
Don't Rush

Tanakashi Rito has always been viewed as a weak boy despite being well developed. The reason for this is because of the oppression of various females surrounding his life. "...You're so ugly! Stop staring at me with those disgusting eyes!" His female childhood friend said while sending a slap on his cheeks. "Kohi-san~ Always smelly as usual huh?" A female friend commented as he rides the train in peace. "Don't forget to not talk or look at me in school." His big-chested sister coldly reminded him as he prepares for school. And finally, his supposed 'girlfriend' whom he was forced onto. "I hope you just die in atleast a shitty way so i can make fun of your disgusting corpse on my friends." Under the constant verbal/physical abuse he receives, Rito contemplated for a moment before finally coming up with a statement that will possibly change his life. "I'll fight back." ——————————- [Disclaimer] : - This is a novel where the world revolves around MC due to the girls around him. This is also fast-paced story. - If you do not like that MC is a natural asshole and doesn't give two shits to those that doesn't like him and won't try to get some of the girls in the plot, this is not your cup of tea. - There are no rape nor NTR in this story. - A generic horsecock MC with little to no experience about building good relationships. A two-faced protagonist only to those who aren't close to him. - Cover photo isn't mine, found it on google. - There may be a couple of mispellings and some grammar errors, this is because i only use my phone to create chapters. I would love it if you can leave a comment pointing it out! ——————————- - You can also find this series on RoyalRoads and Scribblehub! ——————————- [declinedfizzies]

declinedfizzies · Realistic
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40 Chs

Chapter 2 – Uneasiness

7:16 AM

I went out of the house and immediately started my voyage to the shuttle stations.

I ran and ran through various alleyways, time slowed as i thought i was a powerful time-controlling protagonist who is able to turn back time and arrive before education was invented.

You might ask, rich parents plus big house equals to no vroom vroom? Well we have vroom vrooms but my sister is the one who gets to drive it, and who the fuck wants two crazy asian chick banging my ears with words like these:

"dOn'T fOrGeT tO nOt tAlK tO mE iN sChOoL, oKaY?!"

"dOn'T fOrGeT tO gEt hOmE eArLy tOdAy, OkAy?!"

And 10 minutes with these is like you're forced to play with ponies for the rest of your life. Hell nah, i'd even go crazy after that happens literally.

Magic Man isn't ready for some type of otherworldy BDSM that includes peddling my brain with words forming a cock. 

Now why the fuck did i just imagine that.

My messy appearance dashed through lines and crowds of people before finally squeezing my way into a local cramped train.

That just took me a minute, wow. Don't ask why, just read the synopsis dumbass.

The sound of gossips, people who looks like they're masturbating due to the fact they groan if you bump into them, unplugged headphones from drunk ass people playing bombaya headass music from the west. Babies crying and especially homeless people screaming and screeching like a final boss in a video game. This environment is my environment and all of this sound is like music to my ears.

This train is messy but it started moving. Finally i was able to achieve inner peace.

Aside from asking myself questions such as, why hot dogs aren't made from dogs and why french fries didn't originate in french countries. I thought about the earlier events as to figure out why my sisters acted odd.

First, miss caramaderie just accepted the fact that i was butt naked and she was continously gazing at my body and dick like there's no tomorrow.

Second, my other ojou-sama big sister acted holy today. I'm even more surprised that only one smart-ass remarks only came from her mouth besides the earnest saliva drooping. Seriously though, it's like my face just magically grabbed her fun place and squeezed her fun spots, if you know what i mean ;)

Anyways, i gotta find a way to remove the blackmails. The only reason i endure that hard is because of 'that' incident.

Let me tell you a tale of one of our fallen comrades.


"Why the fuck does this thing not work." 

Rito, 16 years old. Still a virgin despite his huge cock. Wanna know why? I don't know.

He was currently in his bedroom, and in bed. Holding a fat, wobbly and soft onahole. His expression that of a disbelief and worried.

That's right, he's feeling a little bit adventurous. Not really.

The onahole he bought has a supposed suction function that makes it somewhat special. It was one of those limited 'pocket' onahole where you enable the suction features and it just sticks to your dick 24/7.

Japan is convenient but hey, who am i to judge.

Currently, Rito was trying to convince himself that this wasn't a regular/normal fleshlight. But alas, him being loud attracted the attention of one of his sister.

In another room near Rito's, a girly white room could be seen. But if you look closely, the wall was actually pink. It's just it's plastered with polaroid photos, simple photos and even framed ones. Surprisingly, each of the picture contains our hero of sex, Rito.

"Haah... Haah... Rito~ R-Right there... It feels good right there..."

Every Rito in this picture scaled up to when he was a fetus up to the butt-naked 16yo Rito. It seems like it's a mixture of decent photographs and indecent photographs. What a pervert.

On the king-sized frilly bed, a moaning could be heard. On top of this bed is a really sexy figure of a woman. This figure was none other than Rito's older sister, Kizune.

"Rito... Deeper!! Deeper!! Harder!! Abuse meeeeee! Ahhh!"

Secretly, she leaned up to the thick wall separating hers and Rito's rooms. She was breathing profusely while she looked like she was peeping on a hole in the wall. Her fingers on the other hand, were 'abusing' her kitten while the other hand is also abusing her chocolate starfish. (charlie is a god)

On Rito's rooms, Rito was trying to use various methods to get the onahole working, starting from replacing batteries to more complex shit such as coming up with theories. Eventually, he resorted to internet only to be trolled by a photoshopped picture of the chinese president wearing bikini.

As he was pondering over suicide or refunding, his doors suddenly blasted opened and a shutter/click sound could be heard. 

In the state of shock, Rito just opened his mouth forgetting the onahole placed on his dick. 

The figure that forced the door opened was none other than Kizune holding her phone while grinning maliciously.

Apparently, Rito has been caught in 4k.

"Huh, i was wondering why there was noise in the middle of the night. Turns out, my little brother is so depraved he's willing to risk his weekly allowances." While smiling, she took more pictures of the shocked Rito. Kizune was more or less dressed in pajamas shorts and looks like she just recovered from her little exercise.

In the state of catalysis, Rito only heard the last sentence. This made Rito stop time temporarily to rack up his brains to save his face.

Well he didn't really stop time. He stood there, arms crossed and fell into deep thinking.

Her sister on the other hand, leaned up on the door while taking glances and secret photos of Rito's dick.

Finally after a moment of peace, he sighed and wore an understanding and serious face.

This in-turn made Kizune be both frightened and excited, frightened that Rito will really hate her this time and excited that maybe he'll rape her and keep her as captive while he turns her into a baby-making idiot. Her face turned euphoric for a second before he noticed a movement from Rito. And as a fuel to that, Rito started heading to Kizune. 

Both their hearts are beating loudly as they were anticipating each other's reactions.

Suddenly, Rito stopped inch away from Kizune.

He then acted like he was about to touch Kizune, this made her close her eyes and just accept her fucked up kinks.

But then Rito kneeled down and formed a dogeza. (similar to kowtow?)

"Please don't let mother and father know about this! I will do anything you want please!"

The truth is, Rito was scared shitless when he heard about cutting off his allowances.

'Fuck i can never let that happen! What would happen if old man yoma started selling my favorite porn games?!'

As Rito thought about that, he silently prayed to God that maybe this time he'll be a proper citizen only after old man yoma sold his favorite game.

This in turn made Kizune who was standing there waiting to be 'ravaged' by his brother opened her eyes. She felt rage and disappointment well up in her heart. How could this boy be so naive. (hell yeah, apparently incest is cool especially rape)

Kizune sighed deeply before returning into her malicious look and attitude, her previously gushing waterfalls in her pussy stopped at the sudden action of Rito. 

"Sure~ But you have to listen to whatever i say... Okayy~" She playfully said while giving the 'i look down on you' but it really meant 'i look down on your schlong'.

Rito breathe a sense of relief before smiling deeply at her sister and saying.

"Brother will do his best."


So that's how i ruined my life.

Currently, it's been a year since then but it's still embedded on my heart. 

This apparently caused a little bit of spark called 'revenge' start in his heart. And that would ultimately result in this story line progress. And oh, Rito doesn't know his sister is a much bigger pervert than him.

Back in the train, Rito was doing a mini-sopera in his head when suddenly a middle-aged man bumped into him.

"Hey! Beat it, brat!" the man shouted at Rito.

Rito then gave a frown before turning to the man. He planned to show a little bit of strength and vent some anger on the rude passenger.

Just as he faced him, the man was already faced his back on Rito.

The little rustling movement from the man caught Rito's attention and then he noticed a female student in front of the man.

This student wore the same uniform as Rito's and she was exceptionally beautiful. Unfortunately, only her back could Rito see. Her long chestnut hair that is tied into a ponytail, and her pale skin on her neck.

But what caught Rito's eyes were the massive tatas he could even see.

If i'm guessing, the legendary F-cup.

I'm not so unlucky after all.

After a moment of pondering, the rustling movement of the man's arms started again and the girl started trembling.

Rito suddenly got a bad intuition, like he felt something was amiss.

Rustling movement? Trembling?

He silently pondered the uneasy feeling before imitating the man. He put his hands in his pockets before finally realizing what it is. He widened his eyes and started trembling.

'I had forgotten my wallet.'