
A blue moon Part #4

Leah Scott was a simple girl, just like any other 17-year-old. She lived in the state of Florida, in a modest modern house with her parents and two younger siblings. She wasn't rich, but she was content with her life. However, all that changed on the night of March 1st, 2011.

It was just another ordinary day for Leah. She woke up early, got dressed, and headed to college. She was a hardworking student and was determined to get good grades. As she walked to her classes, she couldn't help but notice the moon in the sky. It was a beautiful full moon, big and bright, lighting up the dark night sky. She couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and serenity as she looked at it.

But little did she know, this full moon was not an ordinary one. It was a blue moon, a rare occurrence that only happens once every few years. And as Leah went about her day, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not quite right.

As the day went on, the moon seemed to get bigger and brighter, almost as if it was calling out to her. Leah couldn't resist it and found herself constantly looking up at the sky, mesmerized by the blue moon's beauty.

Her friends noticed her strange behavior and jokingly called her 'Moon Girl'. But Leah didn't mind, she was happy to bask in the moon's glow. Little did she know, her fascination with the blue moon would have dire consequences.

That night, Leah returned home exhausted from a long day at college. She had a pile of assignments to complete, but she couldn't take her eyes off the sky. The moon was now at its peak, shining bright and casting an eerie blue light all around. Without even realizing it, Leah had been staring at it for hours, her eyes fixated on its mysterious beauty.

Her mother noticed her daughter's strange behavior and tried to get her attention, 'Leah, honey, are you okay? You've been standing there for hours, staring at the moon.' But Leah didn't respond, she seemed almost hypnotized.

Just then, her father walked in and immediately noticed the blue moon's effect on his daughter. He had heard about the legends surrounding the blue moon and knew they were not to be taken lightly. He gently took Leah inside and told her to rest, but Leah's eyes were glued to the moon, and she couldn't look away.

As the night went on, Leah's behavior became more and more erratic. She refused to eat or sleep, and her eyes seemed to be getting bigger and brighter with every passing hour. Her parents were worried sick, they had never seen their daughter like this. But Leah was completely under the blue moon's spell, and there was nothing anyone could do to break it.

The next morning, Leah's parents woke up to a horrifying sight. Leah was lying on her bed, her eyes burned out, and her body lifeless. The blue moon had taken its toll on her, and she had paid the ultimate price.

The whole community was shocked and saddened by Leah's untimely death. The blue moon had claimed its victim, and nobody could understand why. Her parents were devastated, and her friends were left wondering what had happened to their once cheerful and vibrant friend.

As they tried to piece together the events leading up to Leah's death, her parents remembered the legend of the blue moon. It was said that anyone who looked at the blue moon for too long would be driven insane and eventually lose their sight. They couldn't believe it at first, but the evidence was right in front of them.

Leah's death was a wake-up call for the whole community. They had all been so mesmerized by the blue moon's beauty that they didn't realize the danger it posed. And as the news of Leah's death spread, people all across the state of Florida were warned not to look up at the blue moon.

But the damage had already been done, and Leah's parents were left to pick up the pieces of their shattered life. They couldn't help but feel guilty for not realizing the danger before it was too late. They wished they had stopped her from looking at the moon that night, but it was too late for regrets.

From that day on, the blue moon was a symbol of fear and sorrow for the people of Florida. They never forgot the tragic death of Leah Scott, the innocent girl who had been fascinated by its beauty. And to this day, on every blue moon, the community comes together to remember Leah and her warning to never look up at the sky. Because sometimes, the most beautiful things can be the most dangerous as well.