

I am the son of Hades I go where I want Darkness is my birthright if I cannot bend heaven then I will raise HELL... I am DON from HELL ... The Prince of the underworld...the son Of Hades went to live on earth because of his curiosity towards Mortals...Without any powers and knowledge about current civilization. Due to some unusual circumstances, Hades decided to send His only Son on the planet... Only with one level up System so he can defend himself properly. Knowing Dons unpredictable Behavior, He first feared that he will cause havoc yet He took that chance for some reason that only a few Gods aware of... Era 21st century... Humanity almost became extinct but somehow new Hope rises where some Humans gained unimaginable powers to fight monsters, and protect themselves from other evil beings Humans only remember God's in mythology but refused to worship them like they never existed before them ... Portals of the monsters started appearing randomly on the earth and these heroes have to take care of it before these monsters come out ...... -------------------++++----------++++---------------++++------ ps: The background image does not Own by me, if you are the artist and want me to take it down then please contact me .... :) Note: Please read the first 50 chapters, before deciding anything further ... ( This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance living or dead is purely coincidental )

HPwrites11 · Urban
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111 Chs

chapter 107: Contract with Dragon clan

Following Day...

Ray and Don were trying to calm their nerves while sitting on the bus backseat. Their contract for one with Red roses had ended yesterday and Now they have a contract with the dragon clan.

Undoubtedly, Tyson didn't tell them before signing a contract with them and now when they had to go their first raid with Dragon clans members Tyson had no choice but reminded them that he Signed the contract with the Dragon Clan.

Ray and Don both didn't want to be the leader as they thought if they become the ones who lead their unnamed squad they had to deal with Humans so they let Tyson decide their course of action. They only needed to go into the raids however they regretting it at the moment.

" Hey I am sorry, I just thought it will be better if we-"

Tyson turns his head to Don and Ray who were sitting beside him.

" What... Tyson, I know that you have a special relationship with them but it doesn't mean that we also had... " Ray snapped back " We don't like working for This clan and you know it... "

" Yeah... But think like this would be the best opportunity to get to know the strongest Clans... " Tyson said it quietly while earning a glare from Ray.

Tyson has decided to go on the E rank raid due to Don's situation even after he got hostility from Don as he thought they are thinking he was vulnerable but when Ray also supported Tyson he just agreed to follow along with a bitter taste along with one condition.

Tyson and Ray Agreed to let Don handle everything in there and only they will get involved when saw things getting worse. Don added this condition so he and his skeletons could be able to get enough time to level up.

The bus stopped at the destination. When they saw the portal that was standing across the woods near the Walls of City Z They felt thrilled. There were lots of people for some reason, of course, Black clothes...

Tyson led them Towards the primary person who was waiting for them with Scarlett. It was Shane.

Ray stooped on tracks refusing to get too close however when he saw Don and Tyson went Towards them soon he followed them quietly.

" Hey Tyson" Shane smiled Looking at Tyson, " So that suit was working out too well on you"

Don and Ray raised their bows, " Yeah, Mr. Shane... Thanks to You I got a chance to wear the suit made from that Red Snake." Tyson added while hugging Scarlett.

" Indeed it's special because there was only one battle suit had made from it and we got an opportunity to give it as a gift," Shane added while observing Tyson Battlesuit.

Don Eyed Shane before turning to leave and that's when Scarlett stopped him... " Don please wait for a minute... "

Don stopped on tracks as she came close to him" Uncle... Wants to talk "

Ray frown at her words but then Tyson and Scarlett began moving away from the leaving Don and Shane alone to chat... Ray followed them to however he couldn't able to forget looking back at them

" Don..." Shane says with a bit of regretting voice " I am sorry for my early behavior... I must have apologized earlier but... "

Don turn back without a word, " I know what my family did was wrong and I can't change the things that had happened but from now on I can promise you that there will be no dirty schemes come your way from my Clan" Shane Locked gaze with Don as if he was trying to figure out what would be his response, however, there was nothing he could able to perceive from his face.

" What this about?" Ray asked Tyson while darting his eyes On Don and Shane. Before Tyson could reply Scarlett responded.

" Uncle wanted to apologize for everything that Our family had done"

"Do you truly believe that apologies are enough for everything your family had done..." Ray's sharp words caught Scarlett off guard as she couldn't able to respond him.

" What if he couldn't able to survive that dungeon, what if he had died back there... miss Scarlett and we also don't have to mention that everything had happened there was somewhere connected to you"

Scarlett was stunned while looking at Ray, she could feel that there was something that this guy had against me but the things he was saying weren't false. She was guilty of everything, she was responsible for the death of his beloved sworn brother, and Dons conflicts with them.

" That's enough bro you are making her uncomfortable" Tyson came to rescue Scarlett, however, got scolded by Ray

" Don't call me brother you two-faced Dragon" Rays stood in front of Tyson while Locking gaze at Him. Scarlett was shocked after hearing his words.

She thought nobody knew Tyson's identity but she was wrong they know each other too well but Why he was calling him a two-faced Dragon was not something funny... Tyson was silent without responding to his provocations.

" I thought that we are brothers but fortunately you showed your second face at that party when you sided with others instead of us whom you like to call brothers" Ray saying every word in hope on he will do something stupid or at least he was trying to calm himself down after saying everything he had inside. " This is how you are supposed to treat your brothers?... If yes then fuck it I don't want to be your brother nor friends with someone likes you"

Tyson lowered his gaze and Ray smirked looking at his guilty face. Scarlett this time steps up.

" Please don't say such things to him... He was not like that if you truly knew how good and nice Tyson is-"

" Miss Scarlett... I am not interested in knowing him any further cause he already surprised us a lot"

" What's going on" Don came amidst their heated conversation and served as a cold wind. Ray steps back with a wide smile

" Nothing just casual talking," Ray says while glancing at them as if he was wanting their support. Tyson and Scarlett both smiled weakly. Ray walked ahead towards the portal

Don scanned their expression before following Ray. And when Tyson forwarded To follow them Scarlett lets out in an apologetic tone. " I am sorry, they are mad at you because I forced you to sign a contract with the Dragon clan so Uncle and Don got a chance to talk with each other"

Tyson replied with a smile as he ruffled her hair" Don't be the girl you are my best friend and I can do anything for you... and About them you don't have to worry no matter what happens in the future we will be friends. " Tyson followed them behind silently.

There was an inside rule of every guild as if the required wasn't able to fulfill by the contracted heroes them Clans had to send their Clan members so they can use the remaining empty slots in the raids. every clan avoids to sent their heroes as they didn't wish to lose their potential members so they use contracted heroes as cannon fodders. Even they die there will be no losses for The clans and there was a special gain for the one who decided to join the clans.

They receive an advantage over any heroes as they use their influence to suppress other contracted heroes. If any Contracted hero got an argument with a Member of the clan then he was getting involved with their entire clan members this was an unspoken rule. The members who get in with the heroes always find a chance to bully other heroes and if anyone retaliates back them their entire crew who was with that member use any means to bring him down even that means killing him and threatening his party members not to leak any information outside or else he will be next...

Since the new rules had been set, there was tension going in the contracted heroes and Members of the clans, It's not like the highly official didn't have a clue about everything going around it... They just ignored the incident so at least out of fear Contracted heroes would decide to join clans...

When the unnamed squad entered the get they had welcomed by the distant rainforest.

" Heck no... " Don signs looking at The scene...