
Healing flame

I couldn't believe my eyes, my right leg had been totally cut off from my body, I had seen the axe flying towards me and I quickly jumped out of the way in effort to avoid it hitting me but the tip of the axe had cut me just below my knee and that whole part had gone off.

"Matusa!" Develee shouted.

Develee tried to rush to me but the beast he was battling with wouldn't let him he was attacking Develee so rapidly that he couldn't even come close to me, the beast had a long single horn with a very large leg but he still had human figure though, the axe he threw was just like a boomerang and had hit me when Develee had dodged it but then it still returned to him after cutting off my leg.I was struggling on the floor and the toads would be coming out anytime soon.

"Worry more about yourself" the beast said throwing his axe at Develee, but Develee conjured a force field which the axe hit and returned to the beast.

"I don't think you have any respect for Lord Dreado" Develee said conjuring an axe with his hand.

"Why should I?" the beast said getting his axe ready for attack."He has nothing to offer to me!" he screamed charging forward with his axe, while Develee had just taken a step while stretching his axe which was just like his shadow form.

"You are going to die" he said striking his axe while Develee blocked the attack with his own axe.

"Why bother? I'm already dead" Develee said,he wasn't even talking like someone who was fighting,he was still in his human form,he had not taken his shadow or beast form which meant that he wasn't taking things seriously yet.

While the two battled the toads began to jump out one by one now.

"Oh my God"

I quickly grabbed my leg which was lying separately from my body now, I was afraid that those things would eat it, but still it was of no use because no doctor would be able to put that leg back,my only hope of walking again was to get an artificial robotic leg which my family would not be able to afford even though we sold all we had.

The toads were coming close to me now while croaking, the only thing I could do was to push myself backwards with my other leg but still it wasn't enough to escape from those things.

"What do you want from me?"

The toads stopped croaking immediately I asked that question, like they were understanding me,then the next minute the croaking became louder as if they were laughing at me, one of the toads immediately charged towards me, with anxiety I quickly searched the hard ground with my hands to see if there was anything I could defend myself with and luckily for me I felt something on the ground.

"Stay back" I hit the toad with the piece of wood I had found on the ground before it was able to land and it was sent flying back to the others.

"Stay back all of you" I pointed the stick at them in a threatening manner, but I didn't think that was going to be able to hold them off, while trying to keep them off with my stick I saw a tongue flying towards me,I quickly held up the stick to defend myself with it but the tongue wrapped around the stick and it was pulled away from my hand.

"Matusa" Develee gasped,seeing the toads that were after me.

The pain that I felt in the remaining parts of my leg grew more intense and the toads were closing in on me now.

"What type of toad eats humans,I thought you were more into insects?" I said while struggling to keep a distance away from them,they started croaking in their laugh like manner again, now it was very clear to me,they were laughing at my helplessness and right now there was nothing I could do to stop them from hurting me rather than to keep pushing myself back, while I was pushing myself backwards I saw a tongue flying towards me,there was nothing I could do to stop it from hitting me so I covered my face with my hands and the tongue was wrapped over both of my hands,I was in a very big trouble if that toad should pull that tongue.

Develee was watching everything while fighting, judging from the way he was acting it seemed like he knew what those toads were capable of.

"Matusa is not your meal"

Develee held on to the beasts axe which he was about to attack him down while he was falling he threw his own axe towards me, the toad was getting ready to pull me into its stomach now but before it could do that the axe had arrived and its tongue had been divided.I could feel the anger in the toads now as their croaking became disturbingly loud, Develee had kicked the beast a little distance away so that he could have more time to deal with the toads.The toads all jumped up towards me now,it wasn't going to be nice for me if they all should land on my body.

"Oh Lord" I gasped looking at the number of toads that were about to land on me, but as soon as they were all about to land they stopped moving and were frozen in mid air,I turned to Develee's direction to see that he was holding up both of his hands in my direction then his hand started to shake and the bodies of the toads began to vibrate.

"What's happening?" I gasped.

The vibration became faster until the toads exploded,their blood and pieces of flesh were all over my face and body now,that was really disgusting,I spat on the ground to get the blood that had gotten into my mouth out of my mouth.

Develee was still looking in my direction from where he was standing and the beast he was fighting had gotten up now and was charging forward towards him now.

"Develee look out!" I tried to warn him, but he didn't even move a single step."Develee he's coming" the beast was closing in on him now but he didn't even turn.

"Develee!!!" I shouted as the beast got its axe ready to slice Develee's head off, but just as he was about to hit Develee I saw Develee's had turn into a very long spare and it went straight into the beast's chest.

"Be gone" he said pulling the spare out the beast's chest and he was immediately reduced to ashes that fell on the ground.

The pain in my leg became intense now and my attention had drawn away from Develee to it now,after rubbing the area for a while I turned to look at Develee but he was no longer there.

"Where did he go now?"

"Does it hurt?" I felt someone touch my open flesh wound.

"Ouch!!" I screamed in pain."Do I need to tell you that it does?"

He looked at me for a while then he grabbed my separated leg from my side,I guess that was what he was looking for.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he stood up holding my leg.

"I'm going to heal you"


He opened his palm and suddenly a blue flame appeared in his hand and with the flame and my leg in both of his hands he bent down looking at the wounded area of my leg.

"Don't scream"

"And why would I...." before I could finish my statement he had pushed the blue flame into my leg and I felt like there was fire burning through my leg all the way to my heart."Oh my God!!" I let out a very loud scream.

"I told you not to that" he said and joined my leg with the rest of my body,I could feel my bones and flesh coming together again and it was really painful.After the pain had lessened I tried to get up but he pushed.

"Stay there the process isn't done yet"

"But then would you mind explaining things to me"

"It's time for me to go" he said standing up.

"But you....." he had already started flying away and as he did so the strange world started to dissapear until he was out sight and this demon world gone with him,then I was able to see that the sky was bright now and I was sitting in mud which was all over my body,I checked my watch and the time was seven thirty A.M.
