
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Crazy criticism of girlfriend

"broke up?"

Zhong Xiaoxue asked: "Why did you break up?"

"This should be my personal privacy issue!"

Shen Manman said: "Am I obligated to tell you?"

Zhong Xiaoxue said calmly: "Wu Jiangpeng is dead! His body was thrown into the lake in the community next door!"

"It involves a *murder* case, and you have an obligation to cooperate with the investigation!"

Shen Manman looked in disbelief: "Wu Jiangpeng is dead? How is this possible!"

Seeing her like this, the audience in the live broadcast room was a little confused!

[Wind blows in the crotch of pants]: "Looking at her like this, she doesn't seem to be faking it. Could it be that the murderer really isn't her!"

[Favorite Lolita]: "My name is Shen Manman! Damn! It's really unlucky!!"

[Milk Ice Cream]: "Some people are very good at acting! Don't be deceived by her acting skills!"

[Country Garden five-star general]: "Hurry up and arrest this murderer! It's so bad. Can't you just dump the body in your own community? Isn't it too immoral to leave the body in someone else's community? It cost me and my second uncle a month." Didn't sleep well!"

[Pirates! Wang Lufei]: "Security brother, I have sympathy for you for three seconds!"


"Come in and talk!"

Shen Manman brought them into the house, and Zhong Xiaoxue and others sat down on the sofa.

"Wu Jiangpeng and I broke up a month ago. The reason is very simple. Our personalities are not suitable!"

Shen Manman poured a few glasses of water and put them on the table. While pouring the water, she said: "After we broke up, we blocked all contact information. I don't know what happened behind his back!"

Zhong Xiaoxue frowned slightly. Seeing Shen Manman's calm look, she knew that this was a difficult master!

But this just shows that this woman is more suspicious!

It is unreasonable for an extremely delicate girl to act so calmly when she heard the news of her ex-boyfriend's death!

At this time, Zhong Xiaoxue received a message on her Douyin private message, and it turned out to be from Su Han!

After reading the news, Zhong Xiaoxue asked confidently: "Then you should know Lin Haikun, right?"

Shen Manman's hand holding the water glass trembled slightly...

"Meet, a friend of mine!"

Zhong Xiaoxue then said: "Shen Manman! You should know that no matter how many traffic lights a prison vehicle passes on the way to the execution ground, the final result will be the same!"


Unless someone robs the execution ground along the way!

But that situation... only exists in movies!

Shen Manman put down the water glass in her hand, and after being silent for a while, she finally covered her face with her hands and cried!

"It's him who deserves to die! It's him who betrayed our feelings!"

Shen Manman showed a trace of madness on her face and said: "I told him when he chased me, as long as he dares to cheat, I will kill him!!!"

"He swore that he would not cheat. If he really cheated, he would let me, the woman he loves most, kill him with my own hands!"

"And I am just fulfilling his oath!"

Zhong Xiaoxue and the three policemen beside her were silent for a while, they could only listen to Shen Manman's story quietly!

"When I discovered his first cheating, I gave him a chance. Later, I found out that he cheated again and again!!"

"A dog can't change its habit of eating shit!"

Shen Manman sneered: "After I got him drunk that night, I asked him if he still remembered the oath he swore!"

"He was drunk at the time and didn't answer my words, but it didn't matter. This answer was no longer necessary for me. I picked up the fruit knife..."

Shen Manman said crazily: "I won't stop until I'm tired of stabbing!"

Zhong Xiaoxue and the policemen around her felt horrified as they listened to her story. She frowned and said, "Since you found out that he was cheating on you, then just break up. Why bother..."

 "What do you know!"

Shen Manman said almost roaring: "I love him so much! How could I be willing to break up with him!"

"Even if I kill him! I can't let him be with another woman!"

Seeing this scene, there was only one word left in everyone's mind!

Crazy criticism!

[Stickman]: "What a guy! The real version of my crazy girlfriend...it's a bit scary!"

[Coke with ice]: "Well done! I did something I always wanted to do but didn't dare to do, and all the heartless people deserve to die!!"

[There is Populus euphratica in the northwest]: "I have to say, although it is a bit extreme, I do dare to love and hate..."

[Poseidon]: "A bit like my ex-girlfriend, who also had such a paranoid personality...it scared me to the point where I tried my best to break up with her..."

[Hami Melon]: "Brothers, have you seen that? From now on, you should still be honest and don't cheat!"


Now that it has been determined, Shen Manman will naturally be arrested and brought to justice!

Because this incident received widespread attention, the Yangcheng Police Department issued a notice in the afternoon after finding out the ins and outs of the entire incident!

In the notice, the ins and outs of this matter were explained in detail!

Shen Manman and Wu Jiangpeng were both students from the Performance Department of Yangcheng Art Institute. Because they were dissatisfied with her boyfriend's cheating, Shen Manman got him drunk and then killed him!

​And this involves another character!

That is Shen Manman's suitor, Lin Haikun, who has been pursuing her for several years!

After killing Wu Jiangpeng, Shen Manman was very panicked. Out of her trust in Lin Haikun, she contacted Lin Haikun and promised that as long as she helped her deal with the aftermath, she would be with Lin Haikun!

Lin Haikun finally did not refuse the goddess he thought about day and night. After the two of them packed Wu Jiangpeng into the suitcase, they drove to the next door community and threw the suitcase into the lake!

But the most outrageous thing is that after this incident, Shen Manman did not stay with Lin Haikun. Instead, she said that she had just experienced emotional trauma and needed some time to recover before she could accept Lin Haikun!

Then until he was caught, Lin Haikun didn't get the goddess he thought about day and night!


After this announcement was released, netizens were shocked!

They all expressed sympathy for Lin Haikun!

This guy is the biggest victim of the whole incident!

[Affectionate Feiyangyang]: "That's so outrageous! This guy even has to light a cigarette for me and call him big brother when he sees me..."

[The grass on the side of the mountain]: "Brothers, have you seen it? It licks the dog until there is nothing left, and it even licks the dog... So the lover has a certain temper, so you must not lick!"

[Wu Yanzu from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai]: "I have seen dog lickers before, but to lick a dog like this...it's honestly the first time I've seen one!"

[Passenger C]: "Dating is risky, so be careful when cheating... Oh no, you must not cheat!"

[Classmate Tudou]: "I want to share this matter with my husband to alert him and see if he dares to have any thoughts of cheating!"


After the announcement was released, this matter was immediately placed on Weibo's hot search list and Douyin's hot list!

The netizens below are discussing very actively!