

    "She left," Alex bent over and spoke into my ear.  

    "What? With whom?" I asked, trying not to shout but wanting to be heard over the music blaring.  I look over beside me on the couch at Bryson.  He held his head in his hands.  

    "With him." Alex says, shaking his head.  My eyes open wide.  

    Did I hear him correct?  Him?  Rob? 

    "You let them leave?"  I practically scream at him.  I am trying to keep from blowing up on him, but it's hard.  

    "I'm not her babysitter," Alex snorts back.  Bryson looks up and glares at him.  

    "Was she okay?"  I ask, looking up at him.  

    "She wasn't even able to walk straight.  She looked completely out of it."  Alex replied.  

    "What?!" I don't even care rather I am screaming now or not at this point.  I just watched this guy punch a wall because of his anger issues and now my best friend is stuck in a car with him.  Both drunk, might I add. 

    "What happened anyways?  She looked upset."  Alex asks, looking at Bryson.  It was almost like he was assuming it had to do with him.  Bryson just shook his head, refusing to answer. 

    "Let's just go and find her," I suggest, getting up from the couch.  The two guys follow me out the door and to the car.  This time I sat in front with Bryson.  I'm almost worried about him driving.  He doesn't seem like himself either. 

    We drive all the way back to my dorm in silence.  I almost ask Bryson what the hell he was thinking but decided against it.  I can't be that upset.  He watched Sara and Rob suck each other's faces for the last two years. He's single.  If he wants to make out with random chicks at a party, so be it.  It's his business. He's been so patient waiting for the day Rob and Sara broke up.  I don't know why he would do anything to jeopardize his chance now though.  

I unlock the door and rush in, hoping she had beat us home.  I look at her empty bed.  "Sara?" 

    No answer. 

    "She's not here," Alex states the obvious.  I sit down on my bed, trying to think of our next move.  

    "Should we drive to that guy Rob's place?"  Alex asks, arms crossed in front of his chest. 

    Right as we are about to head back out the car, I hear keys rattling in the door.  It swings open as Rob steps in, carrying Sara.  I hold my breath, as my heart begins to race.  

    "Is she okay?"  Bryson asks immediately.  

    "She's just fine.  She's taking this break up harder than I thought."  Rob throws Bryson a smirk.  Bryson's eyes don't leave her.  Rob gently lays her down on her bed.  "She is probably going to get sick.  She drank a whole cup of vodka by itself then went back for a second within the five minutes before we left." 

    "Damn, that girl can drink!"  Alex jokes.  Bryson shoots him a glare.  

    "Please let her know I brought her home and I will call her tomorrow," Rob says to me.  With that, he places her small wristlet on the floor by her bed and walks out to leave.  

    "I'm just glad she's alright," I sigh under my breath.  Bryson walks over to the bed and covers her up with a blanket.  He looks like a lovesick puppy.  I feel bad for him in a way.  I can't imagine what it's like chasing around a girl who has a longtime boyfriend.  He dated a few girls within the last two years, but nothing serious.  

    "Even when she's passed out, she's hot," Alex randomly says.  Bryson and I both look in his direction.  "Sorry," he mutters under his breath.  

    "Let's go, Lover Boy," Alex teases.  

    "I'm going to stay.  Take my car back."  Bryson tossed the keys towards Alex.  He caught them midair.  

    "You've got it bad…"  Alex teases.  

After Alex left, I finally had the nerve to ask Bryson about the events of the night.

    "Why did you do it?"  I can tell my question took him by surprise.  He stared down at his hands, like he was thinking about how to answer. 

    "I was upset.  I tried to kiss her, and she turned me down."  I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  Why would she do that?  It was obvious to anyone with eyes that she was into Bryson.  I do believe her feelings for Rob were real, but I do think she would've chosen Bryson if she had known that he was option at the time.  I think her feelings grew for Rob as they dated.  I never noticed the spark between them though.  When Bryson enters a room, Sara's whole face lights up.  

    "You know that she has feelings for you.  If you ask me, she settled with Rob and you know it."  

    "I messed up tonight.  I think I've lost my chance with her." Bryson brushed his hair out of his face.  His eyes were dull, almost lifeless.  I felt bad for him.  He isn't a bad guy.  The mix of rejection and alcohol can do horrible things. 

    "Tell her how you feel.  I'm telling you, she never looked at him like she looks at you."  His eyes shoot up and meet mine.  There is a glimmer of hope in them.  I truly hope that Sara can overlook this mistake because this boy looks miserable knowing that he hurt her.  

    "I'm going to sleep in the chair, if you don't mind," Bryson said, changing the subject.

    "Sure," I tossed him one of my pillows.  

    With that, I turned off the light and darkness overtook the room.  

    Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully, Sara wakes up and forgets everything from the night before.  If only it would be that easy.