
Don't Let Tobi Out!

[Based on the Naruto Series, Alfir presents to you 'Don't Let Tobi Out!!'] [AU] “No one cared who I was until I put on a mask.” One very unusual morning, Obito Uchiha wakes up a different person. Well, he is still the same in some sense… He is still that same boy who laughs, jokes, and plays around but there is more. Inside his head are memories of a distant future of an alternate version of himself— a version of Obito Uchiha he never thought possible. The kind that brings pain, suffering, and hate. On top of the extra lifetime of memories, the young Obito also now has an extra friend living inside his head… Tobi wearing an orange mask with a spiral pattern converging on his right eye is standing before his bed. This Tobi is rather hysterical, “Say, nice to meet’cha, ya meat of sack, please call me Tobi! And we are going to have lots and lots and lots of fun! Kehahahah~!” Eh? Huh? Wha-at? Tobi continues, referring to himself in the third person, “Don’t worry, Tobi~ is a good boi!” #Serious #No Harem #No Self-insert #Naruto Fanfic #OP Protagonist #Character Growth #Weak to Strong #Misunderstanding ************************ I will upload five chapters a week on average. Author’s words, “Hello! There is no need to read this ‘Author’s Words’ but I am very happy to share my thoughts. I have been dreading, writing a fanfic about the Naruto Series for years because I freaking love its story to the point I fear violating it! But here I am! This Fanfic ‘Don’t Let Tobi Out!!’ centers on Obito Uchiha as the main protagonist when he is still just starting as an average tad weak little Genin. For some mysterious reason, he wakes up one day with memories of a future version of himself! What happens next? Of course, with all of the wickedness the future Obito has done, a normal kid like little Obito would go insane and mentally break! But who is Obito Uchiha? He is among the characters with the strongest mental fortitude in the Naruto Series… The tragedy he experienced gives me the chills even just by recalling it. I will be honest, when ‘Tobi’ first appeared in the anime, I already had the suspicion that this guy was definitely hiding something! So imagine my thrill when Tobi revealed himself as Obito! Unusually goofy characters are frequently the most suspicious especially if they are a member of something like an Evil Organization. Obito has been my favorite character in the Naruto Series, following Minato next to him. Okay… enough with the side track. This fanfic here is like a Time Regression story with the MC possessing memories of the future but with a twist. You see, the ‘young Obito’ has survived the awakening of his memories of the distant future version of himself. He remains the untainted and pure-hearted kid despite the painful knowledge of perhaps a tragic destiny! As a self-coping mechanism in part of his surviving the ‘information overload’ of knowledge from the future, he develops a split personality— he subconsciously has created ‘Tobi’, thus the title of this fanfic— Don’t Let Tobi Out!! Jinchuriki? Bah! Obito is sealing a kind of complicated ‘madness’ in him, so that’s mighty new! And sheesh… I swear, when moments this ‘Tobi’ gets out once in a while, there will either be a bloodbath or… maybe just some normal baths with rubber ducks.” More Author’s words, “Okay, okay… this is the last one, I swear. My intention for writing this fanfic is so that I can give Obito a second chance, this is for the sake of Obito Uchiha, the character itself. This will not be a self-insert. I will do my best to stay true to the world-building of the Naruto Universe, and if I do make mistakes, just know that everything that will be happening in this fanfic is going to be in an Alternate Universe. Uuh… and also, this fanfic is written with the extra intent of forgetting the Boruto Series. Also, the book cover is not mine.”

Alfir · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Classic Investigations

As Fugaku Uchiha arrives at the scene of the crime, the tension in the air is palpable. His presence commands attention, and it's evident that something significant has occurred for the Chief of Police to personally involve himself in the investigations. "Form a perimeter," he orders briskly, his voice carrying authority as his subordinates swiftly comply, moving to secure the area. "I want a three-mile radius formed immediately."

Surveying the grim scene before him, Fugaku's gaze falls upon the scattered bodies, a stark reminder of the violence that has transpired. Among them lies the prominent figure of Danzo Shimura, laid out in the center of the dojo. "What a mess," Fugaku mutters under his breath, his expression a mixture of concern and determination.

One of his officers approaches him tentatively, his voice hesitant as he speaks. "Chief, any leads on who might be responsible for this? Is it just me, or do I feel like the Yellow Flash just dropped off in Shimura Clan and manhandled everyone?"

Assumption kills, and Fugaku likes to avoid being killed. Unfortunately, he has the same thoughts. The officers who initially came to the scene with the first responders also deduced the same thing— the Yellow Flash might have done this.

With his Sharingan at full drive, Fugaku discerns the unevenness around him. There are 'missing' bodies, and possibly missing 'pictures' to the scenes… Fugaku cannot derive the full picture of how the 'fight' has developed. One thing that Fugaku is certain though is that a space-time jutsu has been used.

Fugaku's jaw tightens as he considers the question, his mind already racing through the possibilities.

Did Minato Namikaze, AKA the Yellow Flash, possibly be the one who committed this manslaughter?

"Not yet," he replies, his tone clipped. "But we'll find out soon enough. No stone will be left unturned until we unravel the truth behind this tragedy." Fugaku's eyes have landed on the terribly dead Danzo whose eyes have bled and dried already.

An overnight, Fugaku concludes. It has taken an overnight before the Konoha Military Police Force has learned of this one particular crime. For the Uchiha Clan, this won't look good in particular. Can it get any worse?

As the Fuma shinobi reports the grim news of the complete slaughter of the Shimura Household, Fugaku's expression darkens further.

"Say that again?" Fugaku asks, disbelief coloring his eyes.

The Fuma shinobi grits his teeth and repeats. "Report: confirmed fatalities… no survivors. Children. The elderly. All of them are dead. Even infants…"

Fugaku nods in appreciation for the report, his eyes reflecting the weight of the tragedy that has befallen the clan. "Send a missive to the Nara and Yamanaka clans," he instructs the Fuma shinobi firmly. "We need their expertise in deepening our understanding of the crime scene."

It is not time to get political, but being inclusive suggests that the Konoha Military Police Force is not as Uchiha elitist as it might present itself. Moreover, it is a fact that Fugaku does need their expertise.

Something big here is at play, making Fugaku painfully recall a certain young Uchiha whom he begged to commit suicide. Fugaku sighs. Lately, he is becoming more and more prone to sighing. Is that an old man's thing? Or is Fugaku just stressed?

In all honesty, Fugaku prefers the former— he'd very much like to get old.

But then again, being reminded a whole clan has been slaughtered under the nose of the Konoha Military Police Force despite their guardian oath-bound duty doesn't sit well with him. Yes, it ruined the Uchiha Pride when they were forced in the past to become an internalized military institution for Konoha.

The Uchiha at that time wanted to actively participate in the war, but Tobirama strongly pushed for the Uchiha to become an internal military force. To the Uchiha, it is the greatest disrespect! They want glory on the battlefield and at some point, maybe to be welcomed to Takamagahara!

Though the Uchiha's protest is ineffective, the Uchiha Clan manages to turn the Konoha Military Police Force into something they are proud of. Truth be told, Fugaku has been proud of his Konoha Military Police Force. It is unfortunate that political animals within the village are twisting the meaning of the Police.

While Danzo has been one of the said political animals, it is still not right that Danzo has died— suspicion about Uchiha's involvement is definitely there, which urges Fugaku that at all costs, he must find the killer behind the Shimura Clan's Downfall.

With the missive dispatched, Fugaku remains at the dojo, his attention focused on the body of Danzo Shimura. He observes the lack of external wounds, except for the stump where Danzo's right arm used to be—a recent amputation, it seems.

A heavy feeling settles in Fugaku's stomach as he contemplates the unnatural circumstances of Danzo's death. "This wasn't just a random act of violence," he murmurs to himself, his Sharingan whirling as he analyzes the scene. "There's a deeper plot at play here."

Turning to his officers, Fugaku issues swift commands. "Gather all evidence meticulously. I want every detail cataloged and analyzed. And find out everything you can about Danzo's recent activities and connections."

As his officers spring into action, Fugaku remains deep in thought, his mind racing to piece together the puzzle before him. Whatever dark forces are at work in Konoha, he is determined to uncover them and bring justice to those responsible. Then a sudden thought strikes him— what if it is his clan who are on the receiving end?

What if it is the Uchiha Clan that has been wiped out today?

While seemingly unlikely considering the martial strength a mature Uchiha can wield, the possibility is still there. Fugaku can imagine Madara Uchiha just erasing them for some morbid reason. Minato can also do it in the right circumstances by picking them apart— assassinations, ambushes, and all kinds of means.

Though the Uchiha presents an invincible facet, while meaningfully true, it is not beyond reason for some unreasonable monsters to just exist out there… like the one responsible for Danzo's death here. 

As Fugaku is deeply engrossed in his thoughts, he notices the arrival of the Yamanaka and Nara representatives. Inoichi Yamanaka, with his long platinum blond hair, approaches with a neutral smile on his face, while Shikaku Nara, tying his spiky black hair into a ponytail, looks visibly annoyed.

Inoichi formally greets Fugaku, his voice steady and respectful. "Chief, it's a pleasure to see you, although I wish it were under better circumstances."

Fugaku nods in acknowledgment, appreciating the Yamanaka's professionalism. "Likewise, Inoichi. Thank you for coming on such short notice. We could certainly use your expertise in unraveling this… mystery."

Meanwhile, Shikaku Nara sighs deeply, his irritation evident in his tone. "What a drag. Couldn't this wait until morning? I was in the middle of a Shogi game."

"Seriously," Shikaku frowns, "It reeks of blood."

Fugaku offers a sympathetic smile to Shikaku, understanding his frustration but also recognizing the urgency of the situation. "I apologize for disrupting your game, Shikaku, but this is a matter of utmost importance. Your insight will be invaluable in our investigation."

Shikaku grumbles something unintelligible under his breath but nods in reluctant agreement. "Fine, let's get this over with." Kneeling to observe the dead Danzo, Shikaku remarks. "No entry or exit wounds, but seems very dead… I don't know about genjutsu or conspiracy theories, but is it possible to get killed by genjutsu alone? That is the most likely explanation unless it is poison. But no signs of poison here... Color of lips is pretty normal, and so are fingernails. Have any medical-nin done a forensic already?"

"Yes, forensic reports have been made, and no poison. I thought the same as you did," Fugaku supplements Shikaku's observation. "I have to clarify first and foremost. We don't have a hand in this. While the Sharingan is a very powerful Doujutsu that amplifies genjutsu, we don't have a genjutsu strong enough to kill… this way. Killing via genjutsu would still need the use of physical harm in any way, like forcing them to commit suicide. I am afraid this is different."

It is a lie, something that Fugaku wishes to keep to his own. In their clan records, there has been mention of a powerful genjutsu strong enough to annihilate the mind. And ten years ago, Fugaku stood witness to this in the form of Madara Uchiha.

"If you please, Inoichi. Can you examine Lord Danzo's mind?" Fugaku makes his formal request from the Yamana shinobi. "Please be careful on it, because we don't know if there are any lingering traps here…"

It is only right for Fugaku to worry. Since the beginning, he has the suspicion that there might be involvement from Madara Uchiha here, and Fugaku for all of its worth knows that it is of most utmost importance to be extremely careful whenever Madara is involved.

"I will do what I can," Inoichi probes the mind of the dead Danzo.

As they wait for Inoichi to delve into Danzo's mind, Shikaku furrows his brows in contemplation. "The spacing of the battlefield suggests a swift and precise attacker," he muses, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "But it's highly unlikely that the Yellow Flash would resort to such methods. His style is more direct, and he wouldn't use genjutsu to this extent. I say in advance to remove Minato Namikaze as your suspect."

Fugaku nods in agreement, considering Shikaku's analysis. "Indeed, the Yellow Flash's techniques are well-documented, and they don't align with what we're seeing here. Besides, the use of genjutsu of this magnitude is beyond his usual repertoire."

"Exactly," Shikaku adds, gesturing to the scene. "And if you look closely, there's a pattern to the casualties. It's not random. It's almost as if the attacker was targeting specific individuals… Ninjutsu tend to be more discriminate. Hiden Techniques meanwhile has a certain touch to it... I think we have a Yin Release user in our midst, and one who is proficient in combat."

Fugaku's eyes narrow as he takes in Shikaku's observation. "You're right. And the absence of elemental techniques suggests that this was a highly specialized assault, likely carried out by a single individual."

Shikaku nods, his expression grave. "It's unlikely that this was a group effort. The lack of variety in techniques points to a solitary attacker, albeit a highly skilled one."

Fugaku's gaze sweeps over the dojo once more, his senses heightened as he takes note of the subtle details. "And yet, despite the precision of the attack, there are missing corpses. It's as if some of the victims were removed from the scene. Or maybe the use of the space-time jutsu in effect, has taken the corpses away…"

Shikaku nods in agreement. "Now that you mention it, Dust Release Techniques of the Iwagakure can be a likely technique that has been used here too… I guess we'll know if we find any dead bodies strewn some parts away. Oh shi— the use of Dust Release on top of Space-time jutsu, that actually sounds scary…"

Before they can delve further into their deductions, Inoichi emerges from his mental probing, his expression grim. "I've examined Danzo's mind," he reports solemnly. "And what I found… it's disturbing."

Fugaku and Shikaku exchange a concerned glance, urging Inoichi to continue.

"There were traces of a powerful genjutsu," Inoichi explains, his voice heavy with dread. "But that's not all. There were also indications of mind manipulation—a technique so subtle that it's almost undetectable… It is weird, it is as if it has been purposefully left by the attacker."

Fugaku's jaw clenches at the revelation. "Mind manipulation? Are you suggesting that someone has been tampering with Danzo's thoughts and memories?"

Inoichi nods gravely. "It's a distinct possibility. Whoever orchestrated this attack has destroyed Danzo's mind, but not enough to destroy the 'evidence' in his mind. The 'attacker' has come here with killing intent, and killed Danzo as a result, however, the 'attacker' has also exposed the tampered memories within Danzo. It seems this 'attacker' is not our immediate concern."

Shikaku's expression darkens as he absorbs the implications. "Can you explain it in an easy-to-understand way? A whole clan has been slaughtered here, Inoichi. What is more important than that?"

"The fate of the village," Inoichi replies in cold dread. "In fact, we have to thank our mysterious attacker. Danzo's mind has not been tampered with by our mysterious attacker but by someone else… I don't know if I should trust what I saw… but distinct 'information' about Madara Uchiha has been hiding in Danzo's head… Someone is playing tricks from behind the scenes. And I am afraid this is not my paranoia talking."

Fugaku feels his heart clenching.