
Don't mind me, I'm just farming(Under Rewriting Process)

"You said you want to be immortal? I can help you with that. I have the elixir of life processed from the sap of Tree of Life." "Oh, you also want me to provide some corpse? I can help you with that. You see that tree over there? My killer tree over there has managed to kill so many thieves who were aiming for my garden." "You want me to provide you with meat for your village? Sure, I've got tons of magic beasts being guarded by my pet." "Oh, you want to kill me to take everything I have? I have a seed that can take all the nutrients of the land in your village leaving it barren." "My background? I'm just a farmer. Farming in this land. Don't mind me. Look, i'm just planting seeds over here." A man transported to another world after dying from bad luck. Instead of showing who's fist is bigger or who's d*ck is longer, he decided to not meddle on everything and built a farm for himself.

ChocoCrinkols · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Interdimensional Market

While Ren is planning what to do in the barren lands, he remembered the all-purpose hoe he received from the God. So he tried to search for it and found it lying under his bed.

When he grabbed the hoe, a panel appeared in front of him.

[Welcome to the interdimensional market.]

Those words greeted him and he is shocked because he saw a floating panel in front of him.

"D-do you see this?" Asked the shocked Ren.

"Yeah I could see it." Yoruichi said.

[Would you like a beginner's crash course of the market?] The panel asked.

"Yes." He said and a voice spoke through the head of the two.

It told them the basics of the trading system. You could put up items for sale or auction. You could buy items in the panel as well, there are also designated sub-panels if you want specific items.

There are also trade panel where you can trade item for an item. There is even chat box where you can speak with the owner of the item through telepathy.

The market also doesn't allow scamming because doing so will cost your life and the items you are trying to sell and the item you scammed will be given to the opposite party. (It is like the trading house of Dragon Nest but with trade boxes and chat boxes.)

[What would your community name would be?] It said and another blank panel appeared.

After thinking for a while, he just puts in his name.

[Invalid the name's already taken]

"Err. What do you think I should put in?" Ren asked Yoruichi.

"How should I know? Just put whatever you want." He said.

"Hmmm. Ren101? Uhhh invalid.... Ren001... invalid again... Ren123456... Invalid as well? FarmerRen. Oh. It got accepted." Ren heaved a sigh of relief after the community name got accepted.

After his community name got accepted, he then stared at the massive panel in front of him and there's a blinking notification in the corner of the panel as he clicked on it.

[You have a trade offer. (Accept) (Decline)]

"Oh, someone sent me a trade offer. Accept."

A panel opened up with two windows. One of then is his and the other one, when Ren looked at who wants to trade to him, it was the overseer.

"You have finally joined the community." The overseer said.

"Its you again. Did you do something to me again? My head's a mess and I can't remember a single damn thing!" Ren sent his thoughts to the overseer.

"It was an accident. I didn't do anything at all." The overseer said.

"Anyway, since you have finally made it to the market, I'm giving this to you. I didn't give it to you earlier because you don't have any storage bags or rings at that time." The overseer said and a book appeared in the overseers trade window. When he put his fingers on that book, another panel appeared as it showed what book it is.

"Farming101? You're a God, right? Why don't you just transfer the knowledge to me?" Ren asked.

"Why should I? I don't gain anything with that trade. You get this book from me for free because it is inappropriate to send you with a book. If you want more you have to give me something of equal value. Its should be a basic rule especially for an alchemist like you." He said.

"Fine. I have already clicked accept. Lock it from your side." Ren said and didn't say anymore because he doesn't know the price of trading with the overseer and he doesn't know the prices of the goods up for sale as well.

The overseer locked and accepted the trade and a panel appeared saying that the trade was successful and before the overseer disconnected, Ren asked him since he knows a lot more than him plus his memory is basically gone because of another accident.

"If I ask a question is there a payment?" Ren asked.

"Of course. A question is 100 points each." He said and Ren disconnected from the overseer.

Ren then claimed the traded item and a book appeared in front of him and he grabbed it. He doesn't want to focus on getting seeds right now because basically, he's a beginner in terms of growing crops.

"Is that the book, that guy gave you?" Yoruichi asked.

"Yep. Looks like I have to read this from now on to at least have some basic knowledge on farming." Ren said as he opened the book.

What he saw inside is a table of content. The book was split into three sections, basics of farming, what you need to know about the land, and lastly, crops.

Ren didn't think twice and immediately flipped through until he reached the second section, about the land. He tried reading it from the start.

"Land pollution refers to all forms of pollution affecting any type of soil: agricultural, forestry, urban, etc. Soil pollution is a disruptive element for many biological resources and ecosystem..." Ren read through the book and finally found his answer.

"To cure land poisoning, you must extract the poison or chemicals from the ground. There are two ways to solve land poisoning, the long way, and the short way. The long way consists of taking a land sample and studying it and trying to find out something that would counteract the poison within the land. Or you could use the short way, just pour a drop of sap of rejuvenation into the land to purify it to the roots." Although Ren had found his answers, he still continued reading it for hours.

Yoruichi just lied down on his bed, not seemingly bothered about Ren who keeps on reading as he lit a lamp and continued reading the book.

After reading for hours, he felt tired. He didn't feel hungry because he's eating the fruits they gave him while reading.

Ren finally decided to call it a night as he blew on the flickering light of the lamp and laid down as he closed his eyes to sleep.

Meanwhile, after confirming that Ren has slept, Yoruichi on the other hand transformed into a slender and well-endowed woman of average height. She has dark skin, golden irises, and black hair. She took one spare clothes of Ren from the table and their size exactly fit each other.

She then continued jumping all around mount Myoboku. Yoruichi is currently mapping the entire area out. There are three points of interest for Yoruichi at the moment. A cave entrance, Toad Town, and the elder's house. But Yoruichi's curiosity led her to enter the cave entrance.

She cautiously entered the are and so far she didn't see or feel anything dangerous at the moment. When she reached the end of the cave, she saw a huge toad sitting in a high chair with waterfall in his back.

"What can I do for you little cat?" Asked the Great toad sage.

"Looks like you really can see the future." Said Yoruichi.

"Indeed. Although what I can see is only bits and pieces of it." He said.

"Tell me about this world. What are these things I perceive floating in the air?" Yoruichi asked for information.

"You are indeed not from these world. I don't think you're from Kaguya's clan. The boy isn't either." The great toad sage said in amusement.

The great toad sage then obliged as he told Yoruichi about chakra and shinobis but he didn't tell about chakra's origins and the nature chakra.

He could tell that Yoruichi is perceiving nature chakra but he didn't tell her because simply absorbing them without any form of training could be deadly to anyone.

"Telling all this information, what's in it for you?" Yoruichi asked.

"The boy that's been with you might bring destruction or save this land from impending doom. I wish for you to guide him through the latter." He said. When he tried to see Ren's future, he saw two dreams, the first one is Ren sitting cross legged on the chakra fruit tree and is waiting for it to ripen while the second dream is blurry he can't see much the only thing he saw is Ren emitting light under such dark sky.

Hearing the great toad sage, Yoruichi can't stop laughing as she laughed hearing the Great Toad Sage's request.

"Ahhh, sorry. Its just that I find it funny. You think a mere prediction of the future can depict the path Ren will walk into? He will walk his own path with or without anyone's guidance. He might be naive at first glance because he lost majority of his memories but his instincts guides him on what he wants to do and what he doesn't." Yoruichi said as she went out of the cave and return to Ren's house.







Somewhere in a dark place.

"So who are you, old man and what can I do for you?" Ren asked the floating old man in front of him.

"Fret not, child. My name is Hagoromo, the founder of ninshu." The old man said as he introduced himself.