
Don't Judge Me By My Emotions

Tell me how the hell are we supposed to stay friends when all I am to you behind my back is some piece of dirt you wish to get rid of? When life itself holds greater challenges than all your evil plans and no one can run away from it, why not save your strength and worry about what your life would if only you keep your pants around your waist? If this doesn't wake you up then your mistakes will. The world you see is like an evil forest, a place where many are waiting for you to fall so they can step on you, a home where the battle never ends, an endless journey with lots of senseless and selfish monsters. In life, there are many questions than answers, like where do you belong? Do you even belong? Verily the world is a bitch because alot of you see it as a she but take a minute to see it as a he. Different believes but one mind, in life you need to smoke out your enemies. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight, pray to God to grant you the serenity to accept the things you can't change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference.

YG_World · LGBT+
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28 Chs


He pretends to love you again, show concern about every single thing that has to do with your life, in fact even your family matter becomes a burden to him WHY?

All because he wants you to always remain in one position. Well he puts a call all of a sudden ask about your well-Being. e.tc. That's a scarm, one single love isnt felt anymore for you, he's just fooling you as usual,and of course you fall for it..

Definately there would be free and fare sex. Once this is accomplished, he would still manage to hang around for a while then brings back the real him true nature.

Remember while you giving him the attention hes looking for, the other guy Mr innocent is being patient and looking forward to when you will see him for who he truely is and know youre just been wasting your time with the wrong man all this while.

On the other hand if you choose to work away from the toxic relationship then it pays better due to the fact you in charge of your decisions made in your life and nobody can decide what should and shouldnt stand in your life.

Trust me once you make your choice in letting go of your past, everything takes it shape back in your life. let's be guided and guarded in whatever life brings to us.

When new happiness comes your way the person who once betrayed youwants to chase you back will you take revenge or seize the happiness infront of you? Everything has been said in the pervious topic.

God who gave you a second chance to love again isnt stupid in anyway. He saw you in pains, (uncontrolable sadness) you were weary,weak dumbfounded, lost gone.

All because of a partner who has no self value and obviously can see some one elses own ( you cant give what you dont have).

Taking revenge is just a useless idea if you have everything youever asked for before your very see?

Why not use that energy to hurt him/her?

If you feel the ability to stand strong and move on would be permitted by your strrength (both physically and mentallyalso emotionally) but note.

You have to develop your self worth, value etc. In order not to lose again..


Losing only takes you to a greater height, because if you dont fail once in life, you can never amount or know that theres a gearter part in life.

Hence meeting a person shouldnt be an issue obviously but meeting someone with extra ordinary characters,etc.

One way know or realise better still when a person tends to always want to know your purpose, dreams, aspiration.etc.

just put it at the back of your mind that in a way nt really certain about it, but you're on the right track and theres along way ahead of you.

One way to single a player is the type of questions, discussions and conversations you guys talk about and mostly coming out from him in a particular.

When a man keeps bringing conversations of whats your favourite food, colour and all.

I think its high time to dust your skirt and move to the next serious individual on the line.

Most times men (in general) especially those you've had something to do with in the past can be very funny once they realize that this stupid girl with no work to do expect me to bother myself is no longer having my time, its been long i even saw a flash from her, wait....

Is she now seeing someone?

Here! that's where the problem begins.


Now he gets up, puts himself together rearrange himself because he wants to be sure that you never leave that particular position he puts you and if paraventure he finds out that indeed there's someone or an individaul betterthan him keeping you happier than you ever was with him.

He begin's to see how he can destroy the beautiful thing you have started enjoying.

He pretends to love you again, show concern about every single thing that has to do with your life, in fact even your family matter becomes a burden to him.


All because he wants you to always remain in one position. Well he puts a call all of a sudden ask about your well-eingg. e.tc.

That's a scarm, one single love isn't felt anymore for you, he's just fooling you as usual,and of course you fall for it..

Definately there would be free and fare sex. Once this is accomplished, he would still manage to hang around for a while then brings back the real him true nature.

Remember while you giving him the attention hes looking for, the other guy Mr innocent is being patient and looking forward to when you will see him for who he truely is and know youre just been wasting your time with the wrong man all this while.

On the other hand if you choose to work away from the toxic relationship then it pays better due to the fact you in charge of your decisions made in your life and nobody can decide what should and shouldnt stand in your life.

Trust me once you make your choice in letting go of your past, everything takes it shape back in your life.

Let's be guided and guarded in whatever life brings to us. When new happiness comes your way the person who once betrayed youwants to chase you back will you take revenge or seize the happiness infront of you?

Everything has been said in the pervious topic. God who gave you a second chance to love again isnt stupid in anyway.

He saw you in pains, (uncontrolable sadness) you were weary,weak dumbfounded, lost gone etc.

All because of a partner who has no self value and obviously can see some one elses own ( you cant give what you dont have).

Taking revenge is just a useless idea if you have everything you ever asked for before your very see?

Why not use that energy to hurt him/her?