
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Looking good really can give you the freedom to do whatever you want.

For the first time completing a task, the reward obtained is the Golden Light Divine Spell!

This inevitably made Su Han look forward to what he could acquire in the future!

After silently reciting the spell, a protective golden light spread from Su Han and gradually dissipated.

The acquired Golden Light Divine Spell reached the level of being well-versed without the need for practice!

It's important to know that the Golden Light Spell isn't simply cast by reciting incantations; it tests one's understanding of the spell!

People at different levels of mastery exhibit varying powers when casting the Golden Light Spell!

Now that Su Han has directly achieved a well-versed level, further refinement would require cultivation!

However, this has saved him a lot of time. Ordinary Taoist practitioners would spend two to three years just to reach the beginner level, let alone become well-versed!

Judging by the power of his Golden Light Divine Spell, dealing with some minor spirits would be a breeze!

Su Han was immersed in joy, seemingly forgetting that he was currently live on air!

The audience outside the screen rubbed their eyes, almost thinking they were seeing things!

[Iron Pot Stews Big Goose]: "I must not be seeing things, right? There seemed to be a holy golden glow emanating from the Taoist priest just now, although it only lasted a moment!"

[Man Tiger Brave]: "I saw it too! This must be the Taoist priest performing a spell!"

[Qingwei Mountain Junior Taoist]: "This seems to be the protective golden light. I've seen my master cast it once before, with just such a glow, only not as dazzling as the host's!"

[Iron Weight]: "My goodness! You Taoists really can cultivate immortality!! I'm setting off tomorrow to find a temple and become an apprentice!"

[Rose with Thorns]: "I wonder if this protective golden light enhances combat ability in certain areas!"

[Armored Warrior]: "Wow, you can drive on this kind of road? Truly worthy of being a female driver!"


The barrage in the live room became active again!

The audience was all curious about the layer of golden light that had just enveloped Su Han!

Suddenly, it added to Su Han's sense of mystery and power!

Noticing the live room's barrage, netizens were having a great time discussing!

They had seen the Golden Light Divine Spell earlier!

"It was just a special effect for the live broadcast, no need to make a fuss!"

Su Han said with a calm smile, "I am but an ordinary little Taoist priest!"

The audience in the live room teased him one after another!

"If you, Taoist priest, are just an ordinary little Taoist, then there are no masters in this world!"

"Taoist priest, I gifted you, can you share the secret to immortality? I also want to fly on a sword!"

"I've never seen such realistic special effects on TikTok; your explanation is too far-fetched, Taoist priest!"

"Right, right, I'm also a live streamer, and I can attest that what we saw earlier was definitely not a special effect. It doesn't work like that!"

"What's the Taoist priest's name, do you have a Taoist certificate? I heard that nowadays even becoming a Taoist has educational requirements, and it's even more absurd for monks, who need a postgraduate degree!"


"My poor self is named Su Han, with the Taoist name Hanshan!"

Su Han shook his head with a smile: "As for a Taoist certificate, I don't have one!"

"Just think of me as a wild Taoist priest!"

Su Han made a joke, then picked up his phone camera and rotated it around to give everyone a clear view of the entire temple!

An old and dilapidated temple that looked very ancient!

"This is Baiyun Temple, where I practice Taoism!"

[Sword-carrying Assassin]:"Hanshan Taoist priest! This Taoist name sounds good, and from it, I can tell that you're definitely not simple, you must be a big shot!"

[Calm Before the Storm]:"Taoist priest, does it seem like you're the only one here? It feels a bit lonely. Are you missing a wife? I, this beauty, offer myself!"

[Fleeting Moments]:"The person above, I think you just crave the Taoist priest's body!"

[A Little Salted Fish]:"The Taoist priest says, women will only slow down his cultivation speed!"

[I'm a Beauty Lover]:"If the Taoist priest could be my boyfriend, even if he slapped me, I would praise his handsomeness!"

"Cough cough..."

Su Han cleared his throat: "Ladies, please calm down, I am a person of cultivation!"

However, his words couldn't make the female fans in the live room relent!

A handsome guy with strong abilities and a full sense of mystery really easily captures girls' hearts!

Especially with the Taoist robe on, isn't he just the embodiment of an ascetic male lead?

[Pure Little Red Flower]:"Taoists can't marry or have children, right? And they have to abide by strict rules and disciplines every day... That seems too harsh!"

[Meng De, My Idol]:"Ladies in the live room, don't disturb the Taoist priest's cultivation. If there's anything, come at me instead, I'm young and can handle it!"

[Construction Site Iron Rod]:"I remember that Taoists are also divided into those who are ordained and those who aren't, just like the lay Buddhist disciples. They can marry and eat meat!"

[Wind Speed Electric]:"Haha, there's a famous temple near me where the monks are all chubby and drive Mercedes-Benz and BMWs as standard. Not to mention eating meat and drinking alcohol, they even go out in groups to do push-ups at night."

[Cappuccino]:"Hearing you say that, it seems true. Monks are generally quite fat, but Taoists are usually very thin..."


Noticing the barrage in the live room, Su Han realized that many viewers were not very familiar with Taoism!

After all, compared to Buddhism, Taoism is much more low-key and rarely engages in publicity, as the core of Taoism is to be non-competitive and go with the flow!

Su Han decided to give the audience a brief introduction to Taoism!

"Actually, our Taoism has many schools!"

Su Han said with a smile: "But overall, it can be divided into Quanzhen and Zhengyi. The Quanzhen school is what everyone understands as being ordained. Disciples of Quanzhen cannot marry or eat meat!"

"But those of the Zhengyi school are not ordained. They are not restricted from marrying, nor are there so many strict rules and disciplines!"

With this simple explanation, the audience immediately understood!

Fans began to ask which school Su Han belonged to!

Su Han said with a smile: "My lineage is also considered Zhengyi!"

"So if you see me drinking alcohol and eating meat, don't scold me, it's perfectly normal!"

As the saying goes, 'Wine and meat pass through the intestines, but the Taoist patriarch remains in the heart!'

Taoism itself advocates following one's desires. If even wine and meat are forbidden, then what's the point of cultivating the Tao?

Of course, this is just Su Han's personal view and is not directed at fellow Taoist practitioners of the Quanzhen school!

"Hehe, now I get it, I get it. So Taoist priests can marry. That means I still have a chance!"

"Don't compete with me, he's mine!"

"Taoist priest, look at me. I'm 24 years old, a native of Shanghai, size 36D, not ugly, and my family owns three buildings for rent. I invite the Taoist priest to spend the rest of his life with me and enjoy this wealth and honor together!"

"Shameless, shameless! Sister upstairs, don't bother! The Taoist priest is definitely a man you can't win over with money!"


The male fans in the live room, seeing these barrages popping up!

Their eyes turned red!

Damn... Can looking good really allow you to do whatever you want?

Judging from the current situation... it seems it really can!