
Time Travel

"Yes, we do need to go back in time. But maybe I should just go." Cas started saying, but all of you could tell that was not going to go over with Dean. He crossed his arms, set his shoulders, and stared Cas down.

"Do not tell me you will go back in time and save Sam. We are going back. At least you and me. Sam can stay here with Bobby and Y/N, but you're going to need help." Dean answered, his tone booking no argument. Grateful he wanted you to stay behind,  you weren't sure you wanted to go against Death quite yet.

Sam stepped forward, an angry pout to his lips. "What? There is no way I'm going to just sit around Bobby's house, while the two of you try to save me!"

"Sam, Dean, I don't think you realize exactly how hard it is on me to travel in time, let alone bring two people along with me." Cas tried explaining, but both men were having none of it.

"Cas, it needs to happen." Dean argued, moving forward to stand right in front of his Angel friend.

"Fine. But Y/N stays behind. Or none of you go." Cas ordered, giving you a long look, and you knew he said that more for your benefit than his. 

Bobby came walking over to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Don't you worry about Y/N, and I. We will stay busy here, searching for ways to stop this damn apocalypse."

"There Cas. It's final. Let's go." Dean said, striding over to him, and Sam started to follow suit, but turned to pull you into a quick hug. 

"Don't worry. We will be back in no time." Sam whispered into your ear, his lips so close to your skin.

"Sam, if something happens, if you need help, just think about me. I will be listening, and if I hear you calling my name, I will break the rules, and come find you." You whispered back, making sure Dean couldn't hear.

Nodding, he went and stood by Cas, who placed his hands on each of their shoulders, and before you could even blink they were gone. Standing there for a moment, already missing Sam, you startled when Bobby patted you on the back. "These books ain't going to read themselves." He told you, before handing you one of the biggest and oldest books he had.

Opening it up, you stared at Bobby in confusion. "Bobby, this book is in an ancient language! How do you expect me to read this?"

He just smiled, and shrugged his shoulder. "Well, I know you're not a who, but a what. And I figured that until you told me what you were, and why you're helping my boys, I would try to figure you out."

"What?" You asked, but really, you weren't surprised that the old man had figured it out. Truthfully, you were surprised that Dean hadn't either. You weren't exactly the greatest at hiding secrets, and it would be so much easier if it came out.

"Don't you lie to me girl. Not anymore. Now, I can tell you're not here to hurt us, but that doesn't mean I'm going to trust you. Especially since you lied to me at first. Wait, does Sam know? Or Dean?" He asked, and you could see his hand inching towards the gun on the desk.

"Bobby, I promise, I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just want to help. And yes Sam knows, but Dean doesn't." You said, holding the book tight to your chest as you waited to see his next move.

"What are you then? Not a typical monster. My holy water and silver didn't work on you." He told you, and you should have realized he would have tested you. He had been in the business way too long to trust a simple story.

"A Reaper." You whispered, waiting for the look of revulsion or hatred to cross his face, but nothing happened.

"Hmm, wouldn't have guessed that one. Maybe that's why I felt Death in my house a couple of nights ago. I was wondering about that." He said, as if you had just told him you were going to the store. Nothing fazed this man.

"Yeah, he came and visited my first night here." You told him. "But how did you figure me out?

"I have all sorts of hidden traps in this house. Traps and sigils that warn me of the supernatural. And you got by most, but not the one located in that book right there. That book will only open to those of a supernatural entity." He told you, and you glanced down at it curiously. 

"Well then, now that you know about me, can we get back to researching? At least until our boys come home?" You asked him, and he nodded.

"You know, it could be a good thing, having a Reaper on our hands. Not only do you know Death, but I bet you know a lot of dead languages, pardon the pun." He implied, and you nodded.

"I did always take time out to read, and study. I can probably read anything you have here." You answered, looking down at the book to realize you could, in fact, read the words.

"Well, start on that book then. Unless, you have anything locked up in that noggin of yours that can help us out." He told you, a hopeful expression on his face quickly fading when you shook your head.

The two of you settled into a quiet rhythm after that. You felt relieved that another person knew about your secret, but that would make it all that harder to lie to Dean. Maybe you should just give up, and tell him. Deciding that would be the best course of action, you kept busy, waiting for them to return. But when the sun set, and they hadn't returned, you began to worry.

"Bobby, why aren't they back yet?" You asked him, biting your lip as you paced the study.

"Patience girl." Was all Bobby said, as he flipped through another book. Groaning, you picked up a random book, and sat down on the window seat, flipping through. But your mind wasn't on it. It was on the three men who were risking their lives, and you kept your mind wide open, waiting to see if Sam would call for you.

About halfway through the night, Bobby fell asleep at his desk, and you draped a blanket over his shoulders. Curling your legs up underneath you, you gazed out the window, watching as the sun slowly climbed up over the horizon. Deciding that if they didn't show up by lunch, you would go back and try to find them, you were surprised to find Sam falling down face first across your lap.

"Sam?" You questioned, shaking him gently.

"What?" He asked, shooting up, and off of you. He glanced around the room, seemingly surprised to be back at Bobby's. "Where's everyone else?"

"They aren't back yet. Sam, what happened?" You asked, taking in the blood on his shirt.

"We couldn't change the past. But we stopped her." He told you, before pacing the room. "But Dean should be back by now. And Cas. He was pretty rough. I hope he can make it back."

Just then a weird popping sound filled the room, and Dean appeared out of nowhere, almost falling over as he landed right in front of the desk. 

"Dean!" Sam yelled, rushing over to help him.

"Thank god." Was all Dean said, as his eyes roamed over Sam, making sure he was okay, and you wondered what truly happened while they were back in time.

All the noise startled Bobby, who woke with a jerk. "Bout time you boys made it back." Was the first thing he said. "But where's Cas?" 

"I don't know. He was comatose in a motel, and we were fighting off archangels. Then, bam, we're back." Dean explained, running his hand through his hair in exasperation. 

Just then you heard a slight rustling of wings, and Cas appeared right in front of you, wobbling as if he had no energy.

"Cas!" You all exclaimed, but before you could do anything else he was collapsing on the window seat next to you, falling unconscious  immediately.

"Will he be okay?" Dean asked, and placing your hand on his neck, you felt him breathing softly. Hoping Dean wouldn't notice, you took some of your essence, transferring it to Cas, just enough so that he could heal faster.

"He'll be fine." You said, gently patting the angel on the shoulder.

"Well, I guess this is it." Dean said, and you looked up at him confused. "We couldn't change things. But I know, no matter what, we will fight this thing to the end. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with 6 bucks to his name, Mr. Comatose, an old drunk, and  Miss mystery over there. Team Free Will."

"It's not funny Dean." Sam argued, as Dean went to grab a beer.

"I'm not laughing." He answered over his shoulder, and you could only stare down at the Angel, wondering what you had gotten yourself into.