
Don't leave me again!

Everyone knows one thing for sure, everyone wants something in life. May that something be money, fame, love, or people it's desired and they want to have it. In this story read to find out what everyone wants in their life because their wants become their needs.

Love_story101 · LGBT+
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55 Chs

Leaving you alone

As morning came Willow woke up without Ember beside her and wondered where she went. Willow got dressed before searching for Ember. As she was searching for Ember she ran into some guards. "How did you get in here" a guard demanded to know. "I'm looking for my wife" Willow said softly. The guards laughed in her face before staring her down. "And who is your wife, Queen Ember" a guard said sarcastically. "Yes actually" Willow said happily. "Alright then, we'll see about that" A guard said as they handcuffed Willow and took her to Ember's throne room. When the guards and Willow arrived, Ember wasn't there so they went to the training field and sure enough Ember was there. Willow saw Ember using her powers to the max as she watched in awe. Ember noticed the guards standing there with a chain. "A new prisoner, well that doesn't surprise me at all" Ember said coldly. "What did they do" Ember demanded to know. "There was a girl who claimed she was your wife, and we know that you aren't married our queen" the guard said sarcastically. "Watch your tone" Ember said coldly. "Show me the girl" Ember demanded. The guards shoved Willow towards Ember before stepping back. When Ember saw that it was Willow she wanted to scream at her guards so badly, but then she saw Willow's eyes and calmed herself down. "Good morning love" Willow said happily. Willow had been waiting all morning to see Ember and she finally did. "Good morning my darling" Ember responded happily although she knew they weren't technically married she still had to go along with it especially after what she did last night. Both guards looked at each other for an answer desperately wanting to know what had happened but were each as equally confused. "Unchain her now" Ember said coldly. As the guards unchained Willow Ember pulled Willow close to her wrapping her arm around her waist allowing her to stand up. "I don't appreciate how my wife went to look for me and how she ended up getting chained instead" Ember said coldly. "We're sorry our queen we just didn't think that she was actually your wife" a guard said hesitantly. Ember looked at the guards with eyes so red you could swear she was made of fire and ash, fueled by a flame of anger. "Just leave us alone" Ember said annoyed.

The guards agreed leaving Ember and Willow alone. "I'm sorry about that" Ember said calmly. Ember looked away from Willow as she went back to training. Willow had wanted to ask her a question but decided to wait. Willow watched Ember train for hours watching every flame, every sword, every knife, and every shield gradually grow stronger. Finally, Ember created a sword so big that it took up half the training field, Willow watched Ember fly into the sky and raise the sword above her head before slamming the sword into the training field sending a burst of fiery ashes and embers everywhere. Willow closed her eyes but not before taking in a huge gulp of ash. Ember looked at the training field in concern because she couldn't see Willow through all the ash and embers. Ember used her powers to clean off the training field allowing her to find Willow. Once she found Willow she was covered in ash and all you could see of her was her pretty eyes. The minute Ember tried to touch Willow she flinched. Soon tears followed a cry of distrust as Ember tried to help her. "I want to go back home; my parents would never hurt me like this" Willow cried. "I trusted you; you didn't tell me that you'd hurt me on purpose" Willow cried some more. Ember looked at Willow's skin before seeing the burn wounds and the cuts her Embers did. Ember fell to her knees where Willow was sitting. "I'm so sorry Willow, I didn't mean to hurt you I promise just please don't go" Ember begged. And for a moment in time Ember remembered her other power, she could rewind the clock so that way this wouldn't have happened. Ember held one hand up to her chest as she mumbled some words. "Rewind the clock" Ember mumbled. And just like that the clock was rewind Ember was back right before she threw her sword at the ground. Ember stopped before she threw her sord and ran down to Willow. "I am so sorry" Ember said tearfully as she hugged Willow. Willow hugged her back before Akira Embers mom flew down. "My daughter what in all of the fire realm has gotten into you. First, you're sacrificing yourself for all of Elvendale, next you're getting married and not telling anyone, and now you're creating giant swords and learning how to fly; I guess being queen is a job you're unprepared for" Akira said calmly. "What you're taking me away from queen, after everything I've worked for, the trainings, the banquets, the balls, the coronation. Was it all for nothing" Ember said frantically. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to make your sister queen now" Akira said calmly. "You can't do this to me" Ember cried. "It's for the best" Akira said calmly. Ember ran away before she caused any damage with her powers being controlled by her emotions. "Wait Ember" Willow called out but Ember was too far away to hear her. "How could you do this to your daughter, she broke herself to make you happy" Willow said angrily. "Whatever do you mean" Akira said confused. Willow wondered if telling her was the right thing to do. "Every day she practices so she can defend her kingdom, she deals with people even those she doesn't like. She always protects others no matter what. She does all this to be the best queen she can be, it's killing her she can't handle anymore and yet she's still pushing. Wake up and realize that your daughter is a good queen and that she does everything and more for her people" Willow said strongly. Akira realizes that she might've been too harsh on her daughter after all. Willow went to Ember's room before her heart shattered. Ember was a mess; she wasn't crying normal tears instead she was crying those of embers and fires. Willow climbed on her bed with her before comforting her. Embers body was running hotter than the surface of the sun and her hair was on fire. Willow took a deep breath before hugging Ember as tightly as she could. "Willow what are you doing you're going to burn yourself" Ember said frantically. "And it'll kill me more to be without you" Willow said softly. Willow kissed Ember before going back to hugging her. Once she finally got her to calm down her body has third degree burns all over her. "Willow" Ember said frantically. Willow laid there still on the bed her breathing was shaky and she wasn't moving. Ember hurried and got dressed before rushing Willow to a healing center. When Ember got there the healers took away Willow and instantly started healing her. After a few hours had passed Ember was finally given the good news that she could see Willow however, Willow would have to stay with them for a few days.

"Willow" Ember rushed in and gave Willow a deep and loving kiss before hugging her. "Why would you do that" Ember said concerned. Willow smiled before stroking her hand through Ember's hair. "The same reason you're with me right now, it's because I love you" Willow said softly. Ember held Willow's hand before a knock on the came. Ember stood up and looked so formal afterwards. When the door open it was Akira. Ember looked so confused when her mother handed her back her crown with a smile on her face. Ember couldn't believe what she was about to say. "After careful consideration and thanks to wife right there, you can stay as queen however you must take a break every three weeks to insure you stay happy" Akira said calmly. Ember grew the biggest smile on her face and rushed to her mom. "Thank you" Ember screamed happily.

After two days Willow was released into the care of Ember, she was ten times happier. However, Ember still had a job as a queen, Willow understood this very well and wasn't looking forward to her breaks. Rebels attacks were becoming more common, which meant every monster guard was on pins and needles.


Willow was walking through the forest when she heard a noise behind her. "Who's there" Willow said quickly. Willow was trying to seem as if she wasn't afraid, but deep down she was trembling with fear. "Well you're a new monster, how much do you think people would pay to see your powers" the voice said coldly. Willow was no longer standing up tall instead she was shaking to the core. "You can't sell me" Willow screamed. "And why not?" the voice questioned. "Because my wife would burn down cities looking for me" Willow responded. Deep down Willow knew that Ember might not actually be her wife or that she wouldn't love, but she knew she wouldn't let anything happen to her. Suddenly the figure leaped for Willow's neck, but Willow's mother had taught her to disappear in whatever environment she was in. "EMBER" Willow screamed. Willow started running towards the fire realm as fast as she could but the figure was right behind her.

Meanwhile Ember heard the echo and rushed out the castle looking for Willow. Ember created a Phoenix to fly on in search for Willow. Willow was unfamiliar with the trail she was on, but she tried her best to get out of the forest. Soon after Willow escaped the forest she was stuck on the edge of a cliff. "Nowhere to run now" the voice said evilly. "Leave her alone" Ember said in a cold tone. Willow jumped off the cliff as Ember caught her and raced away back to the elven world. "Are you insane, that's the forbidden forest you could've been killed" Ember said frantically. "I didn't know" Willow said softly. "Maybe you should ask me what forests are safe to go to next time" Ember snarked. Willow had never seen Ember so upset before. Was she actually concerned for her? Willow leaned forwards against Ember and felt her heartbeat. "She was scared" Willow thought to herself. "That's a guardian of a forest, they often make deals with mages and knights to sell any creature that disturbs their forest" Ember said sturdily. Suddenly Ember gained a fixed look into the distance. For a second it seemed as if there was a rip in the world. "Did you come across a guardian with black hair, green eyes, and a green dress" Ember asked quickly. "I think so" Willow said softly.

Ember drew her sword as they continued to fly. "Willow" Ember said quickly. "Yes Ember" Willow responded. "I think you might've disturbed a very important forest; you might be getting hunted for study" Ember said cautiously. Ember stared blankly as a creature approached her. It was someone who was from the fire realm. "Your majesty, we've been attacked, the creatures who are attacking said they want someone name Willow" the fire person said calmly. "What-" Ember said confused. "they said they want Willow on order of king Steph or they will forcefully take her along with your life" the fire person said a little quicker. Ember raced to her kingdom before being in shock. The whole kingdom wasn't on fire, this was very bad because without their fire they were defenseless. Ember jumped off the phoenix and dashed straight to the throne room to check up on her sister. Ember paused in her tracks as she was welcomed to a gruesome sight.


Rose and Skylar were sitting in the throne room of Skylar having tea with Amelia, Clover, Roslyn, and Aroura meanwhile Jackson and Leo were talking with some guards. Soon after Akira rushed into the throne room. "Skylar, the fire kingdom is under attack" Akira said frantically. "Ember is trying to protect it her best, but the enemy is attacking our source. They're searching for our ember" Akira screamed. Skylar sat up when Akira said that. "Isn't Ember your source?" Skylar said confused. Two years ago, when the new world formed Ember touched the source to fire realm, most people who touched the source to the fire realm burned up in seconds. However, Ember didn't start to burn up instead she seemed to merge with it. "Please don't let them kill my daughter" Akira said frantically. Skylar nodded as Leo and Aroura left to go get the leopard army. Skylar left to get the elven army as Rose and Amelia left for the monsters and mages.

When the armies arrived, they were stunned to bits. The fire realm was almost extinguished to an ash. Ember was still fighting and allowing the fire elves to use their powers to protect them. Akira rushed to the original source of the fire realm and saw a faint glow, Akira sighed and used some of her powers to fuel the ember allowing the rest of the elves powers to become stronger. Ember used her power to form a giant sword and threw it into the ground killing a portion of the enemies army. Skylar flew up to Ember and asked for a report. "Your majesty" Ember said quickly. "Why are they attacking" Skylar asked calmly. Suddenly something leaped for Skylar before Skylar used her goddess gem to slay the creature. "They want Willow" Ember said frantically. "Ember, I know you love her, but you have to give her up" Skylar said calmly. "Why" Ember screamed. "We don't know what type of monster she is, this is all because of her and her kind" Skylar spoke. Ember clenched her fist and ran away before seeing Willow. "Ember, look this is my mothers planet. She just wants me home" Willow said softly. "No I can't let you go" Ember screamed. Willow shut her eyes as a green light flowed from her body. "I'm afraid you don't have a say in the matter" Willow said softly. Ember saw Willow get pulled back before trying to grab her hand however just as she was about to grab it. Her grip slipped...