
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Boy, don't be stupid

After the Yangcheng Police Department issued a notice explaining the situation that afternoon, it immediately topped the trending lists on Weibo and Douyin!

The influence and popularity of this matter are rising rapidly!

Many netizens who passed by were shocked!

At the same time, Su Han Station was once on the hot search!

  #道长 has installed surveillance cameras on everyone.

This seemingly ridiculous Weibo post ranks No. 1 on the Weibo hot search list!

After clicking in, there are some screen recording clips during the live broadcast!

This can hardly be described as a magical calculation!

It is beyond the understanding of many people!

[Pipixia]: "It seems like this Taoist priest is like a fairy. How can I get a fortune teller from him?"

[Fengsha Manman]: "My little nephew from my hometown has been missing for more than a year, and there is still no news. I wonder if there is any elder brother who can recommend him. I want to ask the Taoist priest to tell his fortune!"

[Little grass by the city]: "I also want to know how to get a fortune teller from this Taoist priest!"

[Lao Wang next door]: "If you want to find a fortune teller from a big man, it depends on your fate. You can follow the Taoist Master's Douyin. Three lucky bags will be given out every night. If you draw, you can count it. If you can't draw, then wash it. Go to sleep!"


Su Han's popularity during this period has even led to the boom in the fortune-telling industry!

Because Su Han only calculates three hexagrams every day, and every time he broadcasts live, there are more than 100,000 viewers waiting to grab the lucky bag!

Unless you are lucky, you won't be able to grab it!

So many people found other fortune tellers one after another, and the final result was obvious, and they were directly fooled into lameness!

As for other metaphysics live broadcast rooms, Douyin has also taken action in the past two days and banned them vigorously!

Except for Su Han, almost no one in the other metaphysics live broadcast rooms was spared!

"Taoist Master Hanshan, he is really hotly searched every day..."

In an independent office in the office building, Lin Qingle looked at the hot search information on his mobile phone and couldn't help but smile: "Now Taoist Master Hanshan's Douyin account has more than 3.5 million followers, and the growth is really fierce! "

As Douyin staff, they can see Su Han's fan increase data from the background!

It is the account that has gained the most rapid followers in recent months!

And there is no agency involved behind the scenes!

You must know that many of the other Douyin accounts that have gained popularity rapidly are operated by the MCN guild!

Those like Su Han who rely solely on natural traffic are even rarer!

"But there is not a single video under this account..."

Lin Qingle frowned slightly. Although Su Han relied on live broadcasting, he didn't post a single video under this Douyin account... Doesn't it seem a little strange?

Just in time, I was just worried that I couldn't find a topic to chat with the Taoist priest... Lin Qingle quickly opened Su Han's chat box!

"Taoist Master, if you have time, you can post videos on Douyin...for example, some Taoist temple daily life, many fans also like to watch it!"

After sending this message, I quietly waited for Su Han's reply!

Before you know it, an hour has passed...no reply yet!

"Taoist Master, this worldly expert, must rarely look at his mobile phone, so he hasn't noticed my message yet. He definitely didn't mean not to reply to me!!"

Lin Qingle comforted herself in her heart!

The assistant next to him suddenly covered his mouth and laughed: "Mr. Lin, Cai Kun spent money to buy hot searches, but was suppressed by the Taoist priest!"


Only then did Lin Qingle notice that it was now fourth on the hot search list!

#Caikun still insists on practicing singing and dancing despite his ankle injury


Originally, this super-quick quote occupied the top spot in the hot search just now, but as soon as the announcement from the Yangcheng Police Department came out... it instantly fell out of the top three!

The top three on the hot search list are now all super-talking topics related to Su Han!

As for Cai Kun's hot search, it is obvious that he paid for the popularity, and it was the first hot search at the beginning, so he probably spent a lot of money!

As a result, within two minutes of going up, I was squeezed out!

Lin Qingle laughed and said: "A mere little star, even if he spends money, can't compete with Taoist Master Hanshan for hot searches!"

Cai Kun has become popular in the past year. He is a well-known and popular youngster who is best at singing, dancing and rap!

But even for such a popular star, Lin Qingle didn't take it seriously!

Because she is in charge of Douyin's live broadcast section!

How popular Douyin live broadcasts are nowadays, many celebrities have gone to Douyin to start live broadcasts to sell goods!

For example, there are well-known Ga Zi and Pan Zi, and there is even a well-known Internet meme, the acquaintance of Pan Ga!

So Lin Qingle really doesn't care much about these celebrities!


Huayu Starry Sky, in a lounge!


Cai Kun looked at the hot searches in front of him and suddenly became angry: "I finally injured my foot and spent hundreds of thousands on a navy army!"

"But tell me, I stayed at the top of the hot search for two minutes!!"

The agent next to her, Sister Hua, was a little helpless: "It's really unfortunate, but there's nothing we can do about it."

"Who is this Taoist Master Hanshan? Why is he on the hot search again and again!"

Cai Kun complained: "Why should he!"

"He's handsome and his fortune-telling is accurate!"

Sister Hua summed it up very accurately.


Cai Kun dismissed it!

"Is it possible that I can still be handsome?"

After saying that, he clicked on this hot search, saw Su Han's appearance, and immediately fell into silence...

A moment later...

"Okay! I admit that he is indeed a little bit more handsome than me!"

Cai Kun said angrily: "But even if he is handsome, he can't do whatever he wants!"

"What is he doing? Feudal superstition!"

"I really don't understand why the Douyin platform isn't blocked!"

"I want to call on my fans to report him and resolutely resist this feudal and superstitious behavior!!"

The agent, Sister Hua, held her forehead and hurriedly stopped her: "You kid, don't be stupid!"

"You can offend anyone, but you can't offend a real Xuanmen master like this. Do you understand that?"

Sister Hua has also watched Su Han's live broadcast in the past few days. What is certain is that Su Han is definitely not a liar, but has real skills!


Cai Kun was speechless: "Sister Hua, do you still believe in this kind of thing?"

"You have been in the entertainment industry for a short time and have seen relatively little, so I don't believe it is normal!"

After a moment of silence, Sister Hua said: "I have been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years and have seen a lot of things. I can only tell you... this world is not as simple as it seems!"

The more Cai Kun listened, the more confused he became. Sister Hua whispered next to him: "Do you know Luo Yanyan? Why she became popular so fast is because she raised..."

After hearing this, Cai Kun's eyes widened with shock...

I didn't expect the rumors in the industry to be true!

He thought it was just some people talking nonsense!

"And all the big bosses I have come into contact with over the years have great respect for these Xuanmen masters!"

Sister Hua warned seriously: "So I tell you, kid, don't be stupid!"