
Don't lose your smile (Danmachi x bloodborn)

After the death of his family in an accident, a lonely teenager in search of strength and a new friends goes to the labyrinth city of Orario. After a series of unfortunate events and stupid decisions, Crowley finds himself in a completely unfamiliar and frightening world. Oh yes, and something also damaged his hunter's mark, so his path will be much more difficult than expected. _______________________________________ English is my second language, and in my native language I have never written anything resembling a complete work. I write fanfiction to improve my English and writing skills in general. Please be understanding. (I am still open to constructive criticism on any points). _______________________________________ And of course, I do not own danmachi or bloodborn, as well as the original characters for the works.(Found the cover on Google images, if this causes any problems please contact me). I consider only the plot of this particular fanfic and OC to be mine.

Justlucky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Time is passing by. Last rest.

*Astral clocktower*

Crowley raised the Celestial dial above his head. The dial at the top of the tower began to rotate.

A few minutes later, a passage appeared in the place where the number 6 usually stands. Having passed through it, the hunter found himself on a sandy coast, with the green lights of a fishing village shining in the distance.

{So the end of the nightmare is near? }

Crowley's feet moved forward. The hunt has begun. Increased strength and skills made it possible to destroy prey in a couple of blows. The exceptions were huge shark-like humanoids and local shamans who could summon lightning and mad spirits.

At the bottom of the village well, the teenager discovered Rakuyo, Lady Maria's favorite weapon.

{ I think, if possible, I will take it to the old workshop to Mary's grave. }.

In one of the huts lay a dying hunter, who gave Crowley a bowblade and a key to the camera, after which he asked to kill the church assasin located there.

{I'll deal with this later. }

At a certain moment, with the sound of a bell, the teenager's path was blocked by a hunter wearing clothes made from Cleric beast. There is a strangely shaped mace in his hands.

- So you are Brado? Get out of my way, I'm hunting.

The Church Hunter was clearly unimpressed by the teenager's threat.

- Bear in mind.

Some places are better left untouched, and some secrets are better left alone.

...only fools do brazenly roam.

- I already know the truth, you don't need to stop me. I'm here to end the nightmare.

- Do you know the truth? Then I have more reasons to kill you.

- *Sigh* So be it.

. ........

The duel ended in an instant, and with his throat slit, the assassin disappeared in a red glow.

{ It's a pity.}

The hunter continued on his way. At a certain moment, a familiar singing was heard in the caves that the hunter was clearing.

- Winter lanterns...

Those same monsters made from two of the hunter's favorite things appeared again in the nightmare. Fortunately, this time killing them was easy.

{If this place is a nightmare for old hunters, then what are the lanterns doing here? I don't like it. }

The result of the hunt was a blood stone slab, which finally allowed the hunter to transform his weapon into a masterpiece of weaponry art.

Now the teenager stood in front of a huge crowd of parasite-infested villagers who knelt towards the exit of the cave. Outside on the ocean shore lay a large dead creature that resembled a cross between an eel and a jellyfish.

{Cos? Or some perhaps say Cosm.}

Something was squirming in the creature's belly. A baby was heard crying. The humanoid creature slowly left the body of the dead Great One. After which he looked for a long time at the dial of the clocktower, which was visible in the distance through the fog.

{ The unborn child was able to find life only in a nightmare intended to torment the souls of the hunters who destroyed him in the real world.}

The creature was significantly taller than the hunter and more like a mummified body.

In his right hand was a weapon resembling a cleaver. In contrast to the pale blue coloring of the creature itself, this part of it was burgundy. A rope of flesh came from the weapon, connecting it to the orphan.

- I have no hope for a simple fight, this creature was born to kill hunters.

The cane went into whip mode. - Let's do it.

Crowley, who had disappeared into the fog, reappeared, already striking the monster.

The blow hit the target, but even taking into account the strength of the hunter and his weapon, only a small wound remained on the creature.

{ This will be much more difficult than I thought. }

With a roar, the orphan grabbed a cleaver and attacked the hunter. The strength, fury and speed surpassed anything Crowley had seen before. The monster's blows cut the hunter's flesh like butter, and upon collision with the cane, they instantly knocked it out of the owner's hands.



When it collided with the ground, the entire coast shook. The lightning was controlled by the monster. The pieces of flesh dropped by the orphan exploded in a bloody spray, destroying everything within 5 meters of each projectile. And each time there were several of them.

All this paled in comparison to the state the monster assumed after accumulating a certain amount of damage. Wings and the body itself grew, strength more than doubled, aggression reached a new level. The creature became a real killing machine.


On the shore, next to the black spirit emerging from Kos, a gloomy hunter sat. There was a serious madness in his eyes. The song of Winter Lanterns and the crying of children constantly sounded in his head.

- I need a rest..... I think I'll finally visit Cainhurst, there are rumors that they have the largest library in the city. Well, it's time to finish.

A cane stabbed into the remainder of the Great One's soul, dispelling it almost instantly. The nightmare is over.


*Hunter's Dream*

- Miss Doll, Master Gehrman. I think I'll take a break again. I'm sorry that you will have to endure this horror for a while longer.

The old man answered first, and for the first time a smile appeared on his face.

- Don't think that you owe us anything. What you have done is already enough so that in my life I will not be able to return the favor. Take your time.

The doll hugged Crowley.

- Good hunter, time flows differently here, don't worry about us. We're completely safe. Now, go.


*Hemwick Charnel Lane, near monument to the old nobles*

The hunter climbed into the cart and set off.

During the trip, the teenager watched as the surrounding landscape became increasingly filled with snow. After several hours of travel, the carriage stopped. In front of Crowley stood a majestic castle.

Without hesitating even a second, the hunter went forward. The castle's courtyard was filled with mosquito-like creatures and larvas, generally things that wouldn't cause any problems.

Inside, the building was made in dark colors, and partially invisible women wandered around the area, some of whom were holding their own heads in their hands.

But the most pleasant discovery for the hunter was the library. A huge multi-story repository of knowledge, it seemed that tens or even hundreds of thousands of books were stored here.

But before he could start reading, it was necessary to clear the building from monsters.


Quite an easy task, so to speak. The only problem was Logarius, the commander of the executioners. Having once vowed to destroy the vilebloods, after countless days of guarding, he himself became saturated with their filth, causing him to lose his mind.

Unfortunately for the martyr, he didn't pose much of a threat to the hunter at the moment. Evil spirits were repelled by the shield found in the hunter's nightmare, and any attempt at an aggressive attack was interrupted by mercury bullets fired at the right moment. Logarius died, leaving at the place of death the crown that he wore on his head.

*The crown contains a secret, put it on.*

Once again, the voices in Crowley's head gave him a clue.

Having put on the crown, the wall behind the chair where the head of the executioners once sat disappeared. A staircase appeared, decorated on either side with bronze statues of horsemen.

At the end of the rise was a room filled with statues. On the opposite side from the entrance there were two thrones. On the right sat a woman with a cage on her head.

- Visitor, I claim no subjects, but here lieth Our throne. Kneel afore us...or get thee gone.

The hunter's surprise knew no bounds, but remembering long-forgotten etiquette, he knelt.

- Visitor… Moon-scented hunter… I am Annalise, Queen of Castle Cainhurst. Ruler of the Vilebloods, and sworn enemy of the church. Yet, our people are murdered, and we are prisoner to this wretched mask. What is it thou'rt in search of?

- Queen Annalise, my name is Cheshire Crowley, I came here in search of knowledge. Therefore, I ask you for permission to use the library.

- Why should We?

- Only indirectly, but you can consider me as a friend of Maria. If I'm not mistaken, it was she who brought the first vile blood to this castle. And I know too much about the church to take their side.

- So be it, you can use Our library, but in return you will bring me the blood of powerful beings. Deal?

- Deal.


Returning from the first hunt for blood, Crowley found an extremely unpleasant surprise. In place of Annalise lay only a piece of pulsating flesh, and in front of the throne stood the bloodied hunter Alfred.

- Master, look! I've done it! I've done it! I've smashed, and pounded and grounded this rotten siren into fleshy pink pulp! There you filthy monstrosity... What good's your immortality now? Try stirring up trouble in this sorry state -- all mangled and twisted with every inside on the outside for all the world to see.

- What are you doing, bastard?!

The teenager turned the executioner to face him. Alfred's pupils constricted, all sense of reason lost.

- So that means you're turning... It's a pity. The cane pierced the heart of the white-robed man.

- I hate the church, but until the last moment I hoped that you were different from them. Goodbye, old friend.

Having finished with Alfred, the hunter had a new task.

{ What should I do with Anneliese now? Even though she's alive, I don't think this look belongs to a queen. Maybe try the Ebrietas altar? If I remember it correctly altar can bring people back to life.}


The flesh disappeared in a flash of light, and in its place was the queen of the vilebloods, this time without a cage on her head.

Her appearance spoke of a distant relationship with Maria.

{ Everything fell into place. }


Time passed, books in the castle library were moved at an amazing speed, the blood of powerful beasts was delivered to the queen, sometimes Crowley used blood choice to stretch his stiff limbs. Peace reigned in the castle.

*Many years later*

- I think this is our last meeting, Queen Annalise. I'll miss you.

- Honestly, I didn't think that you would read all the books in our castle. You have done us an excellent service, would you like to stay with us for a while longer?

- I don't think I can leave if I agree to your proposal. Goodbye, my queen.

With a wave, the Cheshire Cat cape flew into the air. The queen's last servant has left the castle.


* Yahar'Gul, unseen village. Right before lecture building. *

- My last journey....

Death count - 68122.

Books read - 52342.

Body empowerment - 20.6x.

Time spent in bloodborne world - ???

I think we are waiting for the last chapter or two before the arc ends. Thank you for your time and powerstones.

Justluckycreators' thoughts