
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

What are you talking about with me?

Miao Shuying looked at the live broadcast room and asked, "Taoist Priest, will he not have any descendants in this life?"


Su Han nodded.

In fact, as long as you do good deeds and accumulate virtue in the days to come, you can still make up for part of it and hopefully give birth to future generations!

But Liu Ziming is just a scumbag. As long as he doesn't do evil in the future, we still expect him to do good deeds and accumulate virtue. Let's forget it!

Su Han, on the other hand, has no good impression of this person, and of course he will not remind him!

The fans in the live broadcast room just felt so happy!

[Phoenix Dan Cong]: "Good thing, good thing! This kind of scumbag should be punished, otherwise the girl who was deceived by him would be really pitiful!"

[Pinocchio]: "I'm afraid. I'm afraid. It seems I have to take relationships more seriously in the future and stop being a scumbag!"

[Jiangdong Wu Yanzu]: "It doesn't matter. I don't plan to have children anyway, so I don't panic at all. I will continue to be a scumbag."

[Jasmine Fragrance]: "Upstairs, you are so stubborn that you are not afraid of boiling water!"

[Sunshine Muppets]: "This man deserves it! All scumbag men deserve this!"


"You're talking nonsense!"

Liu Ziming said angrily: "There are so many scumbag men in this world. So many people cheat on them, but they don't have any descendants!"

Su Han's eyes turned cold.

"Things are also classified according to their severity!"

Su Han said: "Of course it won't have much impact if the sin is relatively minor. Think about it for yourself, apart from cheating after you got married, how many other girls had abortions for you before you got married!"

Liu Ziming's expression changed instantly. Because what Su Han said was true!

"When you were in love before, you used to trick those girls and not take safety measures for various reasons!"

Su Leng said in a low voice: "Not only did you have many relationships with them during your relationship, you also made five of them pregnant!"

"You use various excuses and sweet words to get them to abort their children!"

"One of the girls lost her fertility because you had three abortions!"

"What Pindao said should be correct, right?"

Liu Ziming's face suddenly turned pale!

What Su Han said was actually 100% accurate!

And only he himself knows these things, not even his parents know!

"You are such a scumbag!"

Miao Shuying slapped Liu Ziming hard and said hysterically: "We will get a divorce tomorrow!"

"I also paid part of the mortgage on this house. I will let the court divide the property!"

Because she has never had children, Miao Shuying originally felt a little guilty. Although she also planned to divorce, at that time she wanted to cleanse herself and leave the house...

She has always been such a kind and simple girl!

But now that she heard about Liu Ziming's evil deeds, she now wanted to cut him into pieces. There was no way she would give in even half an inch in terms of property distribution in the divorce!

The audience in the live broadcast room clapped their hands and applauded!

[Potatoes with fried leeks]: "Well done, young lady. We must break up with this scumbag decisively. Find a better lawyer and let him get out of the house!"

[Chen Yu Luoyan]: "Every time I see these scumbags, I feel itchy with hatred, but fortunately, this guy got his comeuppance, which makes me much happier!"

[Biting Shark]: "This man is so disgusting. You said it's okay to ride on multiple boats. If you don't take safety measures, what will happen to the bodies of those girls?"

[Wolfberry Stewed Pork Loin]: "This kind of man only thinks about his own pleasure and doesn't think about the physical safety of his partner at all. I don't understand why a scumbag can have so many girlfriends. A good man like me, in his twenties, I haven't held a girl's hand in years!"


"Shuying, just forgive me!"

Liu Ziming begged: "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, but you must always give me a chance to change my ways!"

"After four years of our relationship as husband and wife, are you not even willing to give me a chance to change?"

Upon hearing that Miao Shuying was determined to get a divorce, and more importantly, to divide the property!

Liu Ziming suddenly panicked and hurriedly played the emotional card!

"I won't believe you anymore!"

Miao Shuying gave him a disgusted look, her attitude was very firm!

Liu Ziming sat on the ground dejectedly. At this time, he looked at the live broadcast room and begged with tears and runny nose: "Taoist Priest, I already know I was wrong!"

 "People can not escape from doing wrong!"

"As the saying goes, I laid down my butcher's knife and became a Buddha immediately. Now that I have turned around, you have mercy and saved me. I cannot live without descendants!"

Liu Ziming cried bitterly and begged

Fans in the live broadcast room complained one after another!

[Weiliang Lighter]: "Taoist Priest! Don't believe his lies. This guy is like crocodile tears. You can't believe it!"

[Spicy Crayfish]: "My enemy! This guy is so disgusting. His attitude just now and his attitude now are simply ridiculous!"

[Black Goat]: "Taoist Priest, you must not be as kind as a woman at this time, otherwise I will lose my powder!"

[Sweet Milk Tea]: "Don't worry! The Taoist Master will definitely not help such a scumbag!"


The audience in the live broadcast room was afraid that Su Han would be moved by this guy's crocodile tears and actually help this guy later!

But it's obvious that they are overthinking!

How could Su Han be such a person with such a holy mother's heart?

"Young man, you are crying at the wrong grave!"

Su Han said speechlessly: "I am a Taoist. What did you tell me about putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately? What did you say about turning back and finding the right path?"

"Get out of here!"

Su Han was quite rude. He didn't like this kind of scumbag who played with women's feelings and even asked people to have abortions.

Fans in the live broadcast room were relieved and liked it one after another!

"Master Taoist did a great job, let this scumbag fend for himself!"

"Hahaha, this guy is also funny. He said that he would put down his butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. That's nonsense. You will be punished for your sins!"

"That's right! Why can a wicked person who has done evil things all his life become a Buddha as long as he puts down his butcher knife? He has taken advantage of all the good things in the world?"

"As expected of the Taoist priest, I am definitely a fan!"


In the live broadcast room, there were crazy comments about what Liu Ziming said just now!

Why put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately? They don't accept this!

Whatever evil you commit, you must receive retribution!

The evildoers must be punished!

This is also what Su Han thinks!

As the saying goes, when the road is rough, draw your sword to help!

According to Su Han's character, if the person encountering difficulties is a person of pure nature, then he will draw his sword to help!

If that person does all the bad things, Su Han will not only not draw his sword to help him, but will even draw his sword to make up for him!

Ignoring the pleas of Liu Ziming and her mother-in-law, Miao Shuying pushed the door open and left the house!

After walking out of the building, she couldn't stop crying!

Ignoring the suspicious looks from passers-by, I squatted on the ground and cried loudly.