
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Is Jindan also worthy of being called a big boss?

After blowing up a corpse just now, Su Han's cultivation has been improved!

Su Han was really jealous of Ning Qiqi's other two puppet corpses, and he especially wanted to have a close contact with their heads with his fists!

However, after the puppet corpse was blown up by Su Han just now, the little girl was so distressed that she almost cried!

Su Han was really embarrassed to make another move and was about to leave!

But Ning Qiqi hurriedly called him.

"Master! Don't leave in a hurry!"

Ning Qiqi stretched out her hand excitedly and pointed to the road she came from. From this road, you can see four tall mountains!

"Master, guess what I found in those mountains?!"

Ning Qiqi narrowed her eyes and laughed, "I found a big treasure!"

"A big treasure?"

Su Han looked over and said teasingly, "It's nothing more than a big tomb!"

Ning Qiqi was shocked and said with wide eyes, "Master, you are so smart. You can guess this?"

How silly

Su Han shook his head and said, "This is a mountain that depends on each other and supports each other. It is a place where Feng Shui converges!"

"Such a Feng Shui place, there must be a big tomb in this mountain!"

"If I guessed correctly, the corpse you just found should be dug nearby!"

Ning Qiqi immediately gave a thumbs up and praised, "You are worthy of being a Taoist priest. Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from your eyes!"

"I will go back to rest first. You go home early!"

Su Han waved his hand, indicating that he was not interested, and was about to leave!

Ning Qiqi was immediately anxious, and hurried to Su Han and said: "Master, this is a big tomb. The treasure is right in front of you, but you are not moved?"

Ning Qiqi rubbed her hands and said with some expectation: "Why don't you and I join forces to dig this big tomb together!"

"Anyway, the owner of the tomb is gone, and it would be a pity to leave so many treasures to be buried with him. I think it's better for us to take it out and let these treasures see the light of day again. It can also be regarded as a great merit for the tomb owner to benefit future generations, which is a great merit!"

Su Han was speechless for a while

"You can say that tomb robbing is a great merit. You are also a talent!"

Su Han raised an arc at the corner of his mouth and sneered: "If you can dig this tomb, you would have dug it long ago. How can it be my turn?"

"You are just using me as a gun!"

Being ruthlessly pointed out by Su Han, Ning Qiqi did not deny it, and smiled: "I am not robbing things from you, Master. All the things in the tomb "The Taoist" "I only need the corpse of the tomb, anyway, the corpse is not worthy of you!" Refining the resources "" Not interested! " Interest! "Su Han shook his head, not to mention the practitioner of the Jindan period, even if he was a practitioner of the robbery period, his funeral Su Han didn't necessarily see it! He had the invincible bug of the system! What resources do you want in the future?

"Are you worthy of being called a big boss in the Jindan stage?"

Su Han said lightly, summoned the Red Dragon Sword with his backhand, stood on the flying sword, and flew away with the sword!

"Am I dreaming?"

Looking at this incredible scene, Ning Qiqi froze in place!

A snow-white palm slapped her porcelain doll-like face!

"Fuck! It hurts!"

Ning Qiqi covered her slightly red cheeks!

"This is not a dream!!"

"I actually met the legendary sword fairy!!"


He pretended to be cool and left without taking away any clouds!

Su Han said that this feeling was quite good!

After flying away with the sword, Su Han did not return to the Taoist temple directly!

Instead, he wandered around other hills in the Qingyun Mountains!

Of course, he was not strolling around, but had a purpose!

"Finally caught you!"

Su Han quickly found the target!

Three lonely ghosts!

Wandering in the mountains!

Su Han flew in front of the three lonely ghosts with his sword!

"May you be blessed with infinite happiness!"

"There are so many sufferings in the world, I will send you to the next reincarnation!"


No need to say more nonsense, just start the Golden Light Mantra!

The three lonely ghosts haven't reacted yet!

They saw a Taoist priest with golden light all over his body suddenly rushing towards them!

After coming in front of them, he swung his fist!

One punch and one headshot!

"Ding, kill the post-natal wandering soul, cultivation +10!"

"Ding, kill the post-natal wandering soul, cultivation +10!"

"Ding, kill the post-natal evil ghost, cultivation +15!"


After killing the three lonely ghosts, the system immediately prompted to obtain cultivation!

After obtaining these cultivations, Su Han successfully advanced and broke through to the innate stage!

As expected, leveling up by killing monsters is much faster than practicing by yourself!

You should know that it has been less than a week since he came here!

He has already broken through to the Xiantian stage!

And his realm in his previous life was only the Jindan stage!

With the help of the system in this life, not to mention the later Jindan stage, even the later realms are expected to break through!

"Really good!"

After the realm of cultivation was improved, Su Han left with satisfaction!

The three lonely ghosts who were inexplicably sent to reincarnation said that sometimes people are scarier than ghosts! !

It's completely unreasonable! !

Su Han said, what reason can I have with ghosts?

After returning to the Taoist temple, Su Han meditated and rested!

After reaching the Xiantian stage, meditation can completely replace sleeping!

And it can also be fasting to a certain extent!

Not eating for several months will not affect it!

It was just dawn, and Su Han, who was meditating, opened his eyes and saw a familiar figure outside the Taoist temple!

Su Han came to the outside of the Taoist temple and frowned.

"Master, we meet again. This is fate!"

Ning Qiqi, who was as delicate as a porcelain doll, was surprised when she saw Su Han!

Last night, she was driving two corpse puppets and saw a dilapidated Taoist temple in the mountain. Ning Qiqi came to take a look with curiosity!

I didn't expect to meet the sword fairy from last night! !

Ning Qiqi will never forget that chic and elegant figure flying with a sword in her life!

"Okay! It's a little fate!"

Su Han nodded stiffly.

The Qingyun Mountains are so big, why did this little girl run to my Taoist temple?

Ning Qiqi knelt on the ground with a plop!

At this time, she was no longer silly and cute, but serious!

"Master, please accept me as your disciple. I want to improve so much!"