
Don't Take Me Lightly

Boss of the designing department of her company; a vigilante at night. Life taught her not to love so she choose to not to let her heart sway. She was too bold and strong for someone to be loved. So when he comes across her aloofness, he wants to know her more. The question lies as to what will happen? She choose her life dangerously so will love makes it way? If yes, what is gonna happen? If no, what is gonna happen? STORY: She knew that if she stayed here for a bit longer it is going to be trouble that will be following. She just wanted to leave. She was trying to make her move when she got interrupted by him, "I am not safe." It was not a request but more like a notification. She observed him. She could see no fear in his eyes. she was sure he had encountered situations like this and she was not bad at judging people too. It seemed like he was taking advantage of the situation. She smirked and answered before heading her way,"I am not interested."

artemisdaphne015 · Urban
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22 Chs


The unusual knock on the door disturbed the silence she was immersed in. She waited for it to die down as she leisurely sipped a glass of wine. The cool breeze from the open balcony rushed in to caress her.

Knock! Knock! Knock-Knock-Knock-Knock!

The slow paced knock slowly increased as the visitant became impatient with the lack of response. Mei slowly closed her eyes and patiently waited for the knock to stop as she savored the remnants of wine inside her mouth.

The silence crept back in as the dissonant knock drew to a halt.


Her eyes shot open upon hearing the sound. 'Someone just picked the lock'. She grabbed her phone to check the visitor outside. Seeing the tall thin figure outside the door just made her think deep as what to do. She got up from her chair and slowly headed towards the door. She stood in front of the door unmoved as she contemplated her next move.

Bohai had already decided to barge in only to find that the door didn't even budge an inch even after his continuous effort to push it open.

'Didn't I just pick the lock right now? Don't tell me she has secured more bolts on the other side of the door.'

'Should I try to convince her into opening? Wait. Will that even work?'

Mei slowly raised her hand to undo the bolts but, instead she did something contradicting her thoughts. She fastened the few bolts that were not locked including the one that was just picked.


Hearing the sounds of the fastening bolts Bohai clearly understood her message of 'Not welcomed' or more like 'Get Lost!'

As Mei turned around to settle down from where she left she looked into her phone out of curiosity. It was empty. She contemplated for a moment and rushed towards the balcony to shut the door.

Just a tad bit late as a foot interrupted her actions to close the door shut. She looked up she see Bohai beaming with smiles.

As he slowly pried opened the door he started to count the locks.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven! Huh! are you for real! Seven locks!!! Do you just simply lock out everyone???????"

Mei stared at him without a word.

"Oh Sorry! My mistake! You don't get any visitors right? Its alright I could give you some company!"

Mei continued to stare at him wordlessly.

"Come on, how long has it been since we had a proper chat. Why don't we catch up with were we left?"

Not even a second after the last word left his mouth she took the wine bottle, smashed it against the wall and swung against him. He dodged the attack as he stepped backwards.

"Mei!!! What are you doing? I just came in for a normal chat."

As she continued on with the attacks he slid into the apartment.

"I was just catching up where we left."

"What do you mean? I was just talking about the good times."

"I only remember the bad ones"

Her actions intensified as he evaded her attacks.

"Mei! Listen me out. Let's just talk this out. Could you please relax. It's tiring me out already."

As she stopped he took in long breaths to calm himself.

"Then why don't you leave, the door is always open."

He looked up to her stupefied and remarked,"You telling me the door is open with seven locks!!!! Come on....."

She pointed towards the balcony showing an alternative.


"See yourself out."

She made herself clear and slowly sat down to sip her glass of wine.

He stood and gazed at her drinking the wine with a feeling of guilt.

"I am sorry."

"You better be for what you did."

"This time he was desperate."

She got a bit confused with the words. She frowned how he said it.

"This time?" She turned towards him with a questioning look.

They both stared at each other.

The more you see your enemy in pain, the more you will start to feel empty.

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