eyes were turning into hearts. Richard is good-looking, but that does not mean that he is the only one. This man in front of me proves that!

"It's okay, sir. You can go ahead first." He smiled, and it almost made me melt. His hair was brown, and his eyes were greenish. He was wearing a shirt that matches the color of his hair, topped with a gray coat, and he had black pants and shoes. He looks a lot like a model! This person is also perfect as my model for Alondré!

"Mr. Evans!" That voice certainly belongs to the man I am shopping with. He knows this beautiful creature right before me?

They shook hands, and the sight of them talking with smiles across their faces might cause a human stampede. It made me realize how true the saying was that "birds of the same feather flock together", as these two were unbelievably handsome even in their casual clothes. What if they were to walk around this shopping mall nicely dressed up? I bet they'd make this their own runway!

Richard turned down at me and pointed a finger at Mr. Other-Godly-Looks. "Don't you know, Mr. Evans?" I shook my head as Richard's right hand slapped his face. "He's the CEO of your publishing company, Bethany! I can't believe you have no idea who he is!"

I gasped, blushing, and bowed down before my employer. "I'm so sorry! I never knew! Please forgive me!"

I heard a little laughter from him. "It's totally fine, Miss Kim. Richard over here is only teasing you, but it sure is nice to be able to meet one of our authors outside of the office. Moreover, it was rare to see this guy out with a girl."


"Oh, no! We're about to part ways anyway! I'm pretty sure my parents are also looking for me."

"Is that so? Then I hope you'd let me drive you." I waved a hand in front of my CEO's face with a faint smile.

"I'm fine! It's fine! But thank you for the offer!"

He rested a hand over my head, and I froze. His green eyes were looking right into my blue ones, then he softly ruffled my hair. "I hope to see you in the office sometimes, Author Kim." Those were the only words he'd told me, but my, the power they hold! My heart was beating fast, and I could not resist the smile on my face.

This is it! Mr. Evans' appearance before me proved that Richard truly means nothing to me. There, that man right there, my CEO, is my crush!