
Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm.

Title: A wealthy abandoned wife at the start? Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm. Song Ling, reborn as an abandoned wife of a wealthy family, decided to take her daughter and divorce him. She took the original owner's revenge in the process. She returned to her hometown and built a big beautiful farm by the sea. With her powerful planting and healing abilities, she grew fruits that could make people strong and healthy, and excellent medicinal herbs that could cure diseases, and quickly became mega rich. She also lived a happy life in her dream of facing the sea, spring flowers, farming and raising her children, lying flat and collecting money.

Witchy8181 · Urban
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75 Chs

The Difficult Old Lady

Song's mother smiled and replied: "These strawberries are grown on my daughter's farm. Please wait a moment. I'll go in and ask if there are any left at home."

The child's mother said with thanks, "Okay, sorry for bothering you."

"You are welcome."

Song's mother entered the kitchen and walked over to ask Song Ling, "Lingling, there's a table of kids outside clamoring for strawberries too, do you still have strawberries in our house?"

Song Ling replied: "I brought another ton back today and put it in my car. If they want it, just sell some to them!"

Fortunately, when she came back, she was well prepared and filled the trunk and back seat with fruits.

Song's mother asked again: "Then how do you sell these fruits?"

Song Ling replied: "Make it clear to them that our products are all pollution-free, natural and organic fruits. They are delicious and very nutritious, so they are not cheap. Cherries cost 200 yuan per catty, and cherry tomatoes cost 200 yuan per catty. And strawberries cost 100 yuan a catty."

"Okay, then I'll go out and tell them."

Song's mother walked out again and returned to the table where the two children were sitting. She smiled and said to the children's mother: "Beautiful sister, the fruits in my house are all natural and pollution-free organic fruits. The prices are a bit expensive."

When the child's mother heard this, she asked in her mind, "How much does it cost per catty?"

Song's mother replied: "Cherries cost 200 yuan per catty, cherry tomatoes and strawberries cost 100 yuan per catty."

"Owner, are you too much of a rip-off? The strawberries on the roadside cost eight yuan or ten yuan per catty."

"Even the fruits from a certain orchard, which is famous for being expensive, are not as expensive as yours."

"In my opinion, if you sell it for twenty yuan a catty, that's about right, so don't be too evil."

Song's mother was offended by her tone and attitude, but she still said with a smile on her face: "Sister, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for."

"Since we dare to sell it at this price, it is natural that this thing is worth this money."

"Besides, I told you the price up front, so it's okay if you don't want to buy it, we weren't thinking of selling it in the first place."

As soon as the old lady heard what Song mother said, she stopped, "Hey, what's your attitude?"

When the child's father saw that the child's grandmother was about to make a fuss again, he quickly held her down.

"Mom, please stop making trouble. Generally, high-quality organic fruits are priced in three digits. If the owner's wife sells really delicious organic fruits, the price is quite affordable."

The old lady choked and said, "I'm afraid they will take inferior fruit and sell it as organic fruit."

Song's mother was so angry that she turned around and left, ignoring her.

When the old lady saw Song mother leaving, she was still there cursing: "The service attitude of this store is too bad. Son, don't eat here again in the future."

The two children waited for a long time, but did not get the strawberries. The little boy started crying again.

"Mom, Mom, I want to eat strawberries, I want to eat strawberries, Whoa, whoa, whoa...."

The little boy screamed loudly, but not a single tear fell from his face.

The child's parents felt extremely embarrassed when they saw everyone in the restaurant looking at them.

The child's father stood up and coaxed the child and said, "Okay, okay, don't make trouble. Dad will buy it for you now. Don't cry. If you cry again, I won't give it to you."

Like a drama queen, the little boy immediately put away his crying expression and said obediently: "Okay, I won't cry, I won't cry..."

In order to eat strawberries, this child also works hard.

The child's father walked further into the kitchen to find Song mother and said in a nice manner, "Madam owner, I'm really sorry about earlier, I'll apologize to you on behalf of my mother, she elderly people can't speak, you are generous, don't take it personally with her elderly self."

Song's mother waved her hand, "This is a trivial matter, I won't take it to heart."

The child's father smiled apologetically and asked, "Can we buy some of those strawberries? I want to buy two catties to try."

Song's mother squinted at him with a wary face, "You won't come to trouble us again after buying it, right?"

The child's father quickly shook his head, "No, no, absolutely not, I promise."

Even if it doesn't taste good, he just won't buy it in the future. He can still afford to lose the two hundred yuan.

Song Ling also heard Song's mother tell them this matter angrily just now.

At this moment, she smiled and said to the child's father: "Sir, to be honest with you, all of our organic fruits are now supplied to the five-star Pearl Hotel."

"I'm afraid you can't get a plate of fruit there without a couple hundred yuan."

"The price my mother mentioned just now was set by me. I thought that if the familiar neighbors wanted to buy it, we would not sell it so expensively so that everyone could buy something and have a taste. But I didn't this good intention of mine has backfired."

The child's father was a gentle man and felt very embarrassed. He apologized again.

"I'm really sorry. It's my mother who can't speak. I apologize to you again on her behalf. I know the price of organic fruits. I think your price is very affordable and not expensive at all."

He also had some doubts in his heart. Are the fruits at the Sea Pearl Hotel really delivered by them? Never heard of it?

Seeing that he had such a good attitude, Song Ling stopped bothering with them, "Alright then, I'll go get the strawberries."

The boy's father smiled and responded, "Yes, please."

Song Ling walked out, opened the trunk, and directly carried four boxes of ten catties of fruit in.

She opened the box of strawberries, washed one strawberry, and handed it to the child's father, "Sir, please taste the strawberry first."

As soon as the child's father saw the size and color of the strawberry, he knew that it was definitely a high-quality fruit.

He picked up the strawberry and took a bite.

Like everyone who had eaten strawberries before, he was instantly conquered by the deliciousness of strawberries.

The child's father finished the strawberry in three gulps, and then said to Song Ling: "This strawberry is so delicious! I want to buy ten catties, is that okay?"

Song Ling smiled and nodded, "Okay! It's 100 yuan per catty."

"No problem!"

The child's father took out his mobile phone and said to Song Ling, "I will transfer the money to you right now."

Song Ling opened her WeChat payment code and showed it to him.

The child's father send her thousand yuan without hesitation.

After Song Ling received it, she pointed to another unopened box, "This box just happens to weigh ten catties, you can carry it away!"

The child's father asked again: "Can I wash a plate here and take it out to eat?"

Song Ling smiled and said: "Of course, this box of fruits is yours now, you can do whatever you want with it."

She took another plate to him and asked him to unpack and wash the fruits.

The child's father washed a large plate of strawberries, then picked up the box and walked out.

The little boy and the little girl cheered when they saw such a big plate of red strawberries.