
Don't Simp!

A bastard’s soul suddenly finds himself in the body of a simp inheriting the said simp’s psychological tendency of simpness. “What the fu~~” There should not be any problem as he is just an extra to the story anyway. If that is the case, then it is quite simple— he just has to live as an extra for the rest of his life with humility. “Hey, hey~! What do you mean that I should kiss a girl every 24 hours or else, I will die!?” However, it is not really just a simp-ple matter… anymore… In a world of a female-dominated reversed harem novel, the 'extra', Hans, has to find a way to survive in this miserable world of potent lenses of simpness. Under the lenses of a simp’s eyes, how can Hans survive in this new world? How does he survive against the currents of the world with a strange fate hovering over his head? ... Updates are every 7:00 am consistent with GMT +8 #No Smut

Alfir · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


"U-umu… We... You know… We should just go out now, since you are harvesting my love, right? I don't mind being your partner…"

In the end, she is just a teenage girl, prone to fall into the heat of the moment. It is funny how this is the same driving force that allows the reversed harem genre to continue when this is all but a novel at first.

Hans wants to rebuke her and trample on her feelings. "I am simping for you to gather love power, not really courting you, and I have been vocal about it." He wants to scold her, but that didn't come through.

In the end, the day will come when Hans has to leave her. On that fateful night the same way he finds himself in the world of Love and Magic and the mirror realm, Hans decides to stay true to his intentions—to remove himself from the trajectory of fate, to not involve himself in the plot of this world, and what it means to be free.

"Well, this is goodbye I think… I never liked you in the first place…" Hans tells the sleeping Mira with apathetic eyes, his true feelings leaking out at that moment.

During the whole third year, Hans never did slack one bit. Earnest to free himself of the heroine, trains his magic abilities to the extreme far from the prying eyes of others. His act of breathing alone has become a form of exercise all ready for him. At the age of fifteen years old, at the end of his 3rd year, Hans finally decides to make his move utilizing his early 3rd circle magic heart.

"Come to think of it, my birthday will be tomorrow, huh?"

This is all thanks to the quality of love he is receiving from Mira. Clearly, just Mira's affection alone is enough to propel him to this height. Hans should be thankful but he is not.

Getting himself out of the comfy bed where he and Mira share, Hans casts stealth magic on himself deriving from the psychic theories he barely remembers from writing the magic system of this world… The magic spell, 'I Am Not Here' takes full effect, it is a not-so-shabby spell, and the only spell he has been trying to make for the whole past year.

Every spell in existence is unique and original to its own, and this is because magic has a personality. From this, it is also necessary to attach names with meaning to the spell. Hans bitterly recalls the comedy that arises from the various magic spell names he comes up with.

The 'I am Not Here' spell is not really commendable when it comes to the name. But in terms of its function and effectiveness, it is quite brilliant magic. The reason why Hans is heavily investing in this magic is because of Mira's good senses. He wants to fool her perfectly.

The choice of playing hooky from school and leaving her in the ditch is not amenable as it is impossible and she is always keeping a watch on him 24/7 almost obsessively. The tactic of disgusting her to death is also not possible, as Mira is stubborn in using her forged documents of being Hans's half-sister.

Leaving, Hans didn't even prepare any luggage, but merely sets off with his tracksuit. It is time he prepares the stage. One that greatly disturbs Hans is his connection with the organization behind Dara Ramen Shop. It is dirt that will embellish his name and remove him from the ordinary.

Hans desperately wants to become just an ordinary guy in this so special world. Maybe he, write novels of his own, garner some fame in the literary circles, and live a reclusive but happy life. This is his ambition.

Love Potions in this world are very controversial items. Benevolence is the evil organization behind the prevalent increase of Love Potion in the underground market. They are really not benevolent people.

Swallowing a pill from god knows where Hans's magical abilities increase multiple folds almost exaggeratedly reaching the 5th circle which is just one step away from the Archmage status.

"Hmmm… The only original spell I have is stealth-based, and I might be lacking in offensive power. Fortunately, I have this…" In Hans's right hand is a wand, a weapon for mages to concentrate magic and makes it easier to transfer imagination, thoughts, and logic to reality. With this, Hans can experiment in real-time, and come up with magic suitable for him.

In the short year as a 3rd-year student, he didn't simply spend his time blindly cultivating his magic abilities, but also on finding some items. The Overmage pill comes from stealing from a derelict alchemist who is hiding in Holden High School, and the wand is something he digs from someone else's grave.

The Dread Defiling Wand. A fearsome wand of a dark mage, possessing incredible affinity to weird, wacky, and unreasonable things. It comes with a Geass Restriction of its own— its host has to befuddle his opponents once a weak upon contract.

"Hmmm… Using this is a hassle, but so what?"

Amidst the silence of the night, Hans trespasses the Dara Ramen Shop while under the effects of his stealth spell. He shamelessly opens the door as if he owns the place. With simple lock-picking spells, he easily bypasses the 'physical' countermeasures with his magic.

Until finally, he reaches the basement, a rather uniform approach of the Benevolence Evil Organization. He opens the door by pushing it lightly, and from behind, he sees various undead skeletons engaging in mass-producing Love Potions.

Hans doesn't know about their quality, but the undead seems to be possessing enough intelligence as they adjust the fire to the changes in the quality of the reagents they are using. Despite this 'intelligence' that functions on their will, Hans remains invisible to their perception. The very act of opening the door didn't even move a single one of them.

Among stealth spells, Hans is most fond of magic that directly plays tricks on the mind instead of manipulating physical illusions. Still under his 'I Am Not Here' spell, Hans urges his magic to wake up and transform into reality.

"It is time to clean up the ticking time bomb that ought to ruin my ordinary life someday…"

Hans raises his wand, and with his right eye, he perceives where the 'nexus' is the server of the various skeletons doing their potioneering. It is impossible for a mage no matter how strong to keep this up all through day and night, so Hans assumes there must be a high-level undead around who is maintaining the assembly.

Hans's right eye didn't lie as he pinpoints a lich among the 'factory workers' who are similarly brewing a Love Potion of his own. "Turn Undead!" It is uncreative, but from his impression of religiosity and mashup knowledge of games, the incantation of 'Turn Undead' is pretty basic and effective.

The undead around Hans falls like dominoes. While the commotion is loud, Hans remains unknowable and invisible. The undead skeletons continue on their dedicated work, even the lich doesn't seem to realize it is in grave danger.

A lich is at least at 4th circle, and considering the lack of reaction, the lich in front of Hans is only about that level.

Hans redoes his magic once more, recreating the impression of 'purification' through his tongue. Magic is many things, and while its fuel is love, the force or energy that truly drives it is an impression.

Exceeding the effects of the theories of Logia Magica and Imagina Resulta, Hans catalyzes a magic truly belonging from the 5th circle despite being originally a 3rd circle. Supporting him is the mana pool of a 5th circle, and with the concept of magic at the level of a 5th circle, he truly has become a 5th circle mage even in this short moment under the influence of the pill.

Enabling him to exert the most optimized output, he focuses on his wand and activates his Geass. His tongue and lips move in accordance with an incantation in recollection of a past, of movies, ceremonies, and all sorts of cultural interchange.

"Oh~ I exorcise you vile spirits who dwell on the bones of the dead, the undead be gone, I usher the divine to grant you mercy so that in paradise, God may welcome you with his eternal love! Come forth, the punisher, purger of the lost, the winged harbinger of redemption, and allow them impure misplaced souls a chance for redemption! Hear my cry! Hear their weeping! They are in need, and in pain, and so I pray… May heaven's grace grant them mercy!"

Incantations are usually like this. It mostly consists of improvisations full of emotion, imbuing it with an impression, and saying a bunch of chunni stuff to enforce the metaphors as facts. For a tongue-based Geass, the more essential the incantations are for Hans...

As Hans raises his magic at an all-time high, he swings his wand, and coming from its tip is a beautiful, hot, curvy, sensual, bootylicious, sword-wielding, anthropomorphized, too womanly, just marry me, oh so dangerously, bewitching… angel…

Yes, an angel with exactly two bird--, ugh... angel wings in its back.

"I-is this purification? Oh~ my, my eyes are getting purified… but my lower part is not…"

MC simping for the mirage of his magic spells. Hans is too far gone.

Alfircreators' thoughts