
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

I didn't do well on the college entrance exam.





































Soon after, he quickly sent out a one-yuan lucky bag!

The draw would take place in ten minutes!

Seeing the lucky bag appear, netizens clicked on it in droves!

After that, it was all down to luck!

The audience prayed in their hearts, hoping they'd be the lucky one!

"Two thousand people, and eighteen hundred clicked on the lucky bag? Do you guys have to make it so hard?"

"Good heavens! The odds of winning are way too low!"

"This is tough! It might be even harder than winning the lottery!"

"Just click, you might get picked!"


Most of the viewers in the live stream were still skeptical, but they had hope in their hearts!

If the fortune-telling was accurate, what would three thousand yuan matter?

It's just a spit in the ocean!

Soon, the lucky bag was drawn!

The winner was "Water Reversal Disperses"!

"Congratulations to the viewer with the nickname Water Reversal Disperses!"

Su Han laughed, "Please send a private message to this poor Taoist, and I'll send you my Zhifubao number. After the transfer is made, we'll start a video call!"

The other party acted quickly, and soon Zhifubao received a transfer of three thousand yuan!

Then, an invitation for a video call came through!

Su Han directly accepted it!

The live stream split into two halves, with the other half showing a not-so-small bedroom. In the frame was a young boy with a look of joy on his face!

"Master, my name is Zhao Kai!"

Zhao Kai said excitedly, "I can't believe I actually managed to grab the lucky bag!"

"Poor Taoist sees a hint of gloomy qi in your forehead, which suggests you've been unlucky lately, right?"

Upon seeing him for the first time, Su Han spotted the clue!

His most adept Xuanmen phase technique has almost never failed!

Zhao Kai was clearly stunned, then excitedly said, "That's right! It's not just that I've been unlucky recently; I've been extremely unlucky!!"

"Master, you saw through everything without me saying anything—that's incredible!"

Zhao Kai had only tried it out of curiosity, but Su Han's insight amazed him!

It instantly made him more convinced!

Many viewers in the live stream teased him!

"Are you here to upset people, snatching the lucky bag from nearly two thousand people?"

"Yeah! You probably want a beating!"

"Exactly, that doesn't seem like bad luck at all!"


Seeing the barrage of comments in the live stream, Zhao Kai felt embarrassed.

"These past two months, my luck has really been terrible, and somehow today I managed to grab the lucky bag!"

Zhao Kai explained, "Listen to me, and you'll understand how miserable I've been!"

"I took the college entrance exam this June, and my grades were among the top three in my school. Our school is a key city school, and basically everyone in the top ten could get into Tsinghua or Peking University!"

"My parents, teachers, and classmates all thought I would definitely get into one of those two schools, or at the very least, a 985 university!"

"But who knew, during the exams, I suffered from excruciating headaches every time, it was unbearable!"

"When the results came out, I scored only ten points above the first-tier university cutoff. You don't know how devastated I was; I almost lost hope!"


The academic underachievers in the live stream were silent after hearing this!

"Wow, a score that's a dream for me is something you disdain, and you even wanted to give up!"

"The world of scholars is beyond me!"

"Everyone, please look at his usual scores. Usually able to get into Tsinghua or Peking University, but ended up with a regular first-tier university score—that must be a huge gap, and it's heartbreaking!"

"Suffering headaches during the exam? It must be because of too much stress. The college entrance exam tests not only knowledge but also mentality. Some people with poor mentality perform much worse than usual!"

"Exactly! There are quite a few people who usually excel but fail the college entrance exam due to various reasons and fall apart at the crucial moment!"