
Don't Mess With An Angel

They say we're all angels but we just don't have the right person to bring out the angelic part in us. we live in a world where we don't have time to think about doing good. Meet Tasha Elliot, definitely not your regular high school girl who have everything at her fingertips, she literally has to work for everything she wants; money, good grades, confidence including... love. what happens to her when she's been paired on a ridiculous project with Chris Williams, the school basketball king whose name is on everyone's lips. why don't y'all join me in this crazy ride and find out what happens to this teenagers/high schoolers and BTW we're not just talking about your regular high school story. we're talking about psycho ex, psycho mom, popular spoilt rich kids, mean queen bee, low self-esteem nerds, agonizing past, underage parties and whatever you can imagine.

Goodness_vanessa · Teen
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7 Chs


Mondays or mornings are horrible because I have to prepare for another hellhole, but then some say the constant setting of alarms and waking up early are the fun of high school. Urrgh! No offence but Tasha begs to differ. I switched off the snoozing alarm tossing away my bed covers; I walked to the bathroom stealing a quick glance at myself in the mirror. I gasped at my hideous self. I looked horrible with some bruises on my face; you could just say I was ugly. I mean, who wouldn't be when you have a psychopathic ex.

I took a quick shower and scanned through my clothes for something decent to wear, I was just too outdated with everything. I shipped a high-waist jeans with a sleeveless top plus a denim jacket, I applied a moderate make-up which help to cover my bruise, slipping on my regular converse I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.

Once upon a time we were once rich until dads' accident. The only thing that managed to scream rich was our beautiful house.

"Tasha, I promise not to drink again. I got caught up in the moment." My mom says taking a sip from her coffee, I smiled a sad one. She says that every time she gets drunk so I won't consider sending her to rehab, kudos to my aunt for that.

"You say that every time mum but you still do the same…. Sin," I made sure to mumble the last part, I pressed two pills of antidepressants into her hands along with a glass of water. "Please take them with enough water." She nodded but I knew it was useless; she was becoming a drug psycho.

I walked out of the house and hopped on my bike, I recited my schedule for the day all the way to school. I parked my bike in the school parking lot.

With my bent low I walked into the hallway avoiding eye contact with everyone, not like anyone cared or noticed me. I tried my best to block out what other popular kids of elites high were saying. Talks about who's dating who, the worst teacher, who's throwing a party, or even who has gone bankrupt, somehow it hurts that I'm all alone. No one to ask me how I slept or how a simple 'are you okay', I felt so … empty.

I opened my locker and started getting my notes for the day; I ignored the noise beside me. Well, the locker next to me belongs to Andrea Richardson, the most beautiful and popular girl in school and everyone wants to be friends with her.

That's the trend right? Everyone wants to know the popular kids; her loud and infectious laughter filled the hall way as she talked about her new car. People clung to her like she was a magnet.

Maybe she was. A popular magnet, and the people were metals who couldn't help but stick to her.

That's elites high for you, when you have fame or money people follow you like bees do to honey.

I better stay right where I belong, which was being invisible. After all it was just one more year remaining and it'll be over.

I entered my class and sat by the window side, it was my usual spot. I watched as students flooded the classroom to avoid detention as Ms Hannah walks in with a broad smile for all, she was one of the nicest teachers in school but also strict and fair.

"You should put more effort in your assignments as it'll help greatly in your grades." she advised scribbling away on the board. Exactly ten minutes into lectures the class door opened and chris Williams walks in oozing confidence.

"How convenient of you to join us now Mr. Williams," Ms Hannah says sarcastically but also sternly, he gave her one of his hear warming smile for her to shut up, which somehow magically worked.

He strode to the seat behind me commanding the boy sitting down to stand up. "Move," He ordered again when the boy tried to plead. "Now," He growled, the boy scurried to another seat immediately, but that didn't stop girls from sending him beautiful winks. To them he was Christian Williams, the most handsome guy in school and the captain of the basketball team whose father was also the basketball coach.

As much as I hated to admit it, he was truly damn gorgeous, he had this golden eyes and jet black hair that could make you stare at him for a long time, his face and body was flawless making it as though God used a special soil to mould him, I jerked out of my thoughts and focused on the whiteboard.


Lunch time was my favorite part of the day as I made my way to the music room, it was a bit old and rusty as people didn't come here often. I mean, who likes music nowadays. I walked to the piano wiping the dust off the keys; I sat down and ran my hands on the keys. I smiled to myself and started to play 'I'm gonna lose you' by Megan trainor, I didn't know when I started singing out loud, all I could think of was how my dad used to teach me how to sing and play, he'd say I should cherish the times spent with loved ones. I frowned slightly as I struck the last chord of the song.

I walked out of the music room since lunch was over and headed for history class not wanting to be late. I was scribbling on my notes to what Mr. Roberts was saying about civilization when a note dropped on my desk.

"Move," He said I looked up and saw the stunning face of Chris Williams; I looked around to confirm if he was talking to someone else.

"I'm talking to you nerd, move." He ordered impatiently. Did he just call me nerd?

"There are other seats around, go sit in one of them." I said, I immediately clammed my mouth shut, what have I done? I just spoke back to the school king. He looked shock but quickly masked it with anger, perhaps no one had ever spoken back to him.

"Are you talking to me." He growled.

"Is there anyone else standing?" Again, I mentally slapped myself for my sudden courage.

"That's it! Detention for you both," Mr. Roberts said sternly.

Oh, hell no!