
Chapter 012: Dimensionality Reduction Strike, Killing Three Birds with One Stone (Part 1)_1

Translator: 549690339


The combatants on each side, one being the old crocodiles with gray-brown backs under Su He's command, and the other being the green-colored crocodiles from an unknown origin.

These crocodiles were generally larger in size, all around seven and a half meters, and only a minority of four or five on Su He's side reached this size.

Each Green Crocodile could overpower two of the Su Family Crocodiles in a fight.

Crocodiles do hunt their own kind, but only in extreme cases of starvation, and with the autumn fish being plump and delicious, there was no way they were desperately fighting just to hunt a hundred or so Su Family Crocodiles.

It just didn't make sense!

Even if the Su Family Crocodiles were smaller, they weren't easy to stir.

They were not hunting; this was warfare!

Qing shrank in the bloodied water, not rushing forward hastily.

He wanted to subdue these old crocodiles, to truly name them Su Family Crocodiles, but the precondition was that he had to live well, which was selfish yet realistic.

In the distance, roaring and fighting, an old crocodile saw Qing and began to cry out with a "gurgle gurgle". That sound was probably trying to convey a meaning.



The most formidable!

The fiercest!

Probably something like that.

In their cries, there was actually a sense of excitement: Our king has come, the most formidable has come, you bunch of green-topped fellows are dead for sure!

Su He's heart suddenly clenched tightly—was he being regarded as their backbone?

A nameless feeling suddenly arose, indescribable; was it responsibility? Pride?

It weighed heavily.

He felt a bit embarrassed, but indeed it was fantastic!

Su He looked balefully toward the opposing Green Crocodiles.

Some Green Crocodiles saw him and came at him with a roar, the faint scent of Demonic Fruit carried over by the wind.

Among them were old crocodiles that had become demonic, but not with the ordinary enticing fragrance of the Demonic Fruit; this Demonic Fruit had a fishy stench.

It was because a beast had eaten the Demonic Fruit and then been hunted and eaten by this group of Green Crocodiles. The Demonic Fruit must have been mostly digested, which was why so many Green Crocodiles carried the scent of Demonic Fruit.

They had followed the scent of the Demonic Fruit to Crocodile Beach.

Su He had lived here for too long, his scent completely integrated into these waters.

The leading giant crocodile rushed toward Su He, its body a full nine meters long, the largest crocodile Su He had ever seen, a terrifying oppression rushing to his face.

Su He... was somewhat excited!

His heart started thumping excitedly. This feeling was just like when he was the size of a dining plate and had snatched the Wolf King Demonic Fruit, fleeing in haste.

This was wrong! This was very wrong! A turtle should not enjoy thrill; a turtle should like tranquility, should like concealment, should like being Sixth Brother.

But... this feeling was really too great!


Su He roared, his tail sweeping as he propelled himself through the water towards the Green Crocodile. At the fastest speed, accelerate! And accelerate again!



A muffled sound as the turtle shell slammed face-first into the upper jaw of the Green Crocodile. Everything went black as the world seemed to spin, and Su He felt his internal organs churning, blood flowing out of his nostrils.

The velocity of his own speed combined with the Green Crocodile's was like a truck colliding head-on with a table-sized boulder.

With his internal organs jolted and blood streaming from his mouth and nose, the Green Crocodile's head collapsed inward, and it lay motionless on the surface of the lake.



The Su Family Crocodiles started calling out, their cries filled with excitement.


It turned out they also had empathy, cheering for the victory of their king.

Su He suppressed the odd feeling in the depths of his heart, shook his head to relieve the dizziness in his mind, and knew that the trip to Snake Valley was imperative. He was due to go again in two days; a turtle's methods of attack were too limited!

Biting and fighting, how could a turtle possibly out-fight a crocodile? And not everything is suitable to be put in the mouth.

Magical arts were a must to master!

As the dizziness in his mind receded, Su He paddled towards another huge Green Crocodile, which also had a strong scent of the Demonic Fruit.

Su He counted, including the giant crocodile he had killed, there were three Green Crocodiles exuding the scent of the Demonic Fruit, all of which were the largest in size, each over three Zhang long.

This was the result of them sharing the Demonic Fruit. If one of them had eaten the fruit alone, Su He feared he would have to flee far away.

Even though the quality of his Demonic Fruit had been enhanced and he had been eating high-quality foods, two months were not enough for a turtle to challenge a crocodile that had consumed a complete Demonic Fruit.

The difference in species was too vast.

For beasts, innate species traits determined many things. Some demons who evolved still remained vulnerable to their natural predators. Breaking free from these shackles depended on the growth during this "womb-like gestation" before transforming from demon to human after consuming the Demonic Fruit.

That's why Su He was so eager to acquire magical arts.

The magical arts mastered now could potentially offer a greater advantage after transformation, and might even become something like an Innate Divine Ability.

Su He wouldn't give up as long as there was the slightest chance.

Two large Green Crocodiles approached Su He at the same time. Separated by seven or eight Zhang, two crocodiles and one turtle faced off, with Su He taking long breaths, trying to calm the tremors in his Internal Organs.

The two Green Crocodiles, unsure of Su He's strength, dared not act recklessly—the sudden demise of another was a cautionary tale.

The three most powerful creatures were at a standoff here, and the war at Crocodile Beach was gradually shifting from offense to defense. There were only about thirty Green Crocodiles, while the Su Family had over a hundred.

Su He did not go out of his way to "direct the war." Leaving aside whether the crocodiles would listen to him or understand commands, the very act of changing formations on the spot could disrupt their rhythm and potentially cause the entire war effort to collapse.

All he had to do was to keep these two giant crocodiles in check; the rest could be left to the Su Family Crocodiles, trusting in their ferocious instincts!

Two Su Family Crocodiles could match one Green Crocodile; three could kill it!

The bloody scent at Crocodile Beach grew more intense, and the shrimps, crabs, and fish in the lake stayed far away.

The scent of blood would attract predators, but such a heavy scent would only scare every animal away. Crocodile Beach fell silent, even insects and birds were too frightened by the oppressive bloodiness to make a sound.

Only the roars and scuffles of crocodiles could be heard.

The setting sun was like blood, and finally, a Green Crocodile couldn't hold out and began to retreat.

One... two...

Green Crocodiles fled in droves, and the two giant crocodiles facing Su He also hesitated, ready to flee.

No matter how fierce they were, they couldn't possibly face the attack of Su He and the crocodile swarm.

Su He watched in a daze as the two crocodiles opposite him suddenly rolled over and fled into the distance with their tails whipping behind them.

Such is the nature of wild beasts: fight fiercely by all means necessary, even performing dirty tricks. If they can't win, they flee at once—what's shameful about that?

What is pride? It's not as important as a mouse.

Wild beasts have no need for dignity or face.

Su He didn't chase them; slight cramps in his stomach made it difficult for him to make any major movements. The same collision force had killed a Green Crocodile, while he only suffered stomach cramps, which was already a great victory.

But for wild beasts, anything short of a complete victory was a failure, such was the naked law of the beasts.

In the animal world, even tigers and leopards prefer to hunt the weak and the sick without resistance. It's no longer about whether they can overpower their prey; getting injured while hunting means the loss outweighs the gain.

For tigers and leopards, most injuries spell a death sentence.

Just like the crocodile that had its claws torn off and belly ripped open by Su He that day.

Today's fight was inexplicable; feeling intense pain and even internal bleeding, even though the Green Crocodiles were driven away, it was still a loss.

Su He ignored the howling crocodiles and, stiff in his movements, slowly climbed onto Sunbathing Stone.

The bloody scent on Crocodile Beach was hard to bear, but Su He didn't dare leave. The Green Crocodiles came for his Demonic Fruit; the other crocodiles were just caught in the crossfire.

But if Su He left now, the two giant crocodiles would surely lead their underlings to hunt him down. How many times could his turtle shell withstand their attacks?

Only by staying among the crocodile group was it the best way to stay alive.

It was unfair to the crocodiles, but such was nature, such was the reason Su He had tamed them.