
Don't leave me again!

Everyone knows one thing for sure, everyone wants something in life. May that something be money, fame, love, or people it's desired and they want to have it. In this story read to find out what everyone wants in their life because their wants become their needs.

Love_story101 · LGBT+
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Exploring the town

Perfect, now let's go. Oh, wait I need my satchel. "Your highness we're sending our general, Londyn with you," a guard said. "It's a pleasure to be serving you," Londyn said. "Very well," I replied. "Let's go," I said in an eager manner.

Once we left the castle, we ended up walking through a forest. I hadn't thought that this is what the outside world would look like. "It's quite a pretty sight to see isn't it my queen" Londyn said in a calm manner. "It is," I said agreeably. A certain rose caught my eye. As I went to go look at the rose, I realized it had more petals than a normal rose. It looked like the top had gold on it. But the bottom of the petal was a mixture of light pink and dark purple.

I decided to pick up the flower. "Your majesty is everything alright," Londyn asked. "Yes, everything is quite alright," I replied. Londyn walked over to me to see what I was doing. "I see you found a rare flower," she said. "That right there is a Sun moon flower," she said proudly. "They only bloom twice a year," she said eagerly. "I really want to save it,' I said

She took the flower from my hand held it in her left hand and began to make an ice ball around it. "There you go," she said as she handed back the ice ball with the flower. "Woah," I said shocked. "Hope you like it," she said in a cheerful manner.

"Now on the way to the village," she said as she began walking. I nodded my head. After about five minutes of walking, we reached a large village. "C'mon," she said eagerly. I nodded my head and followed her. "Want some bread or snacks," she said. "Sure," I replied excite. I followed her to the bread stand. "Welcome your majesty," a cheerful said.

"My name is Amber, and I will be serving you today," she said proudly. "Ok little one," I said back teasingly. "I'm not little I turn 10 in three days," she said back stubbornly. "Well, I'll take one loaf of bread," I said cheerfully. Londyn handed the child thirty dollars. She nodded her head and then preceded to run back inside the house behind the stand to show her parents.

I stood there with my heart melting as the little girl's parents were so proud. "Your majesty we should get back to the safety of your castle. This is usually when mages and knights come to kill us," she said frantically. "You can go home I need to stay here and defend my cities," I said back hesitantly. She nodded her head and began whistling. "Don't die my queen, you don't have an heir and the entire monster clan would be in dismantle," she said fearfully.

As I watched the sun set, I realized that pink and green lights were surrounding the area. That was kind of strange considering the lights the monster used were blue. "Get her," a voice said. Suddenly three knights ran out of nowhere.

"The sooner we kill her the sooner we get our money," a voice said in an excited way. "Alright don't make us have to work," a voice said from behind. Right when he went to stab me, I jumped in the air to avoid the attack. "Going to need a lot more work to kill me," I said teasing.

Just then another knight reached out from his backpack and pulled a bow and arrow. "This shouldn't take too long," he said in a cold voice. When he shot the arrow, I launched a ball of fire at the arrow to block it. As they stood there in shock, I wanted to try the power I saw in my dream of shadow casting.

As a black ball formed in my head, I launched it at the knights. In an instant the knights vanished. They also dropped loads of gold and diamonds. The moment they disappeared I fell to the ground. My body was shaking I couldn't tell what just happened. Was I alive? Why did this money fall to the ground? Where did the knights go?

I knew I needed to go back to the castle, but I couldn't. Something in me said for me to stay and fight. Within twenty minutes of me sitting there I could feel my energy back. As I heard footsteps approaching, I decided to see what they were. I ended up running into three mages who were friendly to monsters.

"Hi, your highness," one of the mages said in a cheerful tone. "Hello guys," I replied. The three bowed and revealed their magic. I stood in shock as I watched two of the mages mold the leaves from the trees into different potions. "Both me and Zalliey, are nature mages. Emily however is a shape shifter who can handle dark magic," Milly said proudly. "We use our powers for the greater good rather than some mages who hunt monsters for a living," Emily added in a disgusted tone.

"Well, that's not that bad now is it," I said in a curious tone. Zalliey shook her head and began to start but was stopped by Emily. "Here let me show you something," she said in a soft tone. Black smoke started forming from her hand till it eventually looked like a circle. "This is what the knights and mages are ordered to do by the kings and queens," she said sadly.

I watched as there was a small family of elves eating breakfast. It was a very small cottage. It looked like it was the crack of dawn, and they were just getting ready. Soon within a few minutes of watching the door broke down. Three knights rushed in the house killing the father on site. I watched as the mother tried to fight, while the two daughters took the baby and tried to run.

The children managed to leave the house before they could see their mother get slaughtered right before their eyes. Once the knights made it outside of the house a mage flew down from the roof holding what looked like the oldest child. I saw how the mage burned the child alive. I stood there horrified at what I had just seen. "So, you see your majesty. That's what the mages and knights do to the monsters," she said tearfully. "Please tell me that the other two lived," I said frantically. I could see tears forming in Emily's eyes.

I watched as she showed me the rest. The child held the baby in her arms and started running towards the closest village. Not long after the child and baby got away the mage flew down and caught up to them. It looked like she didn't want to hurt them. I swore it looked like she wouldn't hurt them, but I was wrong. She gave the baby and bottle of milk and said to the kid if you give me the baby, I'll let you live.

The child agreed and gave the baby to the mage. I watched as the child was burned alive. And as for the baby, the mage put the baby in a wooden basket with a blanket and used a spell to send it to the closest village full of monsters. I couldn't believe what had happened. Almost an entire family of elves were killed by the mages and knights.