
Don't leave me again!

Everyone knows one thing for sure, everyone wants something in life. May that something be money, fame, love, or people it's desired and they want to have it. In this story read to find out what everyone wants in their life because their wants become their needs.

Love_story101 · LGBT+
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55 Chs

Losing or loving you

(This chapter contains scenes not made for kids please read carefully)

As Skylar went back to Leo's palace she was welcome into his castle with open arms instead of dust and hatred. However while she thought she was fine Leo could sense something wasn't right. As he pulled Skylar closer to him he sensed that she wasn't in her senses. "Skylar you need to get rest," Leo said calmly. Skylar shook her head and kissed Leo. However, wasn't expecting that leading to a tempting thought in his head. Even though he could've taken advantage of the drunken Skylar he didn't.

As Skylar teased Leo the urge to fuck, became harder to ignore. "Leo," Skylar said lustfully. "No Sky," Leo said strongly. "Eh, too bad," Skylar said lustfully as she shoved Leo onto his bed. "Wait Skylar," Leo said frantically but was cut off by Skylar. "You know you want to," Skylar said lust struck. "No Skylar I don't," Leo said hesitantly. Skylar ignored his no and reached for his crotch. As she slid of his pants she was smacked in the face by his dick. As Skylar stared at it she could feel her body getting nervous.

"You can stop now," Leo said calmly. Skylar simply shook her head and stuck the tip in her mouth. Skylar seemed to like the taste and enjoy the feeling of his cock throbbing in her throat. As she continued to swallow his cock Leo could feel himself seek lust. Leo knowing these thoughts couldn't be avoid for long as he tried resisting his feelings. Skylar could see him resisting her body so she stuck his cock deeper into her throat. While she felt as if she was going to choke she continued bobbing her head on his cock. As Leo let out groans Skylar could feel herself becoming wetter by the minute. "Skylar stop," Leo said sturdy. As Skylar tuned out Leo she could feel how hard he was becoming in her mouth. As Skylar continued suck on Leo's cock she felt precum leak from him. It was clear of Skylars intentions by the time she finished with him. As she slurped up the precum from Leo she was given the chance to stop one last time before things went wrong.

Normally Leo wouldn't mind but tonight he did. As Skylar drain Leo dry she looked up and smiled. However, Leo looked annoyed more then anything. "Aww why the lone face," Skylar whined. "Stop Skylar you aren't yourself and I don't want to do this right now," Leo said angrily. As Leo put on his pants he refuse for his balcony door before looking back at Skylar. "Please Leo," Skylar begged. Leo knew that it wouldn't be a good idea but he also thought that he could try different things if he did go back to her.

As Leo turned around and walked back to Skylar he could see the excitement on her face when he took of his shirt. "You thought that I would actually do it," Leo said rudely as he put his shirt back on. Leo saw the tears in Skylar's face as he said that. He shrugged his shoulders and sat down by his fireplace. "But why Leo," Skylar said tearfully. "Skylar you're drunk so there's no telling what you could," he said rudely. As Skylar felt tears fall down her face Leo saw how upset she was. As he tried to hug her she shoved him away and continued crying.

Leo cocked his head to the side trying to figure out what was wrong with Skylar. "Look, I'm sorry Sky but I can't," he said calmly. "But why Leo? I don't understand why you can't," Skylar said tearfully. "I just couldn't imagine what I would do to you since you normally tell me," he said calmly. "Not to mention that I don't want another kid and we aren't even married," he said hesitantly. "Hey Sky, look if you can make it till morning with that same thought then maybe we can," Leo said calmly.

As Skylar wiped the tears from her eyes at what Leo said she was happy. "But you need to go to sleep now," Leo said teasingly. Skylar obeyed his command and laid in the bed waiting for him to join her. As she drifted off to sleep Leo pulled her body closer to his to where her lap was on his. Skylar just simply ignored this feeling and drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile Leo was regretting his decision because he knew Skylar would wake up with a headache in the morning.


As morning came Leo looked at Skylar who was still asleep. As he got out of bed and got dressed Skylar sense that he wasn't with her. "Go back to sleep Sky," Leo said softly. Leo bent down and kissed Skylar before leaving the room. As he walked down the hallways of the castle he heard Nova talking with his mother. "I can believe that she gets to stay with him and not me," Nova said rudely. His mother agreed with Nova. Meanwhile Leo went back to his room after hearing this.

When Leo walked in the room he saw Skylar awake. Skylar looked unsettled and off balance. "I don't feel good Leo," Skylar managed to get out. "I knew this would happen," Leo said calmly. As Skylar stepped off the bed she fell down to the ground rather hard. "Leo, what happened last night," Skylar said concerned. "Let's just say we'd have another kid if I didn't stop you," Leo said hesitantly. "What," Skylar stuttered. Leo nodded his head and stared at Skylar. "Can you take me home," Skylar said softly. "Not right now Sky," Leo replied. "I want to go home Leo," Skylar demanded. "Not a good idea Sky," Leo said coldly. "Take me home!" Skylar demanded coldly. "I can't Skylar," Leo said rudely. "Why not got another wife there," Skylar said spitefully. "You know what Skylar I just might," Leo shouted back. "Well, if that's the case go get married to Nova," Skylar said tearfully. Leo looked stunned at what Skylar just said. "Skylar you aren't serious," Leo said shocked.

As tears fell down Skylar's face Leo was sorry for what he said. "Call off the wedding," Skylar said tearfully. Leo's face went pale as she said that. "Skylar please don't," Leo pleaded. "I have to," Skylar said hesitantly. "Very well," Leo said tearfully. While Leo and Skylar were stuck crying Aroura couldn't help but overhear everything. "Leo, take me home," Skylar said sobbingly. Leo nodded his head and summon his portal. As he helped Skylar to the portal he could see how hurt she was.

When the two stepped into the portal Leo could sense his portal was unstable. "Skylar please I can't take you home," Leo said hesitantly. "Why not," Skylar said tearfully. "My portal is unstable," Leo replied. Skylar took a deep breath and sighed. "I don't want to go, but you don't want me here either," Skylar mumbled. "Look, I want you here but our relationship may not work out," Leo said calmly. "I understand," Skylar said tearfully. "If you're ready to give it another chance I'm here, but until maybe it's best if we just stay friends," Leo said hesitantly.

As Skylar felt her heart shatter she was trying her hardest not to cry. "It's okay to cry," Leo said wiping the tears from Skylar face. "I don't want to lose you. Please Leo don't do this," Skylar said sobbingly. Leo gave Skylar a hug and looked her in her eyes. "Skylar please we have to," Leo said calmly. Leo held Skylar in his arms as Skylar cried. "Please Leo, just don't let me go," Skylar said sobbingly. As Leo sighed and watched more tears fall from Skylar's face he felt sorry for her. Even on the inside a part of him was refusing to let her go. "Leo whatever you do don't let her go," a voice called from inside him. "You must keep her, she's the love of your life. Leo, don't let her go," the voice screamed.

As Leo opened his eyes he saw Skylar hugging him tightly and begging him not to let her go. "I'm sorry Skylar," Leo said calmly. As he hugged Skylar he felt a sense of comfort but also a sense of stress. "Please don't go Leo," Skylar said tearfully. "I won't Sky," Leo said calmly. As he continued to hug Skylar felt a sense of comfort and love coming from Leo. As she put her head against his chest she felt a hand stroke her hair. "Follow me Sky," Leo said calmly. Skylar nodded her head as Leo took her hand and walked away.

As the couple arrived at a park Skylar recognized the area. She realized that they were at the waterfall. As Leo brushed the leaves out of the way they arrived at the waterfall. "Skylar please, don't cancel the wedding," Leo said tearfully. As Skylar and Leo sat down by the waterfall Skylar met eyes with Leo and wiped his tears. " I won't," she said softly. Leo smiled as he grabbed her waist. Skylar felt her face turn red but ignored it. "Leo please don't do anything, I can barely walk for twenty minutes," Skylar stuttered.

Leo sighed and continued to pull her closer. As Skylar was expecting something different she was caught off guard with a kiss and a hug. "I love you Skylar no matter what," Leo said softly. She brushed her hands through his hair enjoying the feeling while Leo hugged her tightly. As she leaned in to give him another kiss she was surprised when he didn't resist her.

As Leo and Skylar continued making out Leo heard someone behind them. "Skylar stay quiet," Leo mouthed. Skylar nodded her head and watch Leo summon a sword. "Is Skylar Heart here," the voice called out. "Who's asking," Leo said coldly. "The apprentice for the royal elven council," the voice stuttered. "I'm here," Skylar said softly. "Skylar you have been summon as the heir to the Elven throne. You must learn your powers before it's too late to go back," the voice said strongly.

Both Leo and Skylar were shocked at what the voice said. "My name is Sophie. I'm a water elf and your personal assistant," Sophie said calmly. Skylar looked at Leo as if for advice. Leo just shrugged his shoulders and gave Skylar a hug. "Promise me you'll visit me," Leo whispered in her ear. Skylar nodded her head and gave Leo one last kiss. "Now I'm assuming that you don't have any kids Lady Skylar," Sophie said calmly. "About that, I have three," Skylar said softly. "Oh my," Sophie stuttered. "Well I guess it'll be fine if you take your children with you," Sophie said calmly.

Skylar asked Leo if he could summon a portal and get the children. "Skylar my portal may be unstable are you sure you don't want to walk," Leo suggested. "Lady Skylar isn't supposed to walk anywhere. We have provided a car for her to ride in," Sophie said strongly. "Then we must go to Roses castle," Skylar said softly. Sophie nodded her head as a car arrived and opened the door. "Bye Leo," Skylar said happily. Leo ran up to her and gave her a kiss one more time. "I love you Skylar," Leo said softly. "I love you Leo," Skylar said calmly.

As the car took off into the distance sighed knowing that his sister and their troops took elves and needed them in order to get detail on the queen.


After Skylar got her children she was headed towards the Elven castle. "Now lady Skylar. How many elements have you mastered," Sophie said curiously. "Non," Skylar said confused. Sophie sighed and helped Skylar out of the car. "Then it's important that you learn all the elements before the war," Sophie said calmly. Skylar nodded her head and followed Sophie to the council room.