I mean yes
So I'm very obsessed with badges, but I don't have a fantasy or actual talent. I am just going to write 500 words. I am now on the count of 31 words. I wil go on and never correct myself, Because this is not actually a novel or a fanfic. just little old me, trying to get to 500 words. 'this is not that difficult' you may think to yourself, but let me assure you that this is. not that easy. we are at 86 words. it is truly, wholy amazing how i can do this, and i hope you wont actualy find this, because this is not a real novel, fanfic or a comic. this is just words on paper trying to make a conversation with himself. im trying to make myself believe that i will actually reach 500 words so that i can stop this B.S an i can go on with my life and i hope that i never see you again. we are at 169 words. i wil probably stop this chapter at 250 words and go on tomorrow to write some more words. truly amazing words, that wil blow your mind and make you hate me with all you have. i am almost there so i wil now just write random words: Uchiha, Uchiwa, Uchida, Uchifa, Uchiba, Uchina, Uchika, Uchipa, Uchiya. those were the random variations of the popolar word Uchiha. im most truly sorry for wasting your time if you actually read this paper full of words.