

When I was a child, my sister and I moved to this old house. Honestly as a kid it looked pretty cool, but as an adult I didn't know what was to come. My mother and father had just recently divorced, leaving my sister and I living with my grandparents, They're my moms parents. Only because mom was depressed that she caught another woman's nudes on his phone, dad denied it of course but he knew he was caught. He moved out and mom wasn't working at the time and still isn't so we moved in with grandma and grandpa. It was nice seeing them more and more, see I was 17 at the time so I knew what was happening, my sister on the other hand never knew what was going on being only 6.

"I hope you guys are excited about moving," granddad said looking back at us for a few seconds. My little sister jumped with joy, yelling "yeah!" holding her stuffed bear, she named the bear, Phil, I never knew why but oh well what're gonna do. I turn the volume up on my ipod to drown out the sounds of my sister and grandfather, Grandfather never liked my dad always saying he wasn't good enough for dad, and honestly he was right, Mom is amazing and dad is a prick.

We pull up to the gate and I see my grandmother waving excitedly on the pouch about 40 feet from the gate, I smile finally seeing someone in my family after a few years. My little sister leaps from her seat yelling happily "Grandma!!" My granddad laughs heartly, "sit down Anna" He smiled. We finally pull up to the house and Anna and I stretch and yawn my grandmother walks over to us and pulls us both in a hug "I'm so happy you girls are here" she smiles and picks Anna up.

"Come on inside, y'all must be starving" my little sister nods her head. My grandfather laughs bringing in our bags. We walked into the house and looked around. It was a nice change of pace. My grandfather gave us all the rules of the house and only one of them seemed odd to me, "Do not leave the house after dark, nor go outside once the sunsets" I didn't think anything about it tho, worried old man that's all.

They began showing us our rooms, the bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, and finally the basement. My grandfather made it clear that the basement door stays locked and closed, never knew why he told us this if we couldn't go in. I let it wonder in my head until the next room, which was creepier than the basement, my grandmother's porcelain doll room. Grandma has always kept the creepiest dolls for no reason, she always said she just likes them, what a weirdo.

That night we had a family dinner, it was so great hearing laughing instead of yelling and fighting, I wanted to cry because of it but I didn't. We agreed to watch a movie, I think we decided on Nemo. Anna fell asleep during the movie, we all three looked down at her sleeping form. My granddad picked her up lightly and carried her to her room, my grandma looked at me and smiled, "We should all go to bed" I smiled and nodded. Heading upstairs to my new room.

I opened the door looking around the room I'll now be calling home, there was a bed, a dresser, a nice closet and my own bathroom. They said I got my own bathroom cause I was old enough to have pricvay it made me really happy hearing that. That they trust me enough to give me my own bathroom, I smile and say goodnight to them and lay in my new bed, happy to get some sleep.

BOOM! I jerk up hearing the loudest noise I've ever heard, I get up and run down the hall looking out the window. It was still dark outside, like really dark… Oddly dark. I walk back to my room, looking out that window as well, still nothing, complete darkness, I lay back down in my bed feeling my heartbeat in my throat, "what was that noise?" I ask myself rolling over laying on my side, slowly falling back to sleep.

A knock on the door made me jerk up again. It's morning? I walk to the door and open it, it's my grandma. "Good morning honey," She smiles at me happily, "I made breakfast come on down" I nod and smile at her, "You just freshen up and come down when you're ready" "Ok grandma" She smiles at me again and walks away from the door. I close the door and jump in a nice hot shower, this is exactly what I needed.

I finished my shower, and I suddenly remembered the noise from last night, still not knowing where it came from. I stopped thinking about it completely. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen seeing everyone at the table, my grandfather looked at me, smiled and said "Good morning Toni, How'd you sleep?" I sat down beside my sister as my grandmother fixed me breakfast, "Uh... I slept fine," I smile "I did wake up to a really loud noise at one point" My grandparents looked at me, they both went rather pale, they tried to act calm and collected, "I wonder what it was" My grandfather swallowed hard and sighed, getting up and thanking his wife for the food.

I went up to my room after breakfast to finish unpacking, looking around the room, seeing there's nothing strange in here. My head begins to wonder about why my grandparents are on edge about the whole thing, like they know something's up but if they do, why won't they tell us or at least me. I start to get lost in my head space, thinking as hard as I could for why they won't tell me? What are they hiding? I shake the thought out of my head, they wouldn't keep anything from me. Would they?

A loud noise from behind me startles me out of my thoughts, I turn as quickly as I could around seeing only my book on the ground, I look around the room as I search for someone who threw my book down, I walk to my bedroom door and open it seeing no one still, looking down the hallway and I still found no one, no trance of anyone. I sigh to myself feeling defeated, I guess there really is nothing to worry about. "It's just a house Toni" I mumble to myself, "there;s nothing strange going on here" I take a deep breath and walk back into my room.

Everything is gonna be fine. Hopefully.