
Jordan was Attacked

Aden Bruce POV

In the evening I called Harry and asked him to take Jack with him to my house. I called Mel and asked her to go home early. She didn't expect that I would surprise her.

As she entered the house and she had seen jack she almost jumped with happiness. She hugged him tightly. After that we sat down. I was looking at the satisfying smile at my petal's face. After sometime Harry Called me.

Harry "I wanted to tell you something."

Aden "What is it?"

Harry "I think kate is planning to leave the country soon."

Aden "what? Did she say anything to you? How do you know?"

Harry "I heard her talking on phone call. She was asking for passport."

Aden "Okay I will talk to her. And thanks man for doing all this for me."

He punched me harder in chest.

Harry "Thank me again and I will break your mouth. Bloody Idiot. And don't worry I will take all my favors from you soon."