

    I slowly open my eyes and groan as the sunlight streams in through the window.  Why does it have to be so bright out?  I glance over at the clock and see that it is a little after eight.  Mia is asleep in her bed.  I almost fall off my bed as I notice Bryson asleep in the desk chair beside my bed.  Last night's events start to play back in my head.  Bryson and that girl.  That girl that wasn't me.  I grab my phone and check my messages.  Rob's name flashes on the screen.  


    I open his message: Let me know when you wake up.  

    I'm not even going to respond to that. 

    I sat my phone back down.  As I did that, Bryson's eyes flickered open.  He looked around and his eyes focused on me. 

    "How are you feeling?"  He asked me, squinting as he sat up in the chair.

    "I'm fine," I answered.  Surprisingly, that's the truth.  At least when it comes to hangovers.  "Why are you here?"

    "I wanted to make sure you were okay.  Do you want to go grab some coffee?"  

    I nodded and got up out of bed.  The image of him kissing that girl flashed in my mind again.  I tried to shake it away, but no such luck.

    "I'm going to go freshen up and then we can go."  I make my way over to the closet and pull out one of my favorite sun dresses.  On my way out the door, I grabbed my makeup bag off the table. 

    "Ready?"  I asked Bryson as I entered my room again.  Mia is such a heavy sleeper.  She had turned over onto her side since I had left. Bryson nodded and stood up to follow me out of the door.

    "Do you have any feelings for me?"  Bryson broke the silence before we had even pulled out of the parking lot in my car.  My stomach dropped at his question.  

    I continue to stare out of my window, not sure how to answer this.  

    "Do you?" He repeated.  I have a feeling that he isn't going to let this go without an answer. 

    "Yes."  It came out in a voice I didn't recognize, almost a whisper.  Bryson reached over and grabbed my hand, giving it a little squeeze.  I want to say something about last night, but I don't even know where to begin.

    "I'm sorry," Bryson started.  "I was frustrated that you turned me down.  I turned to alcohol and made a stupid decision.  I would never hurt you; you know."

    I nod again.  I know what he is saying is true.  Somehow it doesn't make it hurt any less though.

    "Are you wanting to work things out with Rob?" 

    I finally look over him, a shocked expression on my face.  "No." 

    "You were with him last night?"  

    "Not like that." I reply flatly.  

    "Why did you go to him?"  Bryson pressed on. 

    "I ran into him after I saw you.  I needed to leave, and he was there."

    "Did what you saw bother you?" 

    I swallowed hard and nodded once again.  More than I'd like to admit.  

    "Did you kiss him?" 

    "No!" I can't believe that he thought that I would fall into Rob's trap.  No matter how drunk I get, I would never fall into old ways.  

    "Are you wanting to be with me?" 

    And there the question was.  The one I had been expecting since the beginning of this conversation.  Bryson runs his hand through his thick, dark hair.  It's a habit he does when nervous.  I've learned that just by watching him.  Bryson turned into a Starbuck's parking lot and we made our way inside.  

    "You never answered my question," he reminded me, as he reached out and grabbed my hand once again. 

    "I can't be with someone like Rob."  I realized as soon as the words left my mouth that I had misspoke.  

    "Like Rob? You think I would cheat on you?"  Bryson looks appalled at the accusation.  

    "I don't kn…"  I start to say but stop.  The truth is I know he wouldn't.  I know he would do anything for me.  

    "I wouldn't.  I don't even look at other girls.  I haven't in two years."  Bryson pulls at me, so that we are facing each other.  We are stopped in the middle of the Starbucks, but no one seems to notice.  There are only a few others inside. 

    "What about all those girls?"  I ask, curious about the handful he's casually dated in the last couple of years.

    "They were nothing serious.  They were to keep my mind of you."  My stomach does a flip again at his words.  I can't believe this.  A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. 

    "Let's get our coffee and talk," I suggested, pulling Bryson towards to register.  

    We are sitting at a small table for two with our drinks.  Bryson is holding my hand on top of the table.  

    "Alex seemed to like you a lot last night," Bryson says after a sip of his coffee.  I let out a small giggle.  

    "He's…different," I replied with a grin.  "I think he would look cute with Mia." 

    "He didn't seem to be into Mia, just you." Bryson gave my hand a light squeeze and his eyes burned into mine.  I attempted to look away but couldn't.  I could feel the blush spread throughout my face.  My cheeks had to be as red as tomatoes by now. 

    My phone made a ding, letting me know I got a text.  I pulled it out of my purse to see that Mia had messaged. 

    Mia: Good Morning, Hope you're alive out there.

    Me: Yes, I am.  Went to coffee with Bryson.

    Mia: Thanks for the invite, Butt. 

    I chuckled to myself and tucked my phone back into my purse. 

    "You ready to head back?"  I ask, finishing the last sip of my iced coffee.  Bryson stood up and grabbed the empty cup from my hand to throw away.  I still can't get over how much of a gentleman he is. 


    When we arrive back at the dorm, Mia is still in bed, with her phone in hand.  I was actually surprised to see Alex there also, leaning against the desk by my bed. 

    "I thought you might need a ride back," He said, handing the keys back over to Bryson.  

    "Thanks, Man."  He slides them into his pocket.  

    "Alex was just telling me that James is throwing another party tonight," Mia grinned, looking up at me.  "Round two?"  I roll my eyes as I take a seat on my bed.  Bryson follows and sits beside me. 

    "I'm down," Alex smiles.  He spins his brow ring with his hand as he looks at me.  I know Bryson has noticed but I'm not going to entertain the idea.  

    "I need to find me a man!" Mia groans, her face back in her phone.  "And we need to get Sara over hers."  I roll my eyes once again as my smile fades at the mention of him.

    It was very nice of him to help me get home last night.  He could have easily taken advantage of the situation, especially since I was completely passed out on the way home.  After knowing him for two years, I knew he wouldn't do anything without me being aware.  Even though I originally liked Bryson, part of me had feelings for Rob as well.  What we had was real and I wouldn't take anything back.  Well, I don't think I would anyways.  We did have a lot of good times together.  More good than bad.  That is why every time he would drink and become an ass; I was quick to forgive him.  Mia had never been a fan of Rob.  She would always tell me I could do better than him.  She said that she didn't get a good vibe from him.  Of course, that didn't help our relationship due to the fact that she was very vocal about it.  Rob was aware of her feelings towards him.  

    I can feel everyone's eyes on me.  "What?"

    "So, we are going?  Mia asked, sitting straight up in her bed.  The biggest grin spread across her face.

    "Fiiiiine," I cave in.  I mean tonight can't go any worse than last night, right?  Bryson doesn't look thrilled at the idea.  I know he likes to go but could care less about the drinking.  I'm not much of a drinker myself.  I mean, I will have a drink or two of course, but getting completely wasted isn't fun in my book.  Mia is the same way for the most part.

    "We better go then and let these girls get ready," Alex said, nodding towards the door at Bryson.  He agreed and stood up.  He looked down at me, like he was expecting something.  I stood up, and he scooped me up in a hug.  My heart flutters and I can feel the electricity go through my body as his touches mine.  I never felt this feeling before with Rob.