
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

This is not a water monkey

Looking at the rotten fish hanging on the hook, the strange scene made the audience in the live broadcast room a little uneasy!

The legend of the dead fish has always existed among the people!

How could a dead fish bite the hook?

This is obviously abnormal!

[Falled Leaf Turtle]: "The dead fish is telling the truth, just put the pole away and leave!"

[Wind Chimes at the Ferry]: "No offense, just passing by, Amitabha~"

[The crow flies south]: "Brother, why don't you leave? This is obviously a ghost!"

[Looking at]: "Watching the Taoist Master's live broadcast at night is really exciting, you can encounter all sorts of weird things!"

[Tai Chi Wu Er]: "Brother, don't be afraid. Use peach wood as the pole, ink as the thread, and put two talismans on your forehead. There is no need to panic!"


The middle-aged man asked in a panic: "Taoist Master, is this situation normal?"

"Based on my opinion, it's not normal!"

Su Han smiled and shook his head: "Since you are scared, why don't you leave?"

The middle-aged man touched his head and said with some embarrassment: "The fishing was very good tonight. I caught several fish!"

"I'm not willing to leave now!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded!

White Flower: "He is exactly like my husband. He is addicted to fishing!"

[Jiangbei Wu Yanzu]: "Brother, you are right. As long as a fish takes the bait, you must not leave. What is more terrifying than the air force? Don't panic!"

[One Lotus King]: "Brother, you are really ruthless, I admire you~"

[Old Friend from Jianghu]: "I advise you to leave quickly. The last time I went fishing, I also encountered this situation, and it ended up being unlucky for a month~"


The middle-aged man said in a panic: "Taoist Master, are there water monkeys in this water?"

"I heard from people of the older generation that dead fish are just talking, it's the water monkeys in the water who hang the fish on it!"

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed again

[Sweet Sugar Orange]: "It's so funny. Do you want to give Teacher Xiaoliang a try here?"

[Tieling Sacred Tree]: "It seems that the legend of the Water Monkey is really spread throughout the entire land of China!"

[Coca-Cola]: "Taoist Priest, we are very curious whether there are water monkeys!"

[Love to eat rice noodles]: "Yes! If there are any water monkeys, just ask if they grow~"


"Of course there are water monkeys!"

Su Han smiled and said: "But the probability of ordinary people encountering it is very low, so you don't need to worry too much!"

Water monkeys are essentially the kind of demons and monsters that appear in mountains, rivers and lakes, almost like mandrills!

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became interested!

"Even the Taoist priest said there are water monkeys, so it must be true!"

"Taoist priest, when will the live broadcast of catching water monkeys be broadcast? I want to watch this!"

"Hahaha, I want to see it too!"

"Want to see +1!"


The audience in the live broadcast room expressed that they all wanted to see the water monkey!

Su Han smiled and nodded: "If I have the chance to meet the water monkey, I will live broadcast it for everyone."

"Taoist Priest, shouldn't I run away?"

The middle-aged man was a little panicked, swallowed his saliva and said, "Don't wait for the monkey in the water to climb ashore. If you drag me down, it will be the end!"

"Don't panic, what you encountered is not a water monkey!"

Su Han said with a smile: "You are just trying to fool a ghost!"


The middle-aged man was suddenly sweating profusely: "I feel like I'm even more panicked!"

The destructive power of hitting a ghost is not any easier than running into a water monkey!

[Lemons are not sour]: "I want to share this live broadcast with my husband to see if he still dares to go fishing in the middle of the night!"

[Lao Wang next door]: "I hope the buddy next door won't see this video, otherwise he won't dare to go fishing in the middle of the night, and I won't have a chance~"

[Don't Eat Bitter Melon]: "It seems that fishing at night is really dangerous. Not only do you have to be wary of ghosts, waterproof monkeys, and spicy strips, but you also have to be wary of Lao Wang next door... It's really hard to guard against!"

[Huan Po Shadow]: "Watching the Taoist priest's live broadcast is really exciting. I am alone in the rental house. I admit that I am a little panicked~"


"Bump into ghosts!"

The middle-aged man broke into a cold sweat: "Why am I so unlucky!"

"Actually, the unlucky ones are the ghosts~"

Su Leng said nonchalantly: "Do you think the ghost wants to target you? It's you who steps on other people's graves to fish."


"I'm fishing on someone's grave?" The middle-aged man was confused for a while, looked around and said, "No, where are the graves here?" "

"You take two steps to the left and pull the grass over there!"

The middle-aged man swallowed and did as Su Han said. After pulling away the grass, he saw a small tombstone...

He immediately clasped his hands together and apologized hastily: "Sorry, sorry! No offense intended, I'm just a passing fisherman!"

"You sir have a lot, just treat me like a fart~"

The middle-aged man said with sweat dripping from his body.

There was originally a scary atmosphere, but his few words actually made the audience laugh!

[Calabash Man]: "You fish on someone's grave, and they only hang a dead fish on your hook. It's not too much after all, hahaha~"

[Warrior Battlefield]: "Brother, you are a real tiger. Forget about fishing at night. You also found a geomantic omen and fished on people's graves. No wonder you are chasing ghosts!"

[Anonymous little kid on the street]: "I used to pee on other people's graves when I was a kid, and now I think about it and I suddenly feel a little scared~ Maybe people saw that I was still a child and didn't care about me!"

[Stir-fried Pipi Shrimp]: "Brother, I advise you to run away quickly, don't think about fishing~ This is a ghost, we don't know what will happen later!"


The middle-aged man had no intention of fishing at this moment. He asked Su Han for help: "Taoist Priest, what should I do now? Just leave?"

Su Han nodded: "This is not an evil ghost, and I don't want your life!"

"But after you go back, if you have a fever for a week or two and are unlucky for a month or two, you probably still need it!"

When he heard the first half of the sentence, the middle-aged man felt happy, but when he heard the second half, his face turned blue!

The fever lasts for a week or two, and the unlucky one or two months... Although it is not fatal, it is still very uncomfortable!

I just want to catch a fish, why am I so unlucky?

He hurriedly asked for help: "Taoist Master, you have great powers, you must have a way, right? I don't want to have a fever or be unlucky..."

"I still have a wife and children to support at home... If this fever lasts for a long time, I might have to be fired from the company!"

Su Han took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket with various strange patterns painted on it. A knowledgeable person could tell at a glance that it was an evil talisman!

"Take a screenshot! Write down the pattern on it!"

Su Han said: "When you get home, find a piece of paper, use your own blood, and then burn a few hairs on it!"

"Just follow the pattern of this talisman and wear it on yourself, and you'll be fine!"

The middle-aged man was stunned and asked: "Taoist Master, will this evil-proofing talisman that I drew myself be useful? I don't know magic!"