

"Could you please repeat that?"

"This letter was delivered by an owl!"

Eddie Scott stared in shock at his adoptive parents. As a transmigrator from Earth, Eddie had crossed into a new life in England. He had loving adoptive parents and an adorable little sister.

With Eddie's planning, they had amassed unimaginable wealth.

Eddie lived life recklessly, as if guzzling industrial alcohol without eating.

But then, an unexpected event occurred.

A letter appeared in Eddie's world.

"Eddie, open it. Although we're not sure how you came to know all this..." His adoptive parents exchanged glances, holding each other's hands tightly, "We will always support you!"

Eddie took a deep breath and accepted the envelope.

The envelope was made of thick parchment, the address written in emerald green ink.

There was no stamp.

With steady hands but a trembling heart, Eddie turned the envelope over. There was a wax seal, a crest with a large "H" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, First Class Order of Merlin)

Dear Mr. Eddie Scott,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

A list of required books and equipment is enclosed.

Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

What the...!

Oh wow!

These two expressions summed up Eddie's current state of mind.

The Hogwarts acceptance letter indicated that this world wasn't just an ordinary one; it had a mystical side with magic.

But... Eddie remembered the novel drafts in his bedroom drawer upstairs.

The novel.

Harry Potter.

All seven books!!

Oh no, this is bad!

Although he had finished copying them years ago and only told the stories to his sister at bedtime, the critical point was that recently, his family had acquired a publishing house to publish the Harry Potter series.

The first batch of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" had likely already been printed.

First edition.

One hundred thousand copies!

Eddie stumbled back and collapsed onto the sofa.

He thought of everything he had done over the past ten years—no, almost eleven years.

Oh no, how am I going to live now?

At this moment, Eddie deeply regretted not having a system. If he did, he could ask it if he could escape to another world.

Why was I so impulsive to write Harry Potter?

If the universe gave me another chance, I would never write Harry Potter again. Is life not hard enough, or is money not easy to earn? Writing Harry Potter was madness!

Given another chance, I would never be a plagiarist again. Writing Harry Potter is a dead end!!

Eddie felt utterly desolate.

A pair of warm hands touched Eddie's head, and he was pulled into a warm embrace. Eddie looked up, dazed, and saw his adoptive parents.

"Don't worry, Eddie. We always knew you were a very talented child."

"Although we don't know how you learned all this, we love you, and we are a family."

"The first batch of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' has been completely intercepted, all one hundred thousand copies are in the warehouse."

At this moment, Eddie's eyes welled up with tears. This was family.

As the three of them embraced warmly, a small figure quietly approached, picking up the letter Eddie had dropped.

"Brother, is this the letter from the story you told Nicole? I knew there had to be magic in this world!"

Nicole Scott exclaimed excitedly.

Nicole was Eddie's little sister in this life. After adopting Eddie, who had been abandoned at the orphanage door at birth, his adoptive parents unexpectedly had a child of their own.

There was no alienation, only increasing affection. Eddie's adoptive parents believed that Eddie, their little angel, had brought them their child.

Worth mentioning, Nicole was Eddie's biggest fan, especially after he narrated the Harry Potter series to her as bedtime stories, turning her into a fervent HP fan.

Her favorite was the Draco-Harry pairing, and she often felt emotional about Grindelwald and Dumbledore's love story...

Who knew how deeply rooted the British tradition of slash fiction was? A little girl instinctively grasped the essence of the entire series.

Noticing his sister Nicole by his side, Eddie quickly regained his composure.

"Nicole, if nothing goes wrong, this letter should indeed be the one from the story."

Hearing Eddie's response, Nicole felt the world shift, thinking, 'I knew it! I knew it!' With such thoughts, she suddenly realized a serious issue.

If her brother Eddie Scott was a young wizard, then she... Nicole couldn't help but think.

The idea of going to Hogwarts to learn magic made Nicole swear to study hard.

With stars in her eyes, Nicole looked at Eddie expectantly, asking, "Brother Eddie, can I go to Hogwarts too?" She then turned to her parents, with an 'I knew it' tone, "Mom, Dad, did you hide my acceptance letter to surprise me?"

Eddie's adoptive parents exchanged a look, unsure how to explain.

Finally, Eddie stepped forward, placing his hands on Nicole's small shoulders.

"Nicole, what I'm about to say might scare you."

Nicole seemed to realize something, her cute face showing a fearful expression.

Her face looked aggrieved, on the verge of tears.

"Brother Eddie, am I... a Squib?!"

"No, you're not."

"That's great! I'm not a Squib!"

"Actually, your brother is... adopted. You're a Muggle."

Nicole's smile froze instantly.

Indeed, it was a frightening revelation, her little face turning pale.

"Mom, Dad, brother must be lying, right?! He's actually your biological son, right?"

"Nicole, I'm very sorry. Your brother is truly not our biological child!"

Nicole clenched her small fists tightly, staring at the ground.


Nicole lifted her head abruptly, her eyes slightly red.

"Then I must be a child you picked up on the road!"


After saying this, Nicole couldn't hold back her tears any longer and burst out crying.

Eddie was at a loss for words. Finally, Mr. Scott intervened, "Eddie, the books are all in the warehouse. Just talk to the butler."

Eddie shot a grateful glance at Mr. Scott, aware of just how obsessed Nicole was with Harry Potter.

He hoped this wouldn't affect her too much.

With that thought, Eddie hurriedly left, faintly hearing Mrs. Scott's comforting words and Nicole's sobs in the background.

"Nicole is mommy's real daughter. Don't cry, sweetheart..."

"Eddie is your brother, not adopted..."

A warm feeling surged in Eddie's heart, and his resolve strengthened.

He couldn't let this matter affect his family!

All one hundred thousand copies of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" had to be destroyed, down to the last page!

The Harry Potter series had been a massive hit in Eddie's past life on Earth, a cornerstone for any transmigrator's plagiarism endeavors.

This was why Eddie chose the Harry Potter series as the spearhead for his business empire, with plans for further ventures such as movie adaptations, theme parks, and merchandise. At just eleven, he could release one book per year until adulthood, gradually building a magical movie universe centered around Harry Potter. But now, a single letter had derailed all his plans.

Eddie was puzzled. He had never exhibited any magical abilities, like making objects fly, shattering glasses, or bending bullets.

How had Hogwarts detected him?

Could it have been when he transmigrated?

When he arrived in this world as a newborn, did he unintentionally release a magical wave?

He couldn't figure it out, but it seemed likely.

Although this world had suddenly transformed from a mundane place to one with magic, Eddie oddly felt reassured.

No ordinary world would allow for something as strange as transmigration; it wasn't logical! If transmigration was possible, then rebirth and other phenomena could occur too.

What if a reborn person decided to study him? They might eliminate him and follow his path... then he would lose his business, his life, and even his future wives.

At eleven, Eddie was still a child with countless choices ahead. Imagine if, while enjoying life, a masked thief suddenly killed you after taking your path to success.

What if an unexpected reborn person followed a transmigrator's path, steadily growing stronger?

Every time Eddie pondered the philosophical question of life's origin and destination, he felt betrayed, as if his life had been hijacked.

Now that magic, this unscientific element, had appeared, Eddie felt strangely relaxed.

Transmigration might not be scientific, but at least it offered an explanation.

Even if it involved using magic.

Eddie ran to find the butler and quickly reached the warehouse.

Ten thousand books were neatly stacked, all packed in boxes, making Eddie's legs weak.

If any book leaked out and a wizard got hold of it, it could lead to deadly consequences.

This wasn't just a prophecy; even a fortune teller wouldn't dare take the blame. This was a spoiler!

Eddie took a deep breath and ordered the butler to contact someone to bring a shredder. Thanks to a hefty bribe, the shredder was flown in.

After verifying the books to ensure no mistakes, Eddie and his helpers began shredding the books.

As evening approached, Eddie realized that destroying ten thousand copies of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in one day was impossible. He planned to shred them again, even a third time, before burning them. If feasible, Eddie intended to spend a fortune to send the ashes into space, far from Earth.

He continued working, aware of the many boxes left to process.

"Go away!"

"Damn it, where did this stray cat come from? It wasn't here a moment ago!"

A servant's loud complaint made everyone look over, taking a brief break.

A stray cat?

Did it slip in through an open door?

Eddie glanced at the tightly closed door and windows, realizing something.

A lightning bolt struck his mind, and Eddie instantly understood the cat's identity.

Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, was a powerful witch skilled in Transfiguration and an Animagus.

As one of the most advanced magical transformations, Animagi could turn into animals, offering many advantages.

Minerva McGonagall's Animagus form was a cat, described in the novels as a tabby cat with spectacle markings around its eyes.

This tabby cat matched the description perfectly.

Eddie watched the cat, calmly licking its paw, cleaning its face.

The spectacle markings confirmed it was Professor McGonagall... Eddie considered her actions as moisturizing her face.

Despite Hogwarts' millennium-old prestige in the wizarding world, it had few staff, especially the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers who changed yearly. Even Dumbledore, the most powerful white wizard, struggled with this issue. Graduating students dreaded Dumbledore's visits, fearing it signaled doom.

In such circumstances, even Deputy Headmistress McGonagall had to personally recruit students, often traveling and facing dehydration.

Particularly for families like Eddie's, born in a Muggle household, the process was even more time-consuming.

Not everyone could easily accept the existence of the magical world. Who would want their child to attend a school teaching magic, a subject with a dubious reputation, in an unrecognized institution?

Imagine a child at eleven, about to start secondary school, suddenly approached by a wizard in strange clothes, inviting them to a mysterious school to learn magic.

Children might not understand, but adults certainly would!

Every year's admissions involved a long tug-of-war between professors and Muggle families. Professors had to explain the magical world, Hogwarts' history, what children could learn, and their future career prospects after graduation.


While tidying her fur and smoothing out the traces of her journey, Minerva McGonagall locked eyes with her target, Eddie Scott.

Strange, very strange.

Professor McGonagall had never encountered a child like this. Most kids, when they saw a cat, would either pet it or try to scare it away. Polite children might refrain from doing anything, but none would maintain such prolonged eye contact.

Moreover, she noticed a deeply hidden fear in the boy's eyes.

She had arrived a bit late due to the admissions process at the previous Muggle household. The father was a dentist with some social standing, and after their discussion, he enthusiastically offered to check her teeth. As if a witch needed dental care!

Fortunately, her teeth were healthy, though the dentist's curiosity about wizard teeth delayed her somewhat.

Following the magical trace, Professor McGonagall found Eddie in a large warehouse, surrounded by shredded paper.

She sensed something unusual about the boy... perhaps connected to the shredded papers around him.

Eddie broke eye contact and spoke briefly to someone nearby.

Soon, the warehouse was empty except for Eddie and a cat.

"You are a wizard, aren't you?"

The boy's respectful attitude immediately pleased Professor McGonagall, who was used to dealing with unruly children.

With a swirl of transformation, McGonagall reverted to her human form, relishing Eddie's astonished gaze.

She wore an emerald-green cloak, her black hair styled in a tight bun. The stern-faced middle-aged woman with square glasses looked exactly like her Animagus form.

"Remarkable, truly remarkable. It's hard to believe you come from a Muggle family. Even children from pure-blood families wouldn't notice anything unusual about a common cat," McGonagall praised him, then asked her question, "How did you discover me?"

Did I need to? I've copied the entire series!

Eddie thought, but didn't dare say it. Powerful wizards could read minds, and McGonagall was undoubtedly strong.

"Esteemed witch, upon learning about the existence of magic earlier today, I speculated about meeting a real wizard. Forgive me, but no ordinary cat would remain so calm amidst shouting, let alone maintain eye contact."

McGonagall felt a wave of embarrassment, her face reddening slightly. Being seen through by a child who hadn't even learned magic was a humiliation for an Animagus. Yet, this increased her appreciation for Eddie.

A smart child with a keen interest in magic.

"Allow me to introduce myself formally, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Professor of Transfiguration."

"Professor McGonagall, my name is Eddie Scott."

Eddie remained calm and composed, though inwardly he was panicking. The surrounding shredded pages were from "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." The first shredding was rough, and anyone could piece them back together.

Especially a witch like McGonagall, who could undo his day's work with a spell. If the magical world discovered those hundred thousand copies, Eddie would be in serious trouble.

He'd be doomed!

But lies often require more lies to cover them.

A little investigation would reveal that Eddie Scott had meticulously planned the next seven years.

Was he preparing to become a prophet?

Eddie quickly continued, "Sorry, Professor McGonagall, I think we should move to a more appropriate place, like my living room. This... is a business secret of my family."

Business secret?

McGonagall raised an eyebrow, making Eddie nervous.

No wonder the boy was afraid—he feared wizards discovering his family's business secrets. But what could be so secretive?

Such a large warehouse...

Though curious, McGonagall respected her moral boundaries and professional ethics. She suspected the secret might involve something dangerous and subtly cast a detection spell, finding no magical response.

'It must be related to the Muggle world,' she thought, deciding not to delve further. Everyone, in both the Muggle and magical worlds, has secrets. She looked deeply at Eddie, realizing this smart boy wasn't as simple as he seemed.

Outside the warehouse, the butler and others saw Eddie emerging with a stern-looking middle-aged woman.

The butler wanted to speak but was stopped by Eddie's look. Soon, a sightseeing car arrived, and the group boarded it. The butler watched in amazement as Eddie conversed with the woman.

Since becoming the Scott family's butler, he had known Eddie to be exceptionally mature for his age, leaving a deep impression. But now he saw something else.

A ten-year-old pretending to be innocent!

Yes, a nearly eleven-year-old child pretending to be innocent, trying to act his age.

Sitting next to Professor McGonagall felt like sitting on pins and needles for Eddie. Concealing his biggest secret while a powerful witch appeared at the crime scene had drained him. Now, his mind was nearly blank.

He wondered how long Professor McGonagall had been there.

Minerva McGonagall's cat form.

No, her Animagus form.

How long had she been there before the servant noticed her?

This thought turned Eddie's sharp mind to mush. He sighed inwardly, realizing he needed a wake-up call.

Before transmigrating, Eddie was a knowledgeable netizen—one who knew a bit about everything. Reading a hundred-thousand-word paper might leave him with only a few discussion points.

Completing any commercial activity, let alone copying the first chapter of Harry Potter, would have been impossible.

But Eddie had a special ability: he could sense something within his body. By activating it, his mind would become highly active. The more he activated it, the stronger the effect.

Eddie called it overclocking.

Chapter 4

The overclocking state, as Eddie named it based on its effects, is divided into different levels depending on the degree of activation.

There are Activation, Full Power, and the envisioned future states of Normal Activation and Normal Full Power.

In nearly eleven years, Eddie has only used Full Power a few times, and Activation once every three months at most. As he earned enough money, Eddie gradually reduced the use of these abilities. In the past year, he hasn't used it at all!

The effect of overclocked Activation is that Eddie's brain activity increases, significantly enhancing his memory, logical thinking, and calculation abilities. Compared to his normal state, the difference is like a struggling student versus a top student regularly acing exams.

The difference between Full Power and Activation is even more pronounced, akin to the difference between a top student cramming and a true prodigy. The term "prodigy" says it all.

Thus, Eddie jokingly refers to overclocked Activation as a "brain awakener," instantly clearing his foggy mind.

Regardless of the overclocking state, it consumes a special energy in the body. Each use of overclocked Activation leaves Eddie feeling drained, often resting his head against the shower wall, wanting nothing but to let the water wash over him.

Who knows how a kid just a few years old can experience such energy depletion.

Full Power overclocking has even more severe consequences, nearly killing him due to extreme energy loss. If his family hadn't had some assets and hired a team of nutritionists and doctors, Eddie's grave might be taller than him by now.

Both states require energy, but fortunately, this energy increases as the body grows and can recover on its own. Eating well during recovery speeds up the process.

In an overclocked Activation state, Eddie's thoughts are instantly clear. He deduced that this energy must be magical in nature. Although the exact composition of magic is unclear, it evidently correlates with a wizard's physique and willpower. Hence, nutritious food accelerates the recovery of magic.

Eddie's brain was running at full throttle, analyzing every expression and movement of Professor McGonagall from the moment she appeared. Every minute muscle twitch was scrutinized.

Eddie interacted with Professor McGonagall while continuing his analysis.

The tour vehicle stopped at the villa entrance.

Eddie exhaled deeply, concluding that he was safe.

Back in the warehouse, Professor McGonagall hadn't used magic to restore or pick up the intact novel, which already provided a clue. After leaving the warehouse, it was even clearer she wouldn't investigate what he had tried hard to hide.

For a wizard, Muggle items hold little interest. Even Dumbledore, the greatest living white wizard, only focused on coexisting with the world's largest civilization group.

Muggle weapons are not as threatening to wizards as one might imagine. Adult wizards can easily avoid Muggle threats with the Apparition spell.

In fact, powerful wizards use Apparition in combat as a minor movement skill, ensuring they never take a step if they can teleport.

But Eddie had to be extremely cautious when it came to his life and safety.

Repeated simulations drained a year's worth of magical energy.

Switching off overclocked Activation, the residual state left Eddie appearing normal.

In simple terms, he was overly excited, and the excitement hadn't worn off. His brain ignored his body's warnings, just wanting to keep going.

As Eddie walked through the door, a small figure rushed at him, hugging him tightly.

"Eddie brother!"

Holding little Nicole, Eddie felt her attachment and couldn't help but feel blessed to have a sister.

"Nicole, be good. Please come down; we have guests."

Reluctantly, Nicole let go of Eddie. She knew her brother would be attending Hogwarts for the next seven years to study magic.

Looking up, Nicole couldn't help but exclaim.

"Professor McGonagall!"

Familiar with the entire Harry Potter series, and secretly writing her own fan stories, Nicole knew all the characters well.

Hearing this, Eddie's brain, not fully out of the Activation state, issued frantic warnings.

High alert!

High alert!

His brain wanted to shut down to minimize damage!

The stern and fair Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts immediately sensed something was off. She hadn't introduced herself yet!

Her sharp gaze turned to Nicole.

How could a Muggle family accurately name her? Was there contact with someone from the magical world? That would be illegal!

Nicole quickly realized her mistake. Knowing the Harry Potter stories are set in the future, she, as a Muggle, shouldn't know about Professor McGonagall yet.

Nicole's quick thinking led her to see the butler and the tour vehicle at the door. She quickly said, "The butler mentioned your arrival over the intercom. I envy Eddie for going to learn magic at Hogwarts. Can I go too?"

Eddie quietly sighed in relief. Professor McGonagall pondered; Muggles do have something called an intercom.

Although Muggles can't wield magic, they have made unique achievements in areas like science.

Seeing Nicole's expectant face, Professor McGonagall gently said, "Dear, I'm sorry, but Hogwarts only accepts students with magical talent."

Seeing Nicole's disappointed expression, Professor McGonagall felt a pang of guilt.

At Hogwarts for many years, she had seen this situation often. Every staff member at Hogwarts encountered this to some degree.

She pursed her lips, pretending not to see. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Even Squibs, those born to magical families but unable to do magic, are also excluded from magical schools.

The group entered the hall. Eddie's foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, were surprised to see Professor McGonagall in her wizarding robes, which seemed bizarre to ordinary people. But being familiar with the Harry Potter series, they immediately understood she was a wizard.

A quick thought clarified Professor McGonagall's identity.

"Honorable Professor McGonagall, forgive us for not welcoming you properly," Mr. Scott said.

Thanks to Nicole's explanation, Professor McGonagall didn't think much of it. Otherwise, any different response to her questioning would have been suspicious.

After a brief introduction and pleasantries, Professor McGonagall sat on the sofa, sipped her tea, and said, "Mr. Scott, I'm here about Eddie Scott's admission to Hogwarts."

"That's wonderful! Please ensure Eddie starts learning magic at Hogwarts as soon as possible!" Mr. Scott replied enthusiastically, catching Professor McGonagall off guard.

Wait, this isn't right. I haven't introduced Hogwarts' glorious history yet, how can you agree so quickly?

He marked the page.

Chapter 5

That the student's parents so readily agreed to send their child to Hogwarts was certainly something to be pleased about.

However, Professor McGonagall couldn't shake the feeling that something was off; everything seemed to be proceeding a bit too smoothly and quickly.

Are you sure it's a good idea to send your child off to Hogwarts without knowing much about it?

With this thought in mind, Professor McGonagall explained the basics, though it felt like talking to people under a Confundus Charm—they had no objections at all, leaving her somewhat disappointed.

It felt like recruiting a rather uninterested magical student.

The conversation hit a lull, and though Professor McGonagall wanted to say something, she found she had nothing to add. Leaving abruptly would make Hogwarts seem unfeeling.

She silently lamented her difficult situation.

Finally, Eddie broke the awkward silence.

"Professor McGonagall, may I ask, how does Hogwarts select its students?"

"That's an uncommon question, Mr. Scott," Professor McGonagall replied, coughing to regain everyone's attention.

In fact, even without the cough, all eyes were already on her.

"Hogwarts is a school dedicated to teaching young witches and wizards how to use their magical abilities. We detect magical activity across the UK, and when we find a child with magical talent, their name is added to the enrollment list."

"So you're saying Eddie had some magical activity?" Mr. Scott asked.

"Yes, when young witches or wizards experience strong emotions or are unconscious, their magic can manifest uncontrollably," McGonagall explained.

The Scott family nodded in understanding. Mr. Scott couldn't help but recall, "No wonder Eddie had a severe illness at age six, nearly dying. It must have been a magical outburst."

"What?!" Professor McGonagall was shocked, spilling her tea as she quickly approached Eddie, her face full of concern.

"You nearly died from a magical outburst? By Merlin's beard, that's very serious!"

Her wand appeared in her hand, and even Eddie, standing closest to her, couldn't catch the incantation she murmured.

A mystical sensation spread through Eddie as McGonagall's wand touched his forehead.

After a long moment, she lowered her wand, her expression complex.

"I couldn't detect any magic in you, Eddie," she said.

"It seems you might be experiencing something very rare. But don't worry, Hogwarts has a thousand-year history of dealing with complex magical issues. We'll find a solution!"

Eddie was baffled. It felt like being diagnosed with a rare condition and having to choose a specialist to treat it.

He thought, "I just used my magical ability a moment ago! Is it really that serious?"

Considering his magical ability used magic as a power source, it seemed plausible that it could cause unusual phenomena.

So this condition—or complex magical issue—might as well be named after his ability: Goldfinger.

Unlike Eddie's calmness, Mr. and Mrs. Scott were deeply worried by Professor McGonagall's words.

After much questioning, Professor McGonagall finally relented. Just like with a medical emergency, parents deserved to know about serious issues affecting their child.

"What's happening to Eddie is extremely rare and might be a sign of an Obscurial. However, my examination showed no trace of magic in him," she said, reconsidering her words. "Or it might be hidden within his body, but either way, it's not a good sign."

"When a young witch or wizard suppresses their magic due to physical or emotional abuse, they can develop an Obscurus—a dark, parasitic magical force. It's powerful but unstable and hard to control."

Eddie was stunned. Who was she talking about? He was perfectly happy and not in any pain!

"I'm not! I don't have it!" he wanted to shout.

"Usually, Obscurials don't live past ten. Perhaps Eddie's near-death experience was due to an Obscurus outburst," McGonagall continued.

Silence fell, and tears welled up in the eyes of Eddie's loved ones.

Mrs. Scott hugged Eddie tightly, tears streaming down her face.

"My poor Eddie, mommy's here. I won't let you suffer anymore," she cried.

Mr. Scott joined the embrace. "Daddy's here too."

"Nicole will protect her brother too!" Nicole added.

Watching the loving family, McGonagall couldn't help but wonder what had dispelled Eddie's Obscurial tendencies. Was it love?

But why did he develop Obscurial tendencies in the first place?

After a long silence, McGonagall voiced her doubts. Mr. and Mrs. Scott exchanged glances. Mr. Scott, wiping his moist eyes, said, "Eddie… isn't our biological child. We adopted him."

"When Eddie joined us, we had Nicole. He might have felt we didn't need him anymore, so he always acted mature for his age. The psychologist said it was a self-defense mechanism."

"But the truth is, we love Eddie as much as Nicole. We would do anything for him."

After a long pause, McGonagall wiped away her own tears.

This was the greatest love of all.

She couldn't help but think of Harry Potter's parents, Lily and James. Love could work miracles, defeat dark wizards, and conquer Obscurial tendencies!

Professor McGonagall stood up to leave, kissing Eddie's cheek.

"Eddie, we'll see you at Hogwarts."

As she Apparated away, Eddie felt a wave of gratitude towards his family.

They had kept their promise to protect him, and he, using his foresight, had secured great wealth for them.

The weakness spread through his body as his brain finally acknowledged the physical toll. The depletion of magical energy made him feel drained, every cell yearning for a recharge.

Chapter 6

The depletion of magical energy had a severe impact on Eddie's body. His heart pounded intensely, and his body frantically tried to compensate by producing more blood, but this self-healing process was difficult for his body to handle given the unnatural nature of magical energy.

Eddie could distinctly feel the blood rushing through his veins, the throbbing in his head, and suddenly his vision went dark.

His pale face flushed unnaturally red, and he saw static like an old TV losing signal.



After several cycles of deep breathing, Eddie's father, Mr. Scott, noticed his condition and gently asked, "Eddie, are you alright?"

"Mr. Scott, I don't feel so good..." Eddie's breathing was heavy, but his mind was oddly clear. He knew he needed rest and a good meal after waking up.

He reassured his family, "I'll just sleep for a bit upstairs." With heavy steps, he retreated to his room on the second floor, leaving his worried parents watching until he disappeared around the corner.

"Dear, it seems we won't be seeing Eddie for a while," Mr. Scott said, concern evident in his voice.

"Eddie is so young, and Hogwarts is so dangerous."

If Eddie hadn't written the entire Harry Potter series, which proved his deep connection to the magical world, they wouldn't have agreed to send their eleven-year-old to such an unknown environment.

Given that Eddie couldn't avoid it, it was better to embrace Hogwarts and learn magic to protect himself in the future. This was the conclusion they reached after a day of discussion following the Hogwarts acceptance letter.

Eddie had shown remarkable foresight by writing the Harry Potter series, arranging future events with precision. This indicated a strong natural connection to magic.

"Dear, don't worry. Hogwarts is actually quite safe," Mr. Scott tried to comfort his wife.

She shot him a look, "Safe? You call a school safe where in the first year he encounters Voldemort, the second year a basilisk, the third year Dementors, and the fourth year Voldemort's resurrection? Not to mention the countless sacrifices by wizards! I've never heard of a school with so many disasters!"

A gloomy atmosphere settled over the couple.

After a long pause, Mr. Scott spoke again, "How about... I buy Eddie a gun for self-defense?"

"That's a great idea! Let's do that!" Mrs. Scott's eyes lit up, strongly agreeing with her husband's suggestion.

The next day, sunlight streamed into Eddie's room as he woke up surrounded by warmth. Although he still felt the effects of magical depletion, he was used to it from past experiences. With some nutritious food, he'd recover in a few days.

He went downstairs, where the servants, under his instructions, had prepared a special meal.

Eddie wasn't a glutton, but given the resources, he ensured the meals were top-notch. With his wealth, he had access to chefs from around the world, able to prepare any dish to perfection.

As he ate, he felt his magical energy slowly returning.

Ah, satisfaction.

Eddie stuffed the last piece of cake into his mouth, patted his belly contentedly, and then resumed the task of destroying "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." The sooner this was done, the sooner he'd feel at ease.

Nothing is more reassuring than doing it yourself.

After several days of busy work, Eddie watched the last batch of shredded documents being incinerated, feeling a heavy weight lift from his heart.

At this point, he wouldn't mind if a heavy stone fell on his foot; he'd still be content.

With most of his magical energy restored and the discomfort gone, Eddie addressed the butler, "Mr. Butler, please take care of the rest."

"It's my duty, young master."

"Make sure to control everyone involved, even if it means using pounds to keep them quiet. Not a single person should be left out!"

"As you wish, young master."

Eddie nodded in satisfaction. His butler was nearly flawless, though he wished he were a pretty young lady.

Editors from the publishing house, untrusted servants, and anyone involved in the publication—all needed to be controlled. Eddie had considered more drastic measures but decided against it, given his age.

Instead, he planned to offer them high-paying jobs far from gossiping crowds until he could learn the Obliviate spell and find a way to avoid the Ministry of Magic's trace. He'd ensure they forgot not just the publication but even their own names if necessary.

Eddie breathed a sigh of relief, reviewing everything in his mind to ensure no loose ends.


"Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall. How's the recruitment going?"

In Diagon Alley, Professor McGonagall was discussing this year's new student wands with Garrick Ollivander at his shop.

Although Ollivanders had a history of over two thousand years without error, a familiar voice made Professor McGonagall turn in surprise.

"Professor Dumbledore, I thought you were handling Harry Potter's admission?"

Indeed, Hogwarts was so short-staffed that even the headmaster had to be involved in recruitment. However, Dumbledore had found a way to delegate.

"Ah, I entrusted that to Hagrid. He delivered Harry eleven years ago, so it's fitting he brings him back to the wizarding world now."

"It's fate, like destiny had planned it all along," Dumbledore said, winking mischievously, looking like a playful old child.

Ollivander stepped forward, mentioning, "Albus, your wand reminds me of my father's finest work... one of them. Though your current wand is powerful, I always thought the first one suited you best."

"And the two wands made from your phoenix Fawkes's feathers."