
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Shocked the Chinese Medicine Community

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Su Han clicked "Agree"!

On the other side of the video, it was still the living room of the simple rental house. After Li Zhanpeng saw the call was connected, he knelt down without saying a word!

"Master! Thank you for saving my father's life!"

Before waiting for Su Han to speak, Li Zhanpeng kowtowed three times on the ground, each of which was loud and clear!

There was a moment of silence in the live broadcast room, and after the silence, the barrage exploded instantly!

[Fat Tiger Doesn't Hit Little Bear]: "According to this, doesn't it mean that his father really recovered after drinking the prescription?"

[Little Kodak Duck]: "I said that if the Taoist priest is not sure, he will definitely not prescribe the prescription. The Taoist priest is my eternal god!!"

[Rice Roll with Vinegar]: "But didn't a lot of Chinese medicine practitioners say yesterday that this prescription not only cannot cure diseases, but will also kill people? Even the master of Chinese medicine stood up and spoke!"

[Herbal Fragrance]: "Is it true? I have studied Chinese medicine for more than ten years. To be honest, I really don't believe that this prescription can cure diseases. This is incredible!"

[See if I can stab you]: "It's impossible. With the prescription last night, a whale would probably foam after eating it. How can a person be safe and sound?"


The fans in the live broadcast room were excited!

Su Han once again proved his strength!

On the other hand, the Chinese medicine practitioners in the live broadcast room fell into silence

They couldn't believe that this unreasonable thing actually happened?

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

In the courtyard of the villa, Le Jingxuan looked incredible!

He couldn't accept this result for a while, because decades of medical experience told him that this was absolutely impossible!

Su Han ignored the barrage in the live broadcast room, but looked at Li Zhanpeng who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowing!

"Get up quickly, don't kneel down for every turn next time, so that I am not mentally prepared at all!"

He waved his hand and said, "Tell me about your father's situation!"

Li Changpeng nodded and told the truth about what happened last night!

After going to several pharmacies, Li Zhanpeng finally got enough medicine prescribed by Su Han!

According to Su Han's instructions, this medicine was boiled for nearly two hours!

When Li Zhanpeng brought this bowl of soup in front of his father, his hands were shaking and he hesitated!

Because all doctors told him that this was a bowl of extremely poisonous soup, and taking it would kill him!

Even though he knew this was the last attempt, he still hesitated, because this was his father!

Seeing him hesitant, Li Guoguang stretched out his hand on the bed, and his weak body actually took the bowl of medicine steadily!

"Zhanpeng, you must study hard in the future and give birth to more big fat boys in the future!"

After Li Guoguang finished speaking, he gritted his teeth and swallowed the bowl of medicine. In less than two minutes, he felt his stomach churning and a huge pain came!

Sweating in pain, Li Guoguang felt that his teeth were about to be broken!

Seeing his father in such pain, Li Zhanpeng immediately took out a needle of painkiller from the cabinet and was about to inject it into his father, but was stopped by his father!

"How can I take painkillers after taking Chinese medicine!"

Li Guoguang comforted his son: "It's okay, Dad, I'll just grit my teeth and bear it!"

"Maybe it can really be cured!"

When he said this, even Li Guoguang himself didn't believe it

In the next two hours, he experienced great pain, vomiting disgusting black blood with some pus in his mouth!

After vomiting half a basin of black blood, Li Guoguang stopped vomiting!

After vomiting all the black blood, Li Guoguang was shocked to find that the pain seemed to have eased a lot!

Li Zhanpeng glanced at the time and trembled with excitement!

"Dad, two hours. Two hours have passed!"

Li Zhanpeng was so excited that tears flowed down his face!

"Master, if you can survive two hours without dying, there is hope of recovery!"

"Master is so powerful, he will definitely not lie to us!"

Li Guoguang felt like he was dreaming. He originally planned to drink this bowl of poison and die, so as not to drag down his son!

But he found that it was extremely painful after taking it, but after spitting out the black blood, the whole person seemed to be much more relaxed!

It was like a person whose throat was strangled, and finally had some breathing space!

After a difficult night, although Li Guoguang still felt pain in his body, he didn't feel so tormented!

It was much easier than before!

Pancreatic cancer is known as the king of cancer. Many patients are often killed by pain in the later stages!

After taking various types of painkillers, the pain still cannot be suppressed!

Finally left with pain!

"Master, you are really a living god!"

Li Guoguang was like grabbing a life-saving straw at this time!

Before, he was ready to die because he knew there was no hope of recovery!

Now he saw hope and could survive. Who would want to die?


Li Zhanpeng told the story in detail about what happened last night!

Then he asked nervously, "Master, according to what you said last night, my father can be saved as long as he can survive two hours after taking this bowl of medicine, right?"

Su Han smiled and nodded and said, "There is no such thing as 100% certainty in medicine, but your father did not die after drinking the medicine!"

"Then I can say this, even if the effect of cure cannot be achieved, there is a 70% chance that your father can live ten more years or even longer, and with a good quality of life!"

After receiving Su Han's affirmative answer, Li Zhanpeng was extremely excited!

He kowtowed desperately, repeating with tears in his eyes, "Thank you, Master, thank you, Master."

The fans in the live broadcast room gave their blessings!

[Snow White Pear]: "It's really good news. The Taoist priest dared to say that. He must be sure of it!"

[Fragrant Herbs]: "Unbelievable, unbelievable. I feel like I have learned Chinese medicine for more than ten years in vain. How does this prescription cure diseases?!"

[Scallion Oil Noodles]: "You can't deny it! The things left by our ancestors are still awesome. They can even save the pancreatic cancer patients who are helpless all over the world. At the same time, I hope some Chinese medicine practitioners can learn more and stop making a fuss when they see a prescription!"

[Lobster]: "Am I the only one who doubts that this is a double act?"

[Cool Coke]: "Show us an act. If he is acting, he can win the Oscar for Best Actor!"

[Tsinghua Xiaobai]: "I can prove that this junior brother is indeed a student of Tsinghua University, because I was the one who entertained him when recruiting new students. It can't be fake at all!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room is very active!

Su Han said at this time: "Take me to see your father's condition!"


Li Zhanpeng nodded hurriedly, turned around with his phone and pushed open the bedroom door.