
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

debt owed

Su Han's light words were like a pebble thrown into water, causing a splash of water instantly!

[Taolihuahuahua]: "It turns out that after talking for a long time, the person with the problem is her son, not the little sister at all!"

[Moth flies into the flame]: "Hahaha, this is going to be embarrassing!"

[Crazy Stone]: "I just said that this young lady has a lucky face, how could she not have children!"

[Peach blossoms bloom in winter]: "This bad mother-in-law was so aggressive just now, is she embarrassed now?"


The audience in the live broadcast room laughed and had no good impression of the mother-in-law who just said nasty words to Miao Shuying!

Miao Shuying's mother-in-law is named Zhang Guixiang. When she heard Su Han's words, she immediately showed a fierce look on her face: "You stinky Taoist priest! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Zhang Guixiang said angrily: "My son went to the hospital for a checkup, and there is no problem with the quality of his sperm at all!"

Miao Shuying next to her also nodded and said: "Yes, Taoist priest, we and I have both been to the hospital for check-ups and there are no problems!"

Su Han smiled and shook his head: "The hospital's examination cannot represent everything. Everything is normal, but there are too many couples who can't get pregnant."

Miao Shuying was slightly startled!

Although the situation Su Han mentioned is rare, there are indeed many examples!

"Master Taoist, it can only be said that Shuying and I are not suitable for each other. How can you say it is my problem?"

Liu Ziming next to him finally couldn't help but speak.

Su Han said that he had fertility problems. How could he endure this?

It's about a man's dignity!

Su Han smiled and said, "You have a problem, she doesn't have a problem. It's your problem that causes her to be unable to get pregnant."

"It's a tongue twister!"

Liu Ziming said angrily: "That's nonsense! Then tell me, what's my problem?"


Su Han said with a smile: "You don't think that there will be no retribution for those love debts and sins you committed in the past, right?"

After hearing Su Han's words, Liu Ziming's face froze!

There was no response for a while!

Next to her, Miao Shuying tugged at the corner of her husband's clothes: "Husband, what does the Taoist priest mean by love debt?"

"Am I not your first love?"

Liu Ziming immediately put his arms around Miao Shuying's shoulders and pulled her into his arms: "Honey, don't listen to this Taoist priest's nonsense!"

"I was still a virgin when I was with you, there is no such thing as a love debt!"

"Even if there is, it probably happened in a previous life. Don't listen to his nonsense!"

Miao Shuying, who had always believed in her husband, now had a more suspicious look in her eyes!

Because she has been watching the live broadcast for a long time, and what the Taoist priest said... was never wrong!

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they complained one after another!

[Fried Rice with Eggs]: "You can tell by the evasive look in this man's eyes that something is up. He even said it was his first love... what a lie!"

[Jiangnan's most affectionate]: "Hahahaha, I'm laughing so hard. Do any girls believe this kind of nonsense? I have to say that this girl is really quite innocent!"

[Pagoda Suppresses the River Demon]: "This man looks like an old scumbag at first glance. Don't ask me why I know this. Of course I know him a lot, and his eyesight has improved!"

[Loves eating strawberries]: "Listen to what the Taoist priest said just now, this man has probably hurt many girls before. It is a sin!!"

[Northeast Ice Slipper]: "I suspect that a girl had an abortion for this boy. If she can't retaliate, she won't be so ferocious!"


The barrages in the live broadcast were refreshed one after another!

Miao Shuying looked at Liu Ziming with more and more suspicion.

At this moment, Liu Ziming just felt like he was sweating...

At this time, his mother Zhang Guixiang hurriedly stood by her son!

"Miao Shuying! Don't you even believe in your husband?"

Zhang Guixiang said angrily: "I know very well who my son is. I have never been in love before I met you!"


Liu Ziming's face was also full of disappointment at this moment.

"Shuying, I didn't expect that I am such a person in your eyes, and you actually refuse to believe me!"

"We have been married for four years... we have been together for four years, and you don't even have any trust in me!"

The mother and daughter exchanged words with each other, which instantly made Miao Shuying panic!

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you!"

The audience in the live broadcast room can't stand it anymore!

Miao Shuying, this silly Baitian, was fooled by just two or three sentences!

Many veterans in the live broadcast room complained one after another!

[Jiangnan's most affectionate person]: "Sister, these mother and daughter are on the same boat. You believe whatever they say, right? It's too simple!"

[Coffee Sky]: "Why can't I meet such an innocent girl? All the people I meet are veterans of the world... If everyone is as easy to fool as this girl, then picking up girls will be much easier!"

[Flowers bloom and fall]: "Little sister, don't let him fool you! I can tell at the first glance that this man is acting... Such poor acting skills can only deceive a little girl who has no emotional experience!"

[Holy Lord of Miao Miao Cult]: "Taoist Master, please expose this scumbag's tricks quickly. I don't want to see my little sister being deceived by him!"


Seeing that Miao Shuying was comforted, Liu Ziming just breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked at the live broadcast room with some resentment!

It's all this stinky Taoist priest's fault!

If it weren't for him, how could Miao Shuying doubt herself?

"Actually, it's very simple to prove your innocence!"

Su Hanhan sneered and said, "You have a social app called Momo on your phone. Wouldn't it be enough to let your wife see what you and others are talking about?"

Momo, this social software, is a famous tool for making appointments!

Liu Ziming was sweating again...

Too careless!

He used to have explicit chats with other girls on this software, but he would delete them afterwards!

I haven't taken it to heart these days, those chat records are still there!

And two days ago, he even checked into a room with one of them!

Liu Ziming gritted his teeth and said, "This is my personal privacy. Why do you just want to read it?"

"And there is no Momo app on my phone! You are just talking nonsense and stirring up trouble!"

Liu Ziming turned to look at Miao Shuying affectionately.

"Honey, you believe me, right?"

Liu Ziming said affectionately: "If the trust between us can only be obtained by checking each other's mobile phones, then I think this marriage is really meaningless!"

This idiot is really good at acting! !

And this girl is so easy to coax... She's just too silly and sweet!

"If you don't have this software on your phone, you won't have any chat records of having fun with others!"

Su Han said directly: "Pindao, I apologize to you, and at the same time I will compensate you 500,000 yuan for mental damages!"

When Zhang Guixiang heard about the mental damage compensation of 500,000 yuan, her eyes instantly turned into the shape of money!