
Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm.

Title: A wealthy abandoned wife at the start? Don't panic, I have a Spiritual Spring Farm. Song Ling, reborn as an abandoned wife of a wealthy family, decided to take her daughter and divorce him. She took the original owner's revenge in the process. She returned to her hometown and built a big beautiful farm by the sea. With her powerful planting and healing abilities, she grew fruits that could make people strong and healthy, and excellent medicinal herbs that could cure diseases, and quickly became mega rich. She also lived a happy life in her dream of facing the sea, spring flowers, farming and raising her children, lying flat and collecting money.

Witchy8181 · Urban
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75 Chs

Ms. Song has connections

Song Ling first went to Xu Yuzhou's home to deliver the goods.

His family lives in Bibo Garden, a large building in front of Daliao Bay.

When they arrived at Bibo Garden, Song Ling sent a message to Xu Yuzhou before going to his house.

"Bureau Xu, I've arrived downstairs at your house, is it convenient to go in now?"

Xu Yuzhou quickly replied to the message, "It's convenient. My wife is at home. You can go directly. I told her."

"Okay, then I'll go in."

Song Ling rang the doorbell at the door downstairs.

This property uses all video doorbells.

Soon a female voice came out, "Hello, who is it?"

Song Ling replied: "Hello! I am Song Ling, delivering fruit to Bureau Xu's family."

"Ohhh, so it's Ms. Song, I'll open the door for you, sorry to trouble you."

"You're welcome."

When Song Ling took the elevator upstairs, a middle-aged woman who still had charm was already standing at the door of Xu's house.

Song Ling asked her with a smile, "Hello! Are you Mrs. Xu?"

Mrs. Xu smiled and nodded, "I'm Jiang Wan, Xu Yuzhou's wife, you are Ms. Song, right?"

Song Ling smiled modestly and said, "I'm Song Ling. These are the fruits bought by Bureau Xu. Shall I take it in for you?"

Jiang Wan hurriedly waved her hand, "No no no, I can do it myself, it's already embarrassing for us to trouble Ms. Song to personally deliver it here, you can just put it here, I'll do it myself in a while."

Song Ling still had to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to deliver the goods, so she smiled and said: "Okay, here is the delivery receipt, please sign for it."

Jiang Wan glanced at the delivery note and quickly signed it, "Thank you, Ms. Song."

"You're welcome, Sister Wan, I'll leave now. I have to go to another place to deliver goods. I'll see you next time!"

Song Ling waved to her.

Jiang Wan also smiled back, "Okay, Ms. Song, next time you're free to come over and have a sit!"

"Okay, see you next time!"

Song Ling went downstairs and saw that the time was approaching five o'clock, so she quickly drove to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

When she arrived, it was the closing time of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

Those at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau had not seen her coming before. They were about to get off work and were a little anxious.

"Why hasn't Ms. Song come yet? Is she not coming?"

"It can't be, can it? If she said she's coming, she's definitely coming."

Some people are even secretly worried that the money they transferred to Song Ling for fruits and vegetables will be wasted?

As soon as they got off work, they saw a message on their mobile phones that Song Ling had invited them to join the WeChat group.

Song Ling said that she had already arrived and was waiting for them to receive the goods at the gate.

Everyone immediately rushed out.

Song Ling checked with them one by one and asked them to sign for the goods.

It took most of an hour to work through this single task.

Song Ling did not go home directly.

She drove the car again and stopped in a remote place without surveillance.

Using the cover of the car, Song Ling loaded another ton of various fruits and sent them to the Sea Pearl Hotel in Daliao Bay.

The total load capacity of the Cayenne is two tons, and the rear compartment plus the back seat can hold one ton of fruit, which is no problem at all.

Song Ling doesn't have a truck right now, so she can only send a little bit of goods to the Sea Pearl Hotel first to try the market.

Now she delivers the goods just in time for dinner at their hotel. She will soon know whether they sell well or not.

Song Ling arrived at the Shanghai Pearl Hotel and directly dialed the number of General Manager Yang Lei.

"Hello, Mr. Yang! I am Song Ling. I have sent a ton of fruit. Now at the entrance of your hotel, can you come out to receive it?"

Yang Lei immediately replied: "Okay, I'll go down right now, please wait a moment."

At this time, Yang Lei was in the presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel, discussing with Fei Yinzhou the sales and pricing of Song Ling's fruits and vegetables.

Fei Yinzhou knew that Song Ling had sent fruits, so he quickly asked Yang Lei to go down and receive the goods first, so as not to keep Song Ling waiting.

Yang Lei also saw the importance Fei Yinzhou attached to Song Ling and hurriedly ran downstairs.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel door, he saw Song Ling standing next to a luxury car, but he didn't see the shadow of the truck, and he couldn't help but be a little confused.

When he approached Song Ling and Song Ling opened the trunk to show him the goods, he burst into laughter.

"Ms. Song, you actually use a luxury car to deliver goods?"

Song Ling smiled and said, "For the time being, I will buy a truck tomorrow."

Yang Lei said diligently: "If it's not convenient for Ms. Song to be here, our hotel has trucks and we can go directly to your place to pick up the goods."

Song Ling now uses the space for inventory, how dare she let them go to the farm to haul goods.

She smiled and replied: "No need for the time being, it would be more convenient for us to deliver it."

Yang Lei understood the meaning of the string, "Okay, then let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you, Mr. Yang, let's hand over the goods first!"

Song Ling took out the delivery note and handed it to Yang Lei.

Yang Lei took a look, smiled and said to her, "Wait a moment, I'll have someone come over to move the goods."

Yang Lei made another call and called a few people.

Soon, a young woman wearing professional women's clothing walked over quickly with two men wearing hotel uniforms.

They shouted respectfully, "Mr. Yang..."

Yang Lei introduced them, "Ms. Song, this is Miss Jiya, the purchasing manager of our hotel."

"Manager Ji, this is Ms. Song Ling, the CEO of Lingling Farms, who will specialize in providing high-end fruits and vegetables for our company in the future."

Jiya smiled and extended her hand to Song Ling, "Hello, Ms. Song!"

Song Ling also smiled and shook her hand, "Hello, Manager Ji!"

Jiya has a good figure and appearance. She graduated from a prestigious foreign school and has always been very confident.

But when she saw Song Ling, she instantly felt inferior to others.

She couldn't help but feel a little envious as she looked at Song Ling's beautiful skin that was as white as snow, as delicate as butter and permeated with moisture.

How does this Ms. Song take care of herself?

How come her skin is so beautiful?

If she asked Ms. Song for advice, she wondered if Ms. Song would tell her the secret of maintenance?

But she didn't have time to think too much at this time, Yang Lei was already urging her to sign for the fruits.

Jiya glanced at the delivery note.

The unit price of these fruits is not really expensive compared to those imported fruits in their hotel, just wonder if they are good?

However, this Ms. Song actually took the trouble of General Manager Yang to come out to contact her in person, so she was probably a well-connected person.

Jiya didn't dare to look down on Ms. Song. After quickly ordering the goods, she signed her name.

Yang Lei reminded Jiya again, "Manager Ji, add Ms. Song's WeChat, in case I'm not there, the delivery man on Ms. Song's side can directly contact you."

Jiya nodded and smiled: "Okay."

She took out her phone and asked Song Ling with a smile, "Ms. Song, should you add me, or should I add you?"

Song Ling smiled and said, "Let me add you!"

After the two people added each other as friends, Song Ling waved goodbye to them.

This time she drove directly home.

She has been busy outside all day today. If she doesn't go back, Xiao Xixi will probably cry.

After Yang Lei saw Song Ling leaving, he told Jiya about the good relationship between Song Ling and Mr. Fei and her importance.

When Jiya heard that Song Ling and Mr. Fei had a good relationship, she felt sour and bitter.