
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Wulingzhi is actually rat droppings?

Su Han held a fishing rod and sat by the lake to fish. He also learned about the medicinal value of earthworms!

The audience in the live broadcast room shouted for knowledge!

"Whenever you see a Chinese medicine doctor, you must not dig out the dregs of any medicine he prescribes. Just drink it and that's it. After you finish digging through the dregs, you may not dare to drink it next time!"

"I remembered that a few months ago, a Chinese medicine doctor prescribed me a medicine, which contained a medicine called Wulingzhi. I thought the name was quite nice at the time, but later I found out that it was actually rat poop..."

"Hahaha, in addition to Wulingzhi, there is also Hope Moon Sand Man Zhong Huang..."

"Is the Taoist master also very proficient in Chinese medicine? I remember that Taoism also has medical inheritance!"


Su Han smiled and said: "I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit!"

The [Taoist Medical Records] obtained after completing the mission yesterday has given Su Han the medical experience of dozens of top Taoist medical experts!

Now his achievements in traditional Chinese medicine are not enough even for those masters of traditional Chinese medicine in front of him!

I have to lament how powerful the system is. Just this traditional Chinese medicine, even if others spend most of their lives or even a lifetime practicing it, they may not be able to achieve such high attainments!

After all, there is a big difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, special eating talent!

And Su Han received just one reward!

After sitting by the lake for a while, there was a force coming from the fishing rod!

The buoy on the water dropped rapidly!

The fish is hooked!

Su Han gently pulled, and on the sparkling water, a big mullet was pulled directly from the water!

Look at this size, it weighs more than ten kilograms!

The fishing guys in the live broadcast room are all jealous and envious!

"Taoist Master, you are so lucky to have caught such a big mullet!"

"The Taoist priest said that in addition to fortune telling, I am also professional in fishing!"

"Didn't anyone notice that this mullet weighing more than ten kilograms was lifted up by the Taoist priest with just a gentle tug! It takes such a lot of strength!"

"Holy crap! I didn't even notice that the strength of such a big fish in the water must be terrifying. Even a strong adult would have to work hard to pull it up. The Taoist priest actually Just a light tug!"

"I knew Taoist Master must be very powerful, I really want to try it!!"

"Upstairs, you can drive on this broken road!"


Fans in the live broadcast room saw this big mullet weighing more than ten kilograms, and Su Han pulled it up without any effort!

I couldn't help but be shocked!

How much strength this must take!

"Pindao lives in the mountains and usually does some farm work!"

Su Han smiled and said: "It's normal to be stronger!"

Just kidding, he is a practitioner!

In terms of strength, even a weightlifting champion would not be enough in front of him!

After removing the hook from the mullet's mouth, Su Han released the mullet again!

The audience in the live broadcast room was very puzzled!

"It's not easy to catch such a big fish, Taoist priest, why did you let it go? If you can't catch it later, you will have to return empty-handed!"

"Indeed, this mullet looks so plump, it would be a pity to let it go!"

"The Taoist Master must not have the heart to kill..."

"Hahaha, that's impossible. The Taoist priest ate the grass carp with gusto yesterday!"


After hanging the earthworms on the fishhook again, Su Han threw the rod out.

Only then did I notice the barrage in the live broadcast room!

He smiled and explained: "I have told everyone before that although I am a Taoist, I am not a monk. I am not bound by so many rules and do not need to abstain from eating meat and fish!"

"Although there is no need to abstain from eating meat and fish, we Taoists still have the four rules of not eating!"

"The so-called four things not to eat are cows, dogs, mullet and swan geese!"

Su Han smiled lightly and explained: "Cows are kind, down-to-earth and hard-working. In ancient times, they were a precious labor force. They worked hard all their lives without complaining, so they cannot be eaten!"

"Dogs are extremely loyal to their owners. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that dogs do not care if the family is poor, so we don't eat them either!"

"I don't eat mullet because I am filial. After a mullet gives birth to roe, its body becomes extremely weak. At this time, the roe will swim back to the female fish's mouth and use its life to help the female fish recover!"

"This kind of behavior is regarded as great filial piety by our ancients, so we can't eat it!"

"A swan goose has only one mate in its life. If its companion dies or disappears, the remaining swan goose will not be with the other swan geese, even if it is alone!"

"The reason why I don't eat it is because of Zhen!"

"These four things to eat just correspond to the noble moral character of "kindness, loyalty, filial piety and chastity"!"


Su Han explained very straightforwardly, and the audience in the live broadcast room once again shouted for knowledge!

"The Taoist Master is so knowledgeable! You can always learn new knowledge in the Taoist Master's live broadcast room!"

"Hahaha, I didn't even listen so carefully in class. If my high school teacher had been so handsome, I would definitely be admitted to Tsinghua and Peking University!"

"I see, then I won't eat these four animals anymore. I want to protect the noble virtues of kindness, loyalty, filial piety and chastity!!"

"For us Chaoshan people, it is really impossible not to eat beef!"

"We Yulin people say that it is really impossible not to eat dog meat!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room is very active!

Su Han was sitting quietly by the lake fishing. Unknowingly, the number of people online in the live broadcast room had exceeded 100,000!

[Country Garden five-star general]: "Master Taoist, I am the security guard who linked mic with you last night. You said there were corpses in the lake. Now people from the police station are here. Can you video chat with me? I Tell me about my situation!"

A barrage attracted the attention of fans in the live broadcast room!

Isn't this person the same security guard last night who was pressed into bed by ghosts every day and whose brain was not very bright?

[Candy Baby]: "Taoist Master, hurry up and pick up his video, I want to eat melon, hahaha!"

[Kakarot]: "Yes, yes, I'm ready to eat melon!"

[Pikachu doesn't eat sweets]: "I believe that the Taoist priest can't be wrong. If there is something in that lake, there must be something!"


Countless fans who were anxiously waiting to eat melon reminded Su Han!

Su Han also noticed this barrage and saw the video link initiated by Hu Xiaokang!

Be careful and you will be connected quickly!

Hu Xiaokang, dressed in security uniform, appeared in the live broadcast!

Behind him, there was a large group of people surrounding the community lake. Some were property owners, some were security guards... and the police!

"Taoist Master, you said last night that there might be corpses in the lake!"

Hu Xiaokang said with a sad face: "Several policemen came this morning. They have been fishing for a long time and haven't even seen a hair!"

Su Han smiled and said, "Why do you feel unhappy because you didn't find the body?"

Hu Xiaokang said with a bitter look on his face: "Our captain said that this happened all because of me. If nothing is fished out, I will be fired!"