
Don't You Worry My Lõvë : I've Got You[BL]

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read - " The enemy of my enemy is my friend. " ..... ..... —Bullshit ; ) Well My story starts with such a mysterious yet simple proverb. Ariel Ryang, The sole heir to the 'Ryang Conglomerate' had been raised in a family where they give more importance to love than money, manners than arrogance, compassion than viciousness but this does not mean they will leave anyone who tried to harm their family. A family which got powerful and more ruthless with each passing generation making them the Echleon in the societies. What will happen when suddenly one night they got a call from police station informing that the parents of 6 year old boy were found death in an accident Will you believe that reason found behind was as unreasonable as writing an essay in school. ...... Bo Zihan, A happy-go-lucky guy who only knows how to help others in whatever way he can. But wait a second : Are we missing something? Always Remember it is not necessary that everything we see is always 'The Truth'. ...... They met when they were in Business School, both determined to achieve their goal. Will these gentlemen by any chance can develop other feelings other than being committed to professionalism? .... [Peek-a-boo] I know it's you, Zihan...I can never make a mistake in identifying you", he confidently said to the man standing ahead. The man who was standing at a distance turned around, "What are you saying Mister? " I can understand that you have misunderstood me for someone else but this does not mean you can forcibly kidnap someone in the middle of the night. His usual groggy voice was faltering when he angrily stomp forward towards Ariel, making it sound like a angry yet soft voice.... like someone has fit a mike near it's Adam apple which was broken causing of two voices switching between. This made him grew suspicious. The man who was standing near him started sweating and nervously took a step back and turn around for an immediate escape but it quite seems like someone was al-ready to catch the falling prey. With one swift movement he was able to grab his hand and pulled him into himself with so much force that Zihan didn't got the chance to noticed what is happening and before he could do something he was already trapped between the strong arms of certain someone and then he heard him. A voice that he had been dying to be hear in these past 6 years. "I'm crazy enough for you, but don't tempt me further Zi-han, his voice was so deep that Bo Zihan couldn't take it. All the memories came flooding back in his mind. The way his name was reverberating in his ears sending chills throughout his body was a predominant indication. He can sense the pain and suffering from his voice but... "Not now....not yet Zihan this is not the time, " He kept reminding himself about his real motto to keep himself sane because if he didn't escape now there is no tomorrow... In hell he would let him go... He immediately started struggling like fish, anyhow to get out of his grip. But he didn't let him. Inhaling his scent he tighten his hold 10 times harder with both the hands wrap around him as if he was scared to loose this grip even an inch making him hissed in pain. Hearing his hissing voice bring him back to his real self, returning to his usual cold self. He continued ,"To make me lock you up and keep you only and only for me." Don't make me do it, Zi-han...... .... Hello Guys, First of all there is a major warning that this is a BL story those who doesn't like to read such stories they can skip to another story but I really want to you give a chance to this story and even if you don't like then you can leave it. Thank you guys... love ya.

Willy_33 · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Murmurs ....

[Inside the cabin]

9_9_9 ...

Hearing her, Su Juo had a perplex expression on his face, "999 .... what?

" ohh .. even though she said it in a very low tone but it was totally intentional in order to tease certain someone, " that one– the girl entered uff your new assistant she was the 999th girl being bewitched by your personality.. she said it making a double code with her hands in the air."

Su Juo who was seated opposite to her still had no expression over his face,"Why.. Are you perhaps keeping a track or this is your way of saying that I'm getting more and more handsome and you— an old woman".

A smirk appeared on his face, seeing that what he was intending was successfully showing on her face that was fuming with anger.

"So what I have been dumped by guys atleast by handsome once ... I too have a reputation".

His backfire was like someone was rubbing salt over her already wounded heart.. but she wasn't the innocent one, rolling her eyes over him she said imitating him, "Are you perhaps saying : You are a womanizer just you wait how I'll be bragging this thing to Min-jun..aah

.... aah,

In that very second, Su Juo had his head hung low like someone has change the atmosphere in the room suddenly from colourful to pitch black radiating gloominess, pain and hurt.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt I was just trying to cheer you up.... I didn't know how - how....

Cho yuri immediately run over his side and hug him. she was blaming herself for ruining his mood especially today.

Phoenix who had imposter himself as Ariel was watching the Tom and Jerry duo battering around couldn't help feel sorry for him and his boss.

He had been with them since they were little, watching them growing up into a fine young men even though they had a rough past still sticking to each other after all the things happened, all that matters to him.

" Master...

" Phoenix, can you bring the file that is put on the table, hearing his still voice both Phoenix and Cho Yuri exchange glance towards each other asking what's going on with him?


Bringing those files towards him, Su Juo began reading the information regarding the new starts-ups.

"Juo, are you alright do you want to talk about it? even though they never once bring this kind of topic out since that day but avoiding it was becoming more and more exhausting.

" I think they trying to make new adjustment in the company or more likely a second choice.

"Even though the report is showing their capital and how much they have grown within 2 years span

—which is impossible for a startup at that a foreign one but it is also increasing question at the same time ." Cho yuri interjected him after realising it.

"There is someone behind him a bigshot, seeing that it was his first legally carried business being carried under illegal one.

" Yuri, find out an equally capable company to replace, whomever is calling the shots knows that Ariel is not here, they taking the advantage of it.

"This means there will be soon another meeting... ohhh so adorable.. .... sweet....

The voices that were coming from outside cut her off in between, " what is going on...

"Young master is here, soon a whoosh sound was heard with wind swaying here and there and like that he was gone.

" How did he....— through smell. Su Juo cut her off but one thing that caught his mind was

'but why did he run off—

"knock... knock.