
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

find sister

The village is not big, so all the villagers know each other!

Chen Bin's three unfamiliar faces walked into the village and immediately attracted the attention of many people!

Eyes are turning this way!

The audience in the live broadcast room instantly sweated!

"The people in these villages don't seem to be very friendly. I hope nothing happens!"

"That's right! I saw an article before, saying that old bachelors in such remote villages like to buy some abducted female college students..."

"I'm a little worried that even if I really find Brother Bin's sister and want to take her out, I'm afraid she will be blocked!"


The audience in the live broadcast room is very worried!

Mainly because of some reports in the past two years, many abducted female college students are sold to small villages in the mountains!

Chen Bin and the other three also looked solemn. At this time, a middle-aged man came over and asked, "Are you three here to visit relatives, or what?"

"We are in the wholesale business of eggs!"

Chen Bin said in a hurry: "We have visited several nearby villages and want to purchase a batch of local eggs. As long as they are authentic local eggs, the price will be enough!"

 "Oh, I see!"

The middle-aged man nodded, not doubting Chen Bin's statement!

After all, many urbanites now reject technology and hard work, and prefer local things. Local chickens and local eggs are the most popular!

Chen Bin asked: "Is there anyone in your village who raises a lot of chickens? We want to purchase a lot of them."

"This is really true!"

The middle-aged man pointed to the road ahead and said: "Take the last right turn from here, which is Wang Laopao's chicken farm. You can go over there and take a look!"

"Okay! Thank you uncle!"

Chen Bin sent a flower to the man opposite!

"This cigarette is good, but other cigarettes make me cough!"

The middle-aged man happily took Hua Zi and started puffing away!

Zhao Bin and the three of them walked all the way to where he pointed, and sure enough, they saw a chicken farm soon!

Said to be a chicken farm, there are only two to three hundred chickens, and the area is not large!

"Taoist Master, is this here?"

Chen Bin asked with both expectation and anxiety.

Su Han, who was fishing, nodded without even raising his eyes: "Go left after entering. There is a small broken house that is locked. Your sister is in there!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was greatly surprised!

"Holy crap! Is it really that accurate? Dao Changyou didn't even look at it!"

"If you really find it, then the Taoist Master will really be a god!"

"I really don't believe it anyway. If it's so easy to find someone, why do you need the police?"

"I believe in Taoist Master, and I hope Brother Bin can successfully find his sister this time!"


The barrages including live broadcasts are very active!

Unconsciously, the number of viewers has reached 5,000!

You must know that it is the morning, when the live broadcast traffic is the lowest!

"Let's go! Let's go over and take a look!"

Chen Bin hurriedly took his two friends into the chicken farm and walked to the left as Su Han said. Sure enough, he saw a small earthen house with a locked wooden door.

Lying on the wooden door, looking through the gap in the wooden door, I could vaguely see the shadow of a young woman!

"There is indeed someone inside!"

Chen Bin couldn't contain his excitement. He had been obsessed with it for many years, and this time he finally had hope!

 "Step aside!"

"I broke this broken lock!"

The veteran's name was Li Hao. He picked up a stone next to him and smashed it at the lock on the door!

In less than a few clicks, the lock was broken open!

Chen Bin immediately pushed the door open and walked in. A girl who was chained and squatting on the ground holding her knees raised her head in shock. After a moment, she became horrified!

"Who are you?"

"Yao Yao, I am the elder brother!"

Chen Bin wanted to get closer, but unexpectedly the other party reacted fiercely and resisted!

"Don't come over! Don't hit me! Don't come over!"

"You are all bad people!"

The girl shrank desperately into the corner, appearing very resistant!

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!

"The Taoist priest is so amazing! There is actually a girl in this room. This must be Brother Bin's sister, right?!"

"Looking at this girl's behavior, she must have been abused a lot. This family is so abominable. We must bring them to justice!"

"Asshole! As far as I know, people in remote villages like this usually buy boys. The reason why they buy girls...many of them are used as child brides!"

"This is obviously a script. How can a fortune teller be so outrageous that he can even tell which room he is in? Don't you think this is an exaggeration?"

"Script? Haha... Find me some actors with such good acting skills. Do you think they can act this girl's scared look?"

"Exactly! If this is all acting, how can those professional actors live?"


The little girl on the ground looked very resistant and scared!

Chen Bin saw the tattered clothes he was wearing and some scars, and he was still chained!

Instantly heart-wrenching!

Even if it is a girl who is not related to him, it makes people feel heartbroken to receive this kind of treatment!

What's more, the girl in front of him is probably his biological sister!

Chen Bin was heartbroken and grabbed the girl's hand to prevent her from moving!

Then pull up your sleeves!

I saw a blue-black birthmark on my arm, shaped like a plum blossom!

Chen Bin burst into tears and hugged the girl tightly: "Yao Yao, I'm sorry, it's my brother who's late!"

"It was my brother who harmed you!"

"Abin! Are you sure? This is your sister!"

Li Hao, a veteran next to him, asked.

This question is very important. Don't wait until something happens, which will be very embarrassing!

 "I am sure!"

Chen Bin said: "My sister has a plum blossom birthmark on her left arm. I will never remember it wrong in my life!"

The audience in the live broadcast room took a breath of cold air!

When I saw Su Han sitting leisurely by the lake fishing, I was shocked!

"She is really Brother Bin's sister! How is this fortune-telling? Taoist priest, you are using magic!"

"Woooooo~ I really want to ask the Taoist priest to tell my fortune, please give me a chance to tell my fortune!"

"It's amazing! I used to be very disdainful of things like fortune telling, but now I'm convinced, so convinced!"

"666! Taoist priest will be my god from now on!!"


"Brother Bin, stop crying, the first priority is to rescue my sister!"

"That's right! You are still in someone else's village. This is not very safe!"

"Call the police when you get out, and we must make these scum pay the price!"


The fans in the live broadcast room were a little anxious!

After all, Chen Bin and the others are on someone else's territory now!