
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Xiangxi Corpse Driving Craftsman

Su Han paid no attention to the endless debates on the Internet!

The live broadcast of fortune-telling is nothing more than collecting merits and completing the task of three fortune-tellings every day!

Help others as much as you can!

This is Su Han's original intention!

So he doesn't care about the heated discussions on the Internet!

"The speed is quite fast!"

Under the full moon, a Taoist priest in a Taoist robe stepped on a flying sword and flew through the lush jungle!

Sometimes turning, sometimes a 360-degree flip, it can be said to be chic and comfortable!

If this scene is seen by others, they will definitely drop their jaws!

"This is the feeling of flying with a sword. I have to say, it's really cool!"

Su Han was in a good mood. In order not to be discovered, he flew into the depths of the forest with a sword!

The Qingyun Mountains are very vast and are considered one of the largest mountains in central China!

This place is sparsely populated and many places are still primeval forests!

There is no need to worry about being exposed when flying with a sword here!

If this happened in a big city, if someone saw it, wouldn't it be on the headlines of tomorrow's news?

Half an hour later, he landed smoothly under a cliff!

Flying with a sword is really cool, and it is a great tool for traveling!

The only pity is that it consumes a lot of spiritual energy!

However, the flying speed is very impressive. The flying speed just now almost reached 100 kilometers per hour!

Not slower than some cars!

And the skill of flying with a sword can be even faster as his cultivation level improves!

As long as his cultivation level improves, it will be easy to catch up with the high-speed rail!

And the flying altitude can also increase. Maybe one day in the future, someone will be on a plane and look out the window, and see a Taoist flying with a sword above the clouds. I don't know what his expression will be!

"I haven't been to this place yet!"

Where he is now is still part of the Qingyun Mountains!

It's just that he flew for nearly half an hour, and he is already far away from the hill where his Taoist temple is!

After walking two steps, Su Han frowned slightly!

A strange breath seemed to be approaching him slowly!

Then, a clear and loud bell rang!

In the fog ahead, several figures slowly emerged, and the accompanying bells became louder and louder!

In the silent and deserted mountains, the bells rang in the middle of the night

Perfectly meets the various characteristics required by ghost movies!

Ordinary people would have been scared to pee their pants!

Su Han was overjoyed. He couldn't wait to see a ghost!

This means that he can level up again by killing monsters!

The bells are getting closer and closer, and a jumping figure slowly appears in the darkness!

I saw a girl about 1.5 meters tall, wearing ethnic minority clothes, with a face as white as a porcelain doll, holding a bell in her hand, shaking it and walking towards this side!

Behind this strangely dressed girl, there are three figures walking slowly. But to be precise, they are not people!

But three corpses!

Because Su Han could not feel any vitality from these three people!

"Xiangxi corpse driver?!"

Su Han frowned slightly, and a mysterious and well-known profession quickly emerged in his mind!

This girl, who looked like a porcelain doll, was leisurely shaking the bell and rushing on the road, but she saw a young Taoist priest in a Taoist robe in front of her!

And he was very handsome!

She stopped immediately, stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "You people from the 749th Bureau are really haunting!"

"What a big grudge, I just dug a few graves? Do you have to stare at me every day?"

Hearing this, Su Han was confused

I'm just a Taoist priest passing by!

Really just passing by!

Does this little girl seem to have any misunderstanding?

However, before he could speak, the little girl on the opposite side rang the bell. This should be a magic weapon! The ding-dong sound can control the three corpses behind! The three corpses should have been turned into puppets by this little girl! Sure enough, the bell sounded just now! One of the corpses suddenly moved, and at a very fast speed, and in a blink of an eye, it had killed Su Han! The body was dry, the whole body was blue-black, and there were long claws on the hands! With both hands raised, the claws rushed straight to Su Han's throat! "Blessings and infinite heaven!" Facing the sudden attack, Su Han seemed unhurried! Golden Light Mantra! Activating the Golden Light Mantra, the body was radiant with golden light! The claws of this corpse were rebounded when they touched Su Han's body, and could not break his defense at all! Su Han did not take out the Red Dragon Sword. To deal with such a small fry, he didn't even need to use a magic weapon! He threw a punch!

Carrying a strong gust of wind, he rushed straight to the forehead of the opponent!

With one blow, the head exploded instantly!

This corpse was instantly scrapped!

The girl who looked like a porcelain doll was stunned on the spot

Su Han gathered the golden light outside his body and said lightly: "I am a little bit good at boxing!"

"Ding, kill the post-natal period Yin corpse, cultivation +15!"

The prompt sound appeared in his mind, and a warm current spread throughout his body!

Su Han was overjoyed. This kind of monster-killing and leveling up is much faster than his own hard training!

Ning Qiqi on the opposite side fell to her knees on the ground with a plop!

"Master! Master! I know I was wrong and will never make the same mistake again!"

Ning Qiqi looked pitiful and looked very pitiful.

"Since I have never hurt anyone, please let me go~"

When she saw Su Han knock her corpse's head off with one punch, she knew that she was definitely no match for him and there was no need to resist!

"Get up first, I don't want your life!"

Su Han asked with a little doubt: "But I am very curious, what is the 749 Bureau you just mentioned?"


Ning Qiqi jumped up from the ground in an instant: "Aren't you from the 749 Bureau?"


Su Han shrugged

Ning Qiqi's face was full of indignation: "Then why did you knock my Lao Liu off!"

The Lao Liu she was talking about should be the corpse that was just hit in the head by Su Han!

"If I remember correctly, it seems that you were the first to attack!"

Su Han frowned slightly and said, "I am just a Taoist priest passing by. You attacked me without knowing right or wrong!"

"I see you have hurt many people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden light on Su Han's body surface appeared again!

He was going to attack as soon as he disagreed with someone!

Ning Qiqi was so scared that she stepped back two steps and said quickly, "Master, calm down! It's all a misunderstanding!"

"You must not attack a weak woman like me!!"

Su Han was instantly amused: "Whose weak woman is not sleeping in the middle of the night and wandering in the mountains with three corpses?"