
Don't Stop

DONT STOP⤓. when a group of pirates gather the needed pieces for their long-lost ship , the task is either life or death . ( crackfic .ᐟ )

PRADAABOY · Celebrities
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chapter five. why does he have an eye patch

 ׄ ִ ּ𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲.

why does he have an eye patch

"Yeah, everybody's here we'll be there soon," Seonghwa hangs up after checking in with the captain. Coincidentally that is when Chiyoko stirs awake.

She groggily sits up and stares at the pirates around her, "Ah we're all here, well except for the captain."

"Hey, uh what happened? When did you guys get here?" She inquires, not remembering anything.

Jongho and Wooyoung look at one another before Wooyoung clears his throat, "You fell asleep, that's it. And uh you guys came to get us."

Nodding her head she turns to Jongho, "Okay, now where did we leave off?"

"You were teaching me the high note part, I think."

"Yeah, you're right! Okay, let's continue!"


It has been a while since they arrived in the middle of nowhere.

Like tumbleweeds rolling in the wind, middle of nowhere.

As they are patiently waiting for the captain to arrive and the inevitable happens.

Chiyoko gets bored.

There is almost nothing she can do without Seonghwa side-eyeing her and telling her to sit down. But no longer can she sit down and there is Jongho next to her.

Time to mess with him.

Pulling an apple out of literally nowhere she strolls over to Jongho poking him in the shoulder, "Hey I got an apple for you."

Jongho stares at her before sighing, "Not now, Tesu."

"Please," she begs dragging it out.

"No, no, no more apples!"

Chiyoko continues to stare him down crossing her arms.

Jongho eventually breaks, "Fuck you, fine."

Snatching the apple from her Jongho watches as Chiyoko giggles and jumps around waiting for him to break it. Finally gripping the apple, Jongho snaps it in half without breaking a sweat.

"It's still cool every time I see it," she praises grabbing one of the halves and biting it.

Furrowing his eyebrows, "Wait Tesu... Where did you even get the apple from?"

Continuing to bite, she shrugs her shoulders. Jongho stares at her dumbfounded while the occasional thought runs through his mind, "What is wrong-"

But his thought is interrupted by footsteps against the gravel, captain is here.

Meanwhile, Chiyoko stares at the captain's face, the eye patch wasn't there before. Isn't that kind of cliche?

"I don't know how to feel," Chiyoko mumbles to herself finishing off her apple.

"Alright let's head back," the captain orders.

As they continued the drive back, Chiyoko nods her head confirming her thoughts, "Never mind it's hot."

you're right chiyoko it is hot <3

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